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Arquillius: Blog


Update 1/26/20

Posted at

Hello to all my fabulous readers!

Thanks for being so patient with me. As of 1/25, I released the new version of Sex With My Sister, the 2020 edition.

I have submitted to the queue a 1 shot story called "Daddy, I don't know." and I'm not sure that many people will like it... but oh well. I just had to write it.

My other works?

Sugar and Vinegar: Well I'm currently tinkering with Sugar and Vinegar still, trying to get things right before releasing them to my Patreons first, and then to the website, and then here.

The Walk of Life: Currently writing 2nd chapter of the new year. Just submitted the first year to bookapy.

SWMS Elixirs: Retooling second chapter.

Aco-Night: Wrote maybe a paragraph in the last couple months. No news there.

High School Troubles: Still on standby

New Stories: Getting Everything you want (a story commissioned by my wife for her fandom), and An unnamed Story... I'm sorry I don't know the name yet.

The unnamed story: It involves Genies, and Aliens... and I'm not sure what else. Still playing with it.

So yeah, that's what I've been up to.

Thanks for reading and reviewing!


Update 1/10/2020

Posted at

Hello to all my wonderful readers.

With a new year upon us, new opprotunities have arisen for me. While none of those are work related, some are writing related and I'm looking into them bit by bit.

The first thing that I've been looking into is a patreon page just for my works. I had been using the TeamAONN one but I don't really feel like it's mine. So I setup my own. It can be found at:

The next thing I've been looking into is which of my older stories i can go thru and... update a little. I don't mean completely rewrite the story, like I like to do, but instead just keep the story as is for the most part, and fix flaws, or write it a bit better. The old versions, like shown in Sex with my sister 2011 version, are bad writing in my opinion. I'll be sharing some of the results soon, I hope.

And the final thing I've been looking into are various online publishers to allow people to pick up varying works, at the same price as they would other places. Bookapy is a great example of this, and it allows me to even put up some of the smut from here.

So that said, thanks for reading and reviewing and have a great new year.


New Year, New Plans!

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Hello all of my fabulous readers! I hope your holiday season has been terrific!

Yes, I'm still out here in cyberspace, so I thought I'd drop a line or two and tell you what I had in mind.

So for 2020, My goal is 2 things.
1. Continue Sugar and Vinegar. I'm currently working on chapter 16 which is a .... ohhhhhh... spoilers, shhh!
2. Do some rewriting of older works in a more... modern format.

Hope you all continue to read. Bookapy links go up as I finish the stories on my end, and my solo patreon is coming soon!

Update your christmas Wish lists!

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Hi everyone!

I'm posting this blog to point at where you can find my written work to purchase!


Happy Holidays!

Update 10/21/19

Posted at

hello my faithful readers.

You may be wondering where the next chapter is. Well, as last week, I am not posting on sundays or mondays.

Where I am in the current section, I'm five pages into 1997.

Thanks for reading



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