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Arquillius: Blog


Sorry it's been so long

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hi all! it's been a while, huh?

So here's what's up with me. I've got a whole load of shit written. I'm going to start posting it here, updating what needs updating, and adding new shit as well. New shit will automatically go live, while stuff that's been here with new chapters gets a weekly release. Not all at once though. One chapter, One story, every Saturday.

So yeah, that's what's going on. I'm scheduling it all now, so that way, if anything comes up, you can have your stories.

Speaking of things coming up, my roof is finally getting repaired! Yay! But that's not all, so's my ceiling! So i'll be moving out of my house for a number of months. Can't say when that'll start but it'll be soon. Hence the reason I'm posting up here right now.

That's all for now. Enjoy!

12/11/22 - Blog update

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Wow, it has been a hot minute since I posted here. So lets catch everyone up.

New pc is great. loving it. Good graphics card, worked on lots of updates for the patreon. Got things nicely written out. Now waiting for the wife to translate those to the website before posting here.

IRL job announced that they were downsizing as of the new year, our jobs would be eliminated... I have thoughts on that, and I might vent my frustrations about it after it's over.

So I'm currently waiting on that before i move forwards.

I took the last week or two to write a new chapter for "The other side of the fence" because I hadn't touched it in so long.

I got a replacement hand held device as an early birthday present, so Now I can play games on my retroid Pocket 3 via steamlink or moonlight, which I love.

Oh and I had covid... again....

SO yeah, that's where i am. Thanks for reading, I'll try to post more by the end of the year.

-- Joshua

My computer was dead... :(

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So bad news, the gpd win 3 died....

So I got a new one. And while I am currently enjoying a new machine, using office is a bit hard due to the gpd being my 5th activation on the license I had. I have a work around due to Microsoft working with a college I once went to, thankfully I have OneNote 2013 for free due to that (yes, I still have that installer), but doing the checks will be a bit harder. No worries though. I'll figure something out, I always do.

For those of you wondering, the new machine is a Ryzen 5 5600x, 16 gigs of Ram, RTX 3060 12 gig video card, a 500 gb M.2 drive, and using an old power supply and case, though the new case fans were swapped in as well.

On a lighter note, My older sister got her first grandbaby and is off seeing him. I wished the father and mother the best, as there is no way I'm traveling across the country right now with how many times I've had covid.

Story chapters are resuming to go up on patreon soon, though i may take a short break to catch up.

Have a good one,

Covid, third time's the charm?

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So, too good to be true right? Feeling normal, doing a butt ton of posting on patreon. Everything seems simple and then.... BAM! Out of no where.

Covid again.

I've made it thru the worse parts and now i'm on to the stuffy nose phase, where the most it is is mild congestion and coughing, and lack of energy.

Oh and the ramen turns my stomach again...

So I'm recovering. Thankfully I have up til mid september set to post to patreon.

Well, i'm gonna go grab some rest, y'all have a good one.

5/19/2022 - New chapters on patreon? Yup.

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Everything is now Being released Via my Patreon First!

So here's what's up. I got a message the other day from a reader who was like "So when am I gonna see chapter (insert number here) of Story (insert story name here) and it got me thinking, like I have all of these chapters sitting in OneNote on my pc, just waiting to be read, and just Zero Motivation to post them.

I had been working on step into the fandoms as sort of a way to ease back into the story writing, but that was taking so long.

Then for shits and giggles, I checked my patreon. I saw I had a new patreon supporter and I was like "Whoa! That means we have two now!" and checked what they had in common with my patreon... b/c my wife and I share a patreon now. So I check and this guy supports writers like me.

So obviously I squeal like I'm Bobby Hill, and cross check on what's been released where. I obviously ignore HF, b/c who the Frick even reads there anymore, and I cross check against only SOL b/c my site is down due to upgrades... still.

Anywho, I get that up to date, and am discussing it quick with my wife on our work break and i'm like 'I should totes post all the chapters I have on patreon' and she's like "Yeah, you should, you lazy p.o.s." okay, she didn't say it like that. She said I should as it's a reason for our current patreon supporters to keep supporting us. So instead of hitting patreon with a wall of posts, I scheduled.

As of me writing this, new chapters in MY various stories are going up every Tuesday at noon pst. Why pst? B/c that's my Time zone. The posts go out as far as the end of august, where I'm now having to catch up on my own writing, but at the same time I'm debating throwing up stuff that I've released in physical format... but not digital.. and yeah... it's late, so my thoughts are skewed a bit.

Since I'm plugging patreon here, I should point out that my wife writes too! Yup, and her newest fan fic chapter is going up this friday. It's a fan fic for some movie called "power of the dog". Okay yes, I know what "Power of the Dog" is. It's that movie, where Benedict Cumberbabies was gay for a dude called Bronco Henry, and then there was Anthrax, but I thought that stopped being a nation wide scare thingy back in 2010... Oh well, never did understand that.

SO yeah, patreon! My wife (Odogoo) posts on Fridays. I post on Tuesdays! Hit us up. Dollar level just to show your love. 3 dollar level lets you read anything earlier than here. 5 dollar level lets you have a say in content releases, with polls or just you sending us your opinions directly.

Anyway you look at it, you're in for a good time over there. Well I'm signing off for the night b/c i'm tired.

Have a good one, keep smiling, and enjoy your reading.

Oh and thanks to my current patreon supporters: Kerley, Scott, and Robert.



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