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Arquillius: Blog


Update 10/15

Posted at

With the newest chapter about to be released, I realize that this chapter may rub some of you the wrong way.

I will continue to stick to my "Son's of Anarchy" rule. If it wasn't in the show, I won't put it in my story...

Update 10/12

Posted at

Hi all you wonderful readers out there!

First off, I want to thank you for your ratings, and your comments on The Walk of Life. When the score topped my best rated story, i smiled hard. I kept smiling all morning. Thank you so much.

Before I continue, 10/13 and 10/14 may not have new chapters released. Why? Because those are my days off work. I plan on shopping and relaxing with Annie.

Next I'd like to tell people, again, that there will be no actual sex scenes in The Walk of Life.

Thank you all again for reading and reviewing.


Update for 10/9 - Talking about The walk of Life.

Posted at

After talking with a fan of the story, I've uploaded chapter 5. The fan's concern was that The walk of life was an SWMS story. That it was very much a story with a lot of sex, and that I'd change that tag.

I assured the fan that The Walk of Life will NOT be that kind of story. It may mention sex, it may even hint at it. But there will be NO graphic sex. And by No, i mean I won't be spending chapters or parts of chapters with 1 or more characters pleasuring themselves or each other.

The main character, Joshua, isn't about that at all. What makes me say this? 1996, chapter 1 clearly has joshua dropping his then girlfriend because of just that.

"No, I have no real feelings for Heidy. When I dated her, it was just for the chance of getting in her panties. I realized that's not a good reason, not to mention, we never went out on dates. We were going steady without learning a thing about each other. The most we would do together is make out and occasionally she'd let me do some light groping. We didn't even hang out. There's gotta be more substance than that to a relationship." I pointed out.

In otherwords, Joshua is trying the old school method of dating. You know... the ones that actually include dates. Maybe a kiss at most? The ones where you don't bang the person until you're well into the relationship? I realize that it wasn't always like that. Hell, people smash now more often then they care to date.

Reason is, back when I was in junior high, which is what this story was initially based off of, We didn't go out on dates. A relationship just started and you were in a locked relationship. you couldn't go out with others, you couldn't see other people. You had to be on the phones saying "i love you." and if you didn't say it for the first week and then said it, it was like dropping a bomb, it could make or break the relationship, and that's not the thing Joshua is after.

Frankly, and I gotta state this, I've been trying to write this kind of story for a while. The kind of story that really captures what I remember about my younger days. I don't have a good memory of it, so I'm making things up as I go along. Back in 1996, when I was in Jr. High, I wasn't at the point where I was fucking anyone. Was I a horney little shit? Yes. Would've I fucked my girlfriend? Sure. Did I see the signals when she was ready for me to be her first? NOPE.

This story... it's what I would want my second chance to be. I wouldn't go back in time and just fuck my way thru life, because I'm not like that now. Hell, my wife can attest to that. There's quite a bit of myself in this story. Do I train, like the main character says he does? Yep, every day I practice a few moves. Do I remember all this shit without looking it up? Yeah, pretty much.

I mean honestly, sit back and think, if you like or hate the story so far, if you died, and was given the chance to go back, what would you do? How would you change the lives around you. For me, this is that story.

Thanks for reading, chapter 5 will be up as soon as it processes. I'm working on chapter 6 now.

Update 10/8

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Hello everyone.

Just writing to say I'm over the flu and I'm putting out a new chapter as soon as it gets thru the queue. Hope y'all like it.


Update 9/14

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For those wondering, yes, I'm still here. Yes, I'm working at my job, and yes, I'm working on stories... well a story. The walk of life. I'm currently writing chapter 3. I've decided that I'll be dividing the sections by year, as it'll be easier to keep track.



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