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aubie56: Blog


Issue Wife--conclusion by aubie56

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Some time ago, I had offered to complete the story "Issue Wife" by DA Porter. He had written only one chapter, but I thought that it had so much promise that I volunteered to complete the story. Well, after too damned many years of delay, I have finally done that, and it is ready to post.

Unfortunately, I ran into all kinds of difficulties with doing that, both in real life and in figuring out a way to defeat the government. I resolved that latter problem at last and am now ready to post my effort.

This is the blurb for the story:

In an all too possible future, a war has claimed the lives of most of the young men in America. A rigid and deadly theocracy has arisen. It was decreed that in order for the population to recover, military men who were not married would be issued a wife. This is the story of one of those men and the wife that was issued to him. It is also the story of their fight against the establishment.==The first chapter was written by DA Porter, with a few very minor changes and some additions by me. The rest of the story can be blamed on me.

I hope you like my efforts. David certainly deserved the best that I could do.

Today is definitely a good day!

Posted at

My wife's operation has been cancelled! She is receiving some new medicine (she doesn't know the name) that is tearing hell out of the clots, and the umpteen doctors who have examined her are sure that she has weathered the storm. She will take the new medicine for a little while longer, but the doctors think that she will be able to return to her rehab place very quickly. At that point, they will put her on Coumadine, to control the clots, and she should be fine. At her age (nearly 81), no operation is a good idea if there is an alternative.

I want to thank all of the people who sent me e-mails expressing sympathy and good wishes. Especially, I would like to thank those who offered transportation into Boston. I will not be going to the hospital in Boston, so I will not need that transportation. You guys are all great, and I cannot thank all of you enough. You sure made me feel better with your notes.

Anyway, there were simply too many notes for me to answer them individually, so I hope that this does the job. This just points out that humans are great people!

Was it a bad day or a good day?

Posted at

My wife has been feeling much worse the last few days, and we finally found out why. The nurses at the rehab center where she is staying noticed that she had a fever, had trouble breathing, and had chest pains. They guessed that she had a blood clot in her lungs and shipped her immediately to the ER in the hospital next door. Then they called me. That was about 9:00 AM.

I rushed over to the hospital, a 20 minute trip, and wound up waiting for the ER to check her out. This was a really bad day for the ER with so many patients, so there was a delay getting to my wife. I sat around for nearly three hours waiting for the tests to be run and the results to come back. I even got to watch as they ran an ultra-sound on her legs.

A conventional X-ray and CT scan showed up the clot in her chest. Just to be on the safe side, they ran the ultra-sound on her legs. My God! There were so many clots in her legs that the doctor decided that an operation was called for immediately, so he sent her to St. Elizabeth's in Boston. They plan the operation for tomorrow. It will be to install a filter in her abdomen to trap any blood clots that head from her legs to her heart and lungs. I cannot drive in Boston, so it will be several days before I see her again when she is returned to the nursing home.

Thank God, they caught the blood clot situation in time! However, for what it is worth, it is going to play Hell with my writing time. The story currently running is finished, but I do have other stories that I am working on. Also, I do have several completed stories, so I may not have too many holes in my posting schedule. I hope you know who will come first if I do have a conflict between my wife's health and my writing.

More on "Pups-R-Us"

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Well, it looks like the Pups-R-Us saga(?) has run its course. So far, there are only about half as many downloads for the sequel as for the original. To me, that says that I have written enough on this subject, and it is time to look elsewhere for stories.

Don't you agree?


Posted at

I want to reiterate the warning about chapter 5 of "Pups-R-Us 2." This chapter has some scenes that may squick a lot of people, so I am expecting the score to crash and burn after I post it tomorrow. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!



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