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Arquillius: Blog


Chapter 8 Updates, Releases, and etc.

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Okay so regarding chapter 8.
Final Page count: 96
Final word count: 24557
Ready: Grammarly Checked and ready for posting.
Where 1st?: Patreon Tonight.
Where 2nd?: Website A week from tomorrow.
When SOL?: Maybe a month, who knows, I'd like to stay consistent, but I usually take a nice break after, shake my head down and relax before I get it up here. When I'm ready to post it here, I start writing the next chapter. So yes, in that little time 7 was up, i wrote 8. So it'll get here. I promise. Until then, you can read the chapter now, if you wanna be a patreon, otherwise, keep an eye on my site.

Chapter 7 is up. When and where can I find chapter 8?

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So as to not cause any confusion in this matter. Chapter 8 is still being written. At this point in my writing process, the characters are barely past the half way point of the chapter. Is it as long as chapter 7? Um... maybe?

Just passing the half way point it's 59 pages... and if you want a rough comparison... Chapter 7 was 112kb in size on a text document. At the moment chapter 8 is 80kb.

Again each chapter is encompassing a full day. Not multiple days. We're on day 8 for the group.

So yeah, we're getting close, we're getting there. There's lots of sex involved. Of course.

Now, in regards to where you can find it... unless your a patreon you will have to wait an extra week from when it's done. If you would like to be a patreon; you can find us here:

Now if you want to wait that extra week, but still read it before others may get the chance; the full story is available second on my personal website. That link is here:

If you don't mind waiting longer, you'll always find that SOL will get the story third. I'd like to say I have a schedule set for uploads but it's more of when I remember to do it.

So what's happening in chapter 8? Well; some aliances are forged with some people and The main characters get some news... but that's all I'm going to say for now.

That said, enjoy the writing, read, rate and review when ya can. And stay frosty.

Sugar and Vinegar 7 - Released?

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Yes, for those of you keeping track and watching what's going on, my patreons just got the chapter. So it has been released. It's length after formatting was 83 pages. No, I'm not kidding 83 pages. It's a long one, and a lot happens.

So where does that leave us? Well Patreons get the chapter a week before anyone else. So on the 12th, I release it to My own website ( in it's full glory. A week later, it gets released in other places. So yeah it'll be here... in about 2 weeks.

Sugar and Vinegar 7 - Update 1 (Preview of Chap)

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Okay, so I'm working on SandV7 and I've decided how it will go. Basically in the next chapter, it will be revealed not only what the Job Dr. Insan Nitty has for Joshua, but what's been keeping his mother away as well. Heather will be taking part in Joshua's job for at least the first day, and the two will meet up with someone they never expected to.

Sugar and Vinegar 7

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Okay so for the first Scene, Joshua finally finds out who the girl is in his dream and it disturbs him into waking up.

Where am I going with this? Well can't quite give that away. More updates to come.



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