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Alured de Valer: Blog


Why are the playing that Floyd Cramer song?

Posted at

Chapter 53 of Best Summer Ever has been posted. Gary and the cheer coach reach a truce. Gary gets instructions from Staci Patterson on meeting her father. Gary and Morgan have their last date before she goes to camp.

We've hit 257K downloads with almost 1,600 in just the two hours the new chapter has been up. Please don't break the site this Monday. The score briefly reached 8.04 yesterday before sliding back. I've moved past 490 followers and I picked up FOUR new patrons on Patreon. I've almost got enough pledged for may to cover both phone and Internet bills!

Sunday was another productive day as I got two more chapters written and have reached another of those big story points I've been aiming at. It's getting down to the last month before school starts again. I don't know about you, but that time of year always brought me a little sadness. I wonder what it will bring Gary?

Good things can happen when you just relax

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Chapter 52 of Best Summer Ever has been posted. Gary catches shit for mistreating Morgan, but has a very enjoyable evening with her. Then we get started on Saturday.

The story has reached 250K downloads. I'm having a time wrapping my head around that - a quarter million in seven weeks. The score went up another notch, I've picked up another five followers and a new patron on Patreon.

Saturday turned out to be productive as I got two more chapters in the can and got a good start on Chapter 77. Everything through Chapter 76 is posted on my Patreon page. Now its time to get started on another day.

Gary pushes back

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Chapter 51 of Best Summer Ever has been posted. Morgan and Kacie fix dinner, attend weight training and give Gary his instructions for the next two weeks. Gary asserts himself when Morgan goes a bit too far. Morgan likes it.

Downloads have passed 245K with more than 1,500 in the two hours since the latest chapter went up. The score has gone up another tick and is holding for the moment. I've picked up nine new followers and three new patrons on Patreon. I'll actually make enough to pay my cell phone bill this month.

Chapter 74 is in the can and I'm about 40 percent done on Chapter 75. I just need to get some typing done over the weekend. Since winter decided to throw one last punch (chilly and drizzly), I may as well stay inside and do it.

Return of the Cheerleaders

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Chapter 50 of Best Summer Ever has been posted. Gary and Morgan get the come stains out of their clothes. Gary gets put in charge of training cheerleaders. Gary has a busy afternoon on the legal and financial fronts.

Readership has moved past 239K downloads with the new chapter getting more than 1,500 in just the two hours it's been up. The score ticked up to 8.01 for a bit last night before slipping back to 8.00. I've reached 470 followers, picking up 16 since yesterday, and two more patrons on Patreon.

Chapter 74 should be done by early afternoon, putting me in good shape to knock out Chapter 75 by tonight. Every finished chapter is posted on Patreon.

The next great idea

Posted at

Chapter 49 of Best Summer Ever has been posted. Gary survives a meeting with the entire Gang of Eight, Staci Patterson has a brainstorm, the date group has a group date, Gary and Morgan make a mess and Arlene yet again steps in to save the day.

The story is already at 232K downloads with more than 1,000 in just an hour this morning. The score has hit 8.00, which seems to be some kind of magical threshold around here. I've picked up like nine new followers. I even have two new patrons on Patreon.

Chapter 72 is in the can and 73 is in the works. If I can handle my real world obligations today, maybe I can get some more work done.



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