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Arquillius: Blog


Update - 12/16

Posted at

Hey all my readers!

Sorry I haven't posted shit in a while, things are a little backed up with the holidays....
And to make shit worse, my gaming pc that I do all my writing on is down for the time being.

How am I writing to you then? Well I'm on my linux server. Thankfully I can surf the web on it.

Until Later,

Trick or Treat?

Posted at

HEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEELLLLLLLLLLLO to all of my readers, my fans, etc.

I'm posting this at 10:31 PM PST on 10/29 to tell you what I've been up to...

And the truth of the matter is not a lot. I've been working, playing some video games, and canceling a certain preorder... but I realized something....

SWMS the Series is about to reach book ten! Holy fucking shit.

So to celebrate, I will be bringing all of final versions of each to StoriesOnline. I hope to have this done by the new year, along with posting stories 9 and 10.

The ninth story is labeled: SWMS 9 - Elixirs.

The tenth story is labeled: SWMS 10 - The Walk of Life.

Now you may be thinking: How is that possible? I haven't read a few of them.... and you'd be right!


This picture shows each story title, and I'm sure there are a few there no one's read because I haven't released them.

SO keep an eye out, and hopefully I'll be posting new chapters and new stories soon!

Oh and Happy Halloween!

Updates and Hints

Posted at

Hey all,

So while we're all waiting for my latest chapters to come out, and I'm sorry I'm not giving you previews (Upto Chapter 13 on SAV if you're wondering) I've been working on a new story.

But I wanted to give you a bit of the behind the scenes things on my computer for writing. First I do all of my writing in One note, and only use MSWORD for spell check and Grammarly for a grammar check.

Next, I like to copy and paste into either an HTML document for upload, when I need bolding and other formatting, or I directly paste to a text document if none of that is needed. Finally I sort into folders into a 2 tb drive called "My Orange Drive" and it looks something like this:

From there, I can go back and look at any story without trying to find which ONENOTE Page it's on. Sometimes I'll use an old copy of Celtx I have, but only for things like "Don't Change" where I'm writing in present tense. Because conversion from that to past tense can be a real bitch.

I like to find other people's stories and copy them into my one note, if I like certain words, phrasings or how descriptive scenes have been done. I also paste in research on certain areas I may have touched with the store (IE: Anatomy, or space travel).

And that's all there is to it, really. Not all of my works get onto the internet, some are just for me, or can't be pasted due to age restrictions, and were written way to long ago to update.

Omg, where have you been and what's going on?

Posted at

Hello Readers,

First, I wanna thank you for dropping by my blog again.

So lets talk about what's been going on. In a simple phrasing: Health issues.

I've been trying to see doctors, and get on meds. Etc. So forth and onwards.

Yep, that's pretty much what's been going on.

"So what about your stories?"

Excellent question! I'm still working on them. In particular SWMS S&V which i'm currently working on chapter 13. Chapter 11 and 12 will be shorter. Once I'm up to Chapter 15 or so, I'll be releasing them to my patreons 2 weeks before they hit the website.

Why the website? Because. I pay for that. Why not here? They'll get here. When I'm ready.

So a bit of a synopsis: Chapter 11 has Joshua world hopping again, to a world where there's a certain element that Nitty needs. Chapter 12 picks up an unknown amount of time later with him running from "Shadow Beasts".

Yeah, turns out there's a drawback to using the manacle.

So that's all for the previews for now. Stay frosty all and as always you can either reach out to me via email or messenger!

Aco-Night and Chapter 10 of SMWS - Sugar and Vinegar

Posted at

Okay, I know you've all been waiting on this.

Let's start with Aco-Night. It starts with a simple enough prologue describing what our main character sees during the night of the Apocolypse. His job, like many of these types of stories, is to build a life after the events. Each chapter will be short, at a max length of 3 full pages. It will have "Time Skips" where needed to move the plot along. You can click the link here to read it: Aco-Night

Chapter 10 of SWMS is also up, and with that, I'll be slowing down on it to make sure Aco-Night is nice and padded. You can find the latest chapter here: LINK

I wanna thank you all for reading again, and I'd like to point out that if you're not a premiere member here, my newest work always shows up on my website first if it a premiere story with the exception of the Original SWMS, and of course "Don't Change" which tends to be published.

ARQ aka Nova



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