Clitorides finalists found. Time to Vote. Read as many of the finalists and cast your vote
We're having an April Fool's writing contest. You should start writing.

aubie56: Blog


Possibly last story for a while

Posted at

"Guardian" may be my last story for a while for another of those damned medical reasons. I fell the other day and hurt my sciatic nerve severely. As a result of the fall, I cannot sit for very long, and that will keep me from using the computer to write.

"Guardian" will be finished because of the preloading that is possible. I have a couple of other stories ready to go, but I don't plan to preload them. Instead, I'll use them to start off my return to regular participation in SOL.

Hopefully, I'll be back soon.

"Blood Money"

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My latest posting is a standard Western in 10 chapters with no time travel, ESP, or aliens. The story was suggested by a book and movie staring Robert Mitcham called "Blood on the Moon" that came out while I was still in high school. That would put it about 1950.

I wrote the story with just a taste of dialect to give flavor to the dialog. Don't worry about the use of "that there" or "this here," they were common expressions at the time.

There is minimal sex, but there is a lot of gunplay, so most people should like it. I certainly hope so. Vote if you like, but I should warn you that votes less than 6 will have little or no effect on the final score.

The posting will start on Friday, 03/11/2016.

Cliterides nomination

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I want to thank those people who nominated and voted for my stories, "Hunter" and "Listen to the Night" for Cliterides awards. I deeply appreciate the honor.

"Flutterball" and Little League rules

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I really don't know what to do with this story. A couple of readers really jabbed me because I was using old rules, not the latest thing from the 2015 Little League Rule book. That kind of soured me on any sports stories for a while. My memory of rules seems to be about 45 years out of date, and I am not interested in digging through the latest college rule books. So, what am I to do? Any suggestions would be appreciated.

I watch a lot of baseball on TV, Red Sox mostly, so I think that I am reasonably up to date on MLB rules, but I don't know about college. Again, any suggestions would be appreciated.

"Sex on Demand"

Posted at

This is a very short story that I wrote as an experiment. It is about a domineering wife and a subservient husband as they set him up as a gigolo. It has some very, very mild BDSM as an essential part of the plot line. I hope that all of you will read the story and give me your opinion. A vote of 1 is okay with me if you will please tell me why you cast that vote. This experiment is intended to be a learning experience for me. BDSM is not a subject that I am especially interested in, so don't expect any more stories along this line. Thank you for your help.

I plan to post the story on Tuesday, 12/29/2015.



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