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Arquillius: Blog


4/26/2022 - DON'T MISS OUT

Posted at

Step into the Fandoms is now UP TO DATE on my Patreon! That Means all of The First, Second and third Dimensions are written out. The fourth is currently being written. The Third Dimension is in a single post, with all chapters in one place, but separated via chapter numbers in the post. The fourth dimension, as it's being written now, will be uploaded when it is complete (currently writing chapter 3 of it).

So if you're interested in reading, become a patreon at atleast the 3 dollar level and you'll get access to it.

Thanks for reading, and as always, enjoy your stories.

Future notice to those who tell me I spelled GENM wrong

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Yes, I realize it's spelled wrong, for whatever reason, i tend to write it GEMN. I have to constantly correct myself when typing it.

4/17/2022 1:09 AM

Posted at

Okay so, today I uploaded a bunch of chapters for the fandom story for the next universe. And I quickly realized that uploading in batches and setting for release seems to suit me more. I should do that for all my stories.

I'd give more info on releases, but the only thing I'm currently writing is the fandoms.

Update 6/11/2021 - I had Covid

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Hello All!

Yeah, the title is correct. 26 days ago, Covid hit me full force. For me it started a couple days earlier with both an ear infection and a sinus infection. 26 days ago, it got BAD. The pain was too much. I was screaming from the pain, it was that bad. IF i had to rate it where 0 is I'm good, and 10 is kill me now, I was at a 9, which would be, chop that body part off, and I'll be happy.

My wife, Annie, got me in a virtual appt with a doctor to get antibiotics, and after, I was up all night screaming, and then I started throwing up. It was to the point where I'd take a sip of gatorade, look at the clock, fall asleep for a second, wake up, puke, and look at the clock again, and less than a minute had passed, but I was reaching R.E.M. sleep in that short time. Between the pain and puking, I don't know how I made it thru that night. In the morning, Annie got my antibiotics from the pharmacy, and got me a humidifier. Once it was setup, I took the first dose of Antibiotics which I then puked up, and passed out. 8 hours later, I wasn't sick to my stomach, but I have been physically drained since then.

Talking with others, I found that this has been their experience as well. The infections did go away after i got thru the antibiotics, and I was able to hold down some perogies after I had slept the 8 hours, so I'm mostly back to normal now. But I'm still recovering. It's taking most, if not all of my energy to get thru my normal work day.

These chapters sat in the waiting state from just before I got Covid to now, when I could put them thru the ProWritingAid. I say chapters, referring to step into the fandoms (which is on it's second series over on Patreon which will release in July). SO yeah, now it's a catchup game when I have the strength.

Keep smiling all. We'll get thru it.

New Chapter: On the other side of the fence

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Sorry this one took so long to get up. Honestly, I was sitting on this chapter for quite the while. Longer than I had intended.

I'll explain in another blog post after I post this, but it's in the release queue now. So when it releases, enjoy.



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