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Alured de Valer: Blog


The storm and its aftermath

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Chapter 48 of Best Summer Ever has been posted. Arlene carries out her threat (comes through on her promise?). Gary gets a little payback. They both suffer consequences the next day. Some other stuff happens as Gary prepares for a new career.

I guess I managed not to break the site again, but the story passed 226K downloads, the score has fluctuated a bit but remained steady and I gained about another half dozen followers, passing 450.

Two more chapters are up on Patreon and I'm working on Chapter 72 now. Some interesting thing are happening.

It's just one thing after another

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Chapter 47 of Best Summer Ever has been posted. Gary gets a surprising offer, learns who Keri's target is and has an interesting conversation with Coach Bennett. Arlene explains some things about career opportunities and makes a pretty clear declaration.

I can't believe we clogged up the website so much yesterday that some people were unable to access the story. I don't think I've ever seen that happen before. Perseverance paid off, though, as downloads have passed 220K. The score ticked up another point and I'm now almost to 450 followers.

I did discover a little screwup that really doesn't affect anything here. I had two Chapter 47s on my master file. I've actually finished 69 chapters and am working on 70, so I'm a chapter ahead of where I thought I was.

Things are starting to pick up

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Chapter 46 of Best Summer Ever has been posted. Gary gets the digits for all the girls. He also gets an intriguing career opportunity. Then he gives one of the girls a lift.

I can't believe the story has already had nearly 1,000 hits this morning in less than two hours and is well past 214K downloads total. The score dipped a point during the day yesterday, but bounced back last night. I've added nearly 10 new followers and two more patrons on Patreon.

I got about half of Chapter 68 done last night. It should have been more, but I got caught up on laundry. Maybe Patreon can start offering services instead of just financial support. I find it funny how the chapters I'm writing now have links to what's being posted here at SOL. I think it helps maintain continuity.


It took him long enough

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Chapter 45 of Best Summer Ever has been posted. Gary and Kacie make an ice cream run after dinner and actually get some ice cream. Kacie takes steps to advance her grand plan and provides a little incentive. Gary finally gets around to asking the other girls out.

The story is almost at 208K downloads. The score bumped up another tick. I've added more followers. It just keeps going and going.

I managed to wrap up Chapter 66 last night. The story is taking some interesting turns. I can't wait to see how it all turns out.

Getting started on another week

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Chapter 44 of Best Summer Ever has been posted. Gary survives his evening with Arlene only to be thrust into another Monday. He gets used as a guinea pig, a human sex toy and domestic help. He also comes up with another idea and gets some banking done.

Yesterday saw a big boost in readership. It was like hitting some kind of milestone. Downloads blew past 200K before dinner last night and were well past 203K when I got going this morning. The score moved up two more points and has held since yesterday afternoon. I picked up six new followers and now have 21 patrons on Patreon.

I stayed up waaaaay too late last night, but got Chapter 65 in the can. It took me some time to figure things out with a character, not so much which way to go but how to get there. Now I get to tie all those lovely loose ends back together.



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