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aubie56: Blog


Kevin E

Posted at Updated:

I lost your email address, thanks to Microsoft, so I am writing you a thank you note this way for the software you sent me. I'll run it Saturday when I have more time. I really do appreciate your help. Thanks, again.

Things are moving toward normal-I guess

Posted at

Well, I guess that things are returning to normal: I just got my first vote of "1" for "Nina was her name."

Zinged- Part 2

Posted at Updated:

You people in SOL land are absolutely wonderful. My previous blog about getting zinged from China was not an appeal for money, though many of you helped me most generously, and I appreciate it. No more stone soup for now!

The original blog was just to warn people about the crooks who take advantage of the way most people want to help others in trouble. I was caught that way, and you wonderful people rescued me. Thank you all very much!

I have followed good advice, now, and have blocked my bank accounts and my debit card. Hopefully, that will end the slaughter. I am changing banks, too, so that should cancel all of the info they got on my bank.

Again, thank all of you wonderful people. I wonder if Lazeez knows just how great you are? Well, I am telling him so right now.

The only way I can thank all of those kind people who helped me is to write more stories, and I hope to post my first one on Tuesday, 6/28. My sciatica has backed off quite a bit so that I can now spend more time at the computer, and I am busy writing.

Zinged where it hurts!

Posted at

I have been zinged where it really hurts-in the pocket book.

I let myself be scammed, and this is a warning to other people. I am not real smart when it comes to money, so it was probably very easy for me to fall for this one. I let some con artist from China convince me that my computer needed checking for hackers. Well, I won't go through the whole process, but I wound up letting them clean out both my checking account and savings account in the guise of letting them go through my computer looking for malware. The upshot is that all of the money I now have for the rest of the month for groceries, etc. is what I had in my billfold.

The scammers were so slick that Bank of America said that they did nothing illegal and I am stuck with the results. All I can do is complain to the local police, and you know what they will do to catch crooks in China.

The problem is that my PayPal receipts have fallen to nothing lately, so there is no help there. Luckily, I do have a life insurance policy that I can borrow against, but that takes as much as two weeks to get a check from them, so I will be eating a lot of stone soup if I don't come up with something pretty soon.

Anyway, be warned! Don't get fooled like I was by being too trusting of strangers.

New Story: Silver Knights

Posted at

I am still having trouble with staying at the computer for a very long time. This is an older story that I am posting as an experiment. It is quite short, five chapters, so I was able to stay with it to get it posted.

I put up the whole story at once, so I would not classify it as a serial unless you want to read it that way. I want to see how this works out before I post anything else.

Thank you for your patience with my foibles.



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