The ClitoridesAwards are now in the voting phase. Read and vote for your favorites
We're having an April's fools writing contest. Few more days until submissions close.

Arquillius: Blog


Update 8/21

Posted at

Hi everyone!

Yep, this is another one that pretty much states: I'm still out there. Just not really writing something that deserves to be here.

K, thx

I'm still standing!

Posted at

Hi all! I know it's been a long time, so let's get things underway!

I'm currently working on SWMS Elixirs. The reason for this is it's popularity and rating. I will work on the others as Ideas may pop into my head, but my main goal is to finish the Elixirs story.

As for my personal life, I'm under some medical watches for my heart and my bipolar now. But things are slowly returning to a normal that i haven't felt in a long time. And I do mean a long time.

So keep on reading, I'll post the rest of Elixirs soon. And yes, I'm going to write as much as I can, then set it as a weekly update.

Thank you.

SWMS - The walk of life: What is it, and what are you thinking?

Posted at

Hello to all my readers;

First off, I want to thank you for your interest.

The walk of life is the 10th story in the SWMS series. The main character, as with most of my work, is Joshua. He's involved in an accident that takes his life and meets a being named Guri. Guri gives him the chance to live a life that he's never lived.

With this story, I'm aiming to write a story that's a higher level than I have ever written. Though there will be incestuous sex, I'm also working on developing an intricate plot-line with very developed characters. I want it to be something that you look forward to reading and rereading.

Honestly, over all, I hope you enjoy.


Blog for 1/24/19

Posted at

Hi everybody!

So my computer is back up and back to normal.

I've released the Sugar and Vinegar finale. Yes, there may be a continuation. I haven't decided how I will approach this yet.

I've got a few things in the fire at the moment, and you may see more work soon.

Finally, as for my personal health, I've seen a new doctor and am currently trying to work thru my mental health. I'm doing a lot better now then I was a month ago. I'm happier more often then not now. I've also been bitten by a writing bug after re-reading some of my favorite works here.

On a side note: Clitorides is going on again, if you have a favorite work or author, either nominate or vote for them. I know I voted. Trust me when I say that I'm sure those authors appreciate the love.

Keep your heads up,


Update for the new year

Posted at

As we come around to the end of the 2018 year, I want to thank everyone who has read my work over the past year. I love you all.

As for where I am.... recently, my computer bit the dust... yes, my gaming rig. I will not have the repair parts until at the earliest Jan 4th.

So yes, I will be getting back into writing at that point b/c unfortunately Linux sucks for writing, and I can't get at my stories without my gaming rig.

Sorry all for the scheduled releases going down. We'll have it back up and going soon.



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