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Chapter 41 of Best Summer Ever has been posted. Gary just wants a quiet night at home. Morgan has other ideas. Things kind of get out of hand. Will either of them get their way?
The readership has remained steady with Chapter 40 surpassing 5,000 downloads, pushing the total to almost 185K. The score went up two points early yesterday before slipping back one. Maybe it can regain it today. More followers have been added and I'm up to 17 patrons on Patreon.
I expect to get Chapter 61 finished today, maintaining the 20-chapter lead I've had for the last week or so. I'd like to get even further ahead if possible. Overall, I'd say things are going pretty well. Thanks for reading.
Chapter 40 of Best Summer Ever has been posted. Gary helps the two newest members of the cabana crew settle in. Kacie gets to visit the apartment. Gary gains more insight into the world of females. Will it do him any good?
Momentum seems to be picking up. The story is almost at 180K downloads with the new chapter already past 1,000 in its first hour. The score went up two ticks yesterday and slipped back one overnight. We've almost gained another 10 followers.
I didn't get as much written yesterday as I wanted, but Chapter 60 is in the can and posted at Patreon and 61 is about halfway done. We'll just keep moving right along.
Chapter 39 of Best Summer Ever has been posted. Gary's birthday finally comes to an end. I couldn't find one mention of him receiving socks and underwear, but he did seem to have a good time.
The download count is almost at 174K, the score fluctuated a bit before holding at another new high and I'm looking for a volunteer to become my 400th follower.
I finally worked through my issues with Chapter 58, got 59 in the can and started on 60. I think that counts as a productive day. Now I get to start a new week with a doctor's appointment. I'm already running behind.
Chapter 38 of Best Summer Ever has been posted. Gary's birthday continues. He gets his presents. Will it be socks and underwear? I bet he got socks and underwear.
Readership remains strong as the story nears 169K downloads this morning. It's been hitting right at 5,000 per day for about two weeks now. The score has held steady for 24 hours and I've moved past 390 followers.
Writing continues with chapter 58 nearing completion. I won't say I've hit a snag, I've just got to figure out how to transition from here to there and keep things flowing.
Another doctor's appointment looms for me Monday morning. That's going to take a couple hours out of my day, but I don't think it will disrupt things too much. Tomorrow's chapter will be posted on time.
Chapter 37 of Best Summer Ever has been posted. It's Gary's 17th birthday! That means all kinds of neat things are coming, but he still has to go about the mundane parts of life like going to work. There is some big news on the legal front, and a couple of new guys are about to join the cabana crew.
I really need to quit staying up so late and get an earlier start in the mornings. The download count is already pushing 164K with about 1,300 just in the couple of hours the new chapter has been up. And I swear the score ticked up another point in just the last 15 minutes while I was looking things over.
Some good news is two more chapters (55 & 56) are in the can and up on my Patreon page. Both were among the major story points of my original rough outline. I'm glad the story has finally progressed to that point. Now the way is clear to bring some other characters to the fore.
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