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aubie56: Blog


Last new story for a while

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"Evolution in Action" will probably be my last story for a while. Miscellaneous happenings in Real Life have cut back on my time and inclination to write.

I have several stories that are started that I am interested in finishing, but I don't want to rush them. One of the stories deals with a serious real life problem that few people seem to know about: human trafficking, especially in children to be sold as sex slaves. This is as much a problem in the USA as anywhere else in the world.

I have a story that I actually started on the subject a few years ago, but had halted because of the SOL rule about sex under 14 years of age. Unfortunately, that is the very time I want to attack in my story, so I am having problems working around the story limitations. Hopefully, I can figure out ways around the problems.

I do have some other stories that are not related to this subject, so I may work on them for a while. It all depends on how things work out at home and what mood I am in when I write.

All I can say right now is that I will post new stories, I just don't know when that will be. Thank you for reading my stuff so far.

Evolution in Action, Chapter 1

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Some words got dropped when Chapter 1 of "Evolution in Action" was published. I can't imagine what could have happened, but I have resubmitted the chapter for posting. None of the missing words are critical to the story, but it does make a difference in the first sentence of one paragraph. I hope this fixes the problem.

Oops, another screw up!

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There is a major screw up in "New Career - 1930." I messed up with some revisions of the story and missed a place where I had Roosevelt already president before he should have been. I will make the corrections after the whole story is posted, which will be soon. There are only 7 chapters in this one.

All I can say is a quote from Maxwell Smart: "Sorry about that!"

Things are pretty hectic right now, and my writing/revision time is limited.


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This is the blurb for my new story called "Hunter" that I plan to begin posting on Tuesday of next week.

Jack was a 14-year-old Arkansas country boy who had to grow up fast. The year was 1911, and he had to provide for his widowed mother. He did that by hunting wild hogs for sale to butcher shops. His mother took him on as her replacement husband. This is the story of how he became the richest man in the county before moving on to other things. The sex is heavy at first, but the story is more of how the boy became a man much more quickly than most.

I should point out that there is a slight flavor of a dialect in the story in that unusual sentence construction is sometimes used for seasoning. Occasionally, you will see "that there" in place of "there" and "what" in place of "that." I am using these because I remember the strain our teachers had in elementary school trying to break many kids from using that sentence construction. I went to many schools in the second grade as my father was transferred from Army base to Army base, usually in the South, in 1942. I never heard these expressions in California or Washington (state, not DC), so they must have been regional.

I hope you like the story and the increased chapter length. Please let me know your feelings about both.

Good news—for me, at least

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My angina is now back under control so that I can resume writing. I have nearly completed a story that is about 60,000 words long; that's twice my usual length. Lately, I have been taking the time to read other stories with a more critical eye, and I now understand the complaint that my chapters are too short. I have taken that to heart with this story in which the chapters are close to 6,000 words long, instead of my previous standard of 3,000 words. I don't know how long I can keep up with the long chapters, but I will try to stick to it.

The new story is named "Hunter" and is about a boy of 14 in Arkansas who makes a business of hunting and selling wild hog carcasses to local butcher shops. In the story, he becomes rich with the business and takes on a new job. No, he is not a bounty hunter for those who are about to cut me off, though he does do a lot of hunting in his new job.

There is some sex in the story as he takes his widowed mother as his wife. They do have children. I hope that you will like it when I start posting, hopefully pretty soon.



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