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Chapter 63 of Best Summer Ever has been posted. Gary gives Jan a tour of the apartment, has a confrontation with Kacie and has to make sure his sister's needs are met. Then he has a conversation with Meredith Metzger. We just thought George Patterson was intimidating.
Downloads have passed 321K. The score bumped up to 8.20. I've added another half dozen followers and set a single-day record with five new patrons on Patreon! It just keeps getting better.
Chapter 62 of Best Summer Ever has been posted. Gary deals with the aftermath of his encounter with Bethany, manages to get through another shift at work and takes a nap. Oh, yeah, then he takes Jan to the apartment. And learns a bit more of Arlene's backstory. He's gonna need another nap, isn't he?
Downloads have passed 314K. The score has stayed steady at 8.18. I've reached 550 followers and picked up three more patrons on Patreon. This is slowly starting to become worthwhile.
Chapter 85 is in the can, but I've still got a lot of personal business to deal with. Writing may be somewhat sporadic until it all gets done.
Chapter 61 of Best Summer Ever has been posted. Gary returns home from Malibu, gets Arlene home and has a date with Bethany. Bethany learns a few things, figures something else out and gets some orders on how to behave.
Downloads have surpassed 309K, nearly 1,700 since the new chapter went up less than two hours ago. The score jumped to 8.18 after a couple of days of bouncing between 8.14 and 8.15. The number of followers hit 540 and the patrons on Patreon passed 50. The support just keeps growing and is greatly appreciated.
Chapter 60 of Best Summer Ever has been posted. Gary gets into the full swing of the modeling shoot, is exposed to a California institution and wraps up the day with a bang.
Downloads have exceeded 300K, a number that just boggles my mind. It wasn't that long ago that I though 10,000 was an achievement. The score bumped back up to 8.15. We'll see if it holds steady after two days of bouncing back and forth. I've picked up another half dozen followers and three new patrons on Patreon. Things keep getting a little better each day.
Chapter 59 of Best Summer Ever has been posted. The Malibu excursion continues. Gary does his best to stay out of the way, but the way comes and gets him anyway. Gary and Arlene have a nice meal at a fancy restaurant and discuss some of the issues looming.
Readership raced past 295K downloads with nearly 1,600 in the less than two hours the update has been up. The score continues to fluctuate between 8.15 and 8.14. The follower count has reached 530 and I picked up another four patrons on Patreon.
I got Chapter 84 in the can, but I really, really, really need to take time to tend to personal business. I hope to get that taken care of today and get back to writing Monday, Tuesday at the latest. The good news is I'm far enough ahead that I can afford to take a day.
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