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Arquillius: Blog


Chapter 10 update - Sugar and Vinegar

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I've just submitted 10 to my editor, and now I just need to hang back and wait. It'll be on patreon immediately after that, and then on my website a week after that for readers to freely read. It will appear sometime after that here.

I should point out the above link is to chapter 9, as that's the latest chapter up.

As for me, my EEG starts on monday, so they'll be able to hopefully pin down what's wrong with my brain, and I'm starting to get used to the pills.

Thanks for your continued support.

Joshua aka Arquillius aka Nova of TeamAONN

Where have you been? When's Chapter 10 of SAV going up? Etc.

Posted at


Your friendly neighborhood Arq here, bringing you a status update.

So I went to see a doctor on the 30th, finally... after 16-18 years.... yeah long time. 16 if you wanna count my brief interlude with Military personnel who aren't technically doctors, 18+ if you don't.

So the doctor started by putting me on these Pills. Escitalopram for my anxiety, and from there started running tests.

Good news? Anxiety is gone.

Bad news? Whole bunch of side effects. Well that's sort of good and bad news. While It's made me last longer in bed, and opt to fuck my wife more often, at the same time I'm always tired, though I sleep a good 8 hours a night. I'm given chest pains... for whatever reasons... etc and so fourth....

That aside, it's taken some getting used to, and no, i'm still not used to it. On the 7th, they gave me an Echocardiogram, and I'm supposed to go back the 29th to find out everything that's wrong after that.

So where's chapter 10? Literally just a paragraph or two from heading to the editor... with the new pill side effects, it's kind of hard to focus on writing.

What about the other books... well with it being hard, I haven't gotten anything done. TBH, i've been sitting back and trying to just focus on 1 or 2 things, mainly work, or playing a game to try and make it thru the day...

Hopefully I get used to the pills soon. I'm hoping to have chapter 10 finished up and to the editor by monday morning...

Thanks for your patience. I love you all.


Wanna read the latest chapters of Sugar and Vinegar for free?

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You can do so by clicking here.

Why there for free? Well because I want you to be able to read it. The site here doesn't give me ad revenue while TeamAONN Community does! So where does that put this site? Well i will still post here as it is easy to do, but the community is going to get the newest chapters earlier than here. It'll be AT LEAST 1 WEEK before they appear here after posted there.

You can also leave your thoughts on chapters there and I'll see them in my email first! So go ahead and drop by, and yes, there's plenty of other smut on TeamAONNCommunity! Enjoy!

Them updates?

Posted at Updated:

HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHelllllllllllllllllllllooooooooooooo stories online!

So let's start with updates.

Where have I been? Well over the past month, not only dealing with illness due to
rel="nofollow">BLACK MOLD
and an Event called Hiddlesmonth, I'd stopped my writing for one full month. During Hiddlesmonth, I worked on a game in RPG Maker VX Ace, which ultimately glitched out, and I'm currently remaking in RPG Maker MV which is called Hiddles Quest.

So, with hiddlesmonth over, and the MV game being made slowly over the course of 1/2-1h streams in the mornings only, I'm free to write again. I've started with 2 new chapters that have been sent to my editor, yes, I have one now, and I've posted chapter 8 of SAV. The new chapters are Chapter 9 of SAV, which will be released in normal fashion, and Chapter 6 of HST. HST, after the new chapter is posted, I will be putting it on the back burner for a while, because Chapter 7 deals with some Intricate stuff, and I want SAV to a point where I can deal with HST at the same time... releasing them in tandem where I have to.


They take place on the same timeline, in the same universe and during the same years.

Sorry, tried to make that a hidden spoiler, but it didn't quite work out. ANYWHO, I'm now back to my normal writing schedule, getting things down as I go.

So R&R, and thanks for reading!

Preview for Don't Change 3

Posted at

They had a month to prepare, for the inevitable. The ships had been that far out, they even detected them when they approached the atmosphere. The people could've been warned. Most of the Asparians had left, off world to safety with their permanent human mates when applicable.

This is what it's like when worlds collide.

Joshua sits in a dark room, softly levitating above the floor. He can see it all, every bit of the Earth as he keeps his eyes closed. A state of meditation only possible with the Imagine force. The clouds are pierced by the metal super structures of the invaders and the skies of the Earth go dark as the sunlight and moonlight simultaneously are blocked out. The people on the surface look up to see the ships and point in confusion, talking amongst themselves.

This is what it's like when they enemy arrives.

Aboard the lead ship, the one orbiting the planet, a darkened figure sits in a chair as the crew of the ship works around him. He looks at his ships taking position from a monitor that sits in front of him.

"Attack." He says.

The crew works quickly to relay his message.

This is what it's like when the world ends

As the humans look up, guns descend from holes in the super structures and take aim, too far up for the humans to see. Too far out of sight for the humans to know.

There is no sound as the guns fire, over and over again, energy shots fire, super-heated light, lasers, whatever you would call them. They fire over and over again, hitting buildings, the ground and people, evaporating and liquefying various zones that they hit.

This is what it's like when Hope finally dies.

Joshua opens his eyes, feeling all of those who have died, cry out in his mind.



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