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A.A. Nemo: Blog


Jacob's Granddaughters Chapter 7

Posted at

Yes, indeed this is a continuation chapter of 'Jacob's Granddaughters' for those of you sending me emails asking if this is the same story. Sorry for the confusion but I thought I put in enough clues in the chapter to point out the connection, like they are moving to 'Lodi' and renting a house from 'Jacob Brandt.' In my earlier today blog post I did say I was introducing new characters and WARNING I will do it again a few chapters down the line creating stand-alone chapters which will introduce new characters and eventually tie into the main story - have faith and thanks for reading! :-) AA

Jacob's granddaughters Chapter 7

Posted at

Chapter 7 is ready for posting. This chapter will introduce some new characters but it's primarily about Natalie Willets as she prepares to leave the family home in Montana and relocate to Lodi California.

Thanks for all the feedback and as always to Steve for keeping this story on track and moving along. AA

Jacob's Granddaughters Chapter 6

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Okay chapter six is about to be queued up. Thanks to all who took the time to comment and for your positive responses to this story.

BTW, thought I should mention I finally got to stay (in October)at the 'Castle' that I have mentioned in 'Concordia,' 'A Christmas Wish' and in chapter four of 'Jacob's Granddaughters.' Eight nights in Tuscany in an 11th Century Castle - amazing. ( Or at least just look at their web site. No I'm not on their payroll! I actually got to visit the chapel where Robert Burns and Cecilia got married (Concordia). :-) Hey in my world these characters do exist and they don't let me forget it! Thanks for reading my stuff and remember stay vigilant. AA

Jacob's Grandaughters

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Well it's been a year since I last posted (A Christmas Wish) and my muse was absent for much of that time but finally up popped 'Jacob's Granddaughters.'

This story starts in December 2014 and goes to December 2015 so please don't get excited when you see the '2014' dates in the early chapters.

It's sort of a Christmas story but not exclusively. So join Kate Brice as she sorts out her life and the lives of others around her.
The first four chapters are in line to be posted.

Oh and I haven't forgotten 'Amends." It really is still in the queue. 2016? Maybe.

Regards, AA (and thanks again to Steve for his help in making this a better story)

Don't forget our troops on Valentine's Day

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Just a reminder to give a thought or send a prayer for all those who are separated from their loved ones while serving our country this Valentine's Day.

BTW, Considering the well-deserved reception of 'American Sniper' I highly recommend the 2009 HBO Movie 'Taking Chance'based on a true story about a Marine officer (LTC Strobl who wrote the screen play) escorting the body of a Marine (PFC Chance Phelps) to his home in Wyoming. 19 year-old PFC Phelps gave his life in the service of our country in Iraq. Across the country LTC Strobl experiences acts of respect big and small for PFC Phelps. Very emotional - probably watch it another day than Valentine's Day but watch it with someone you love.

Best wishes and thank you all (past and present) for your service to our country. Semper Fi! AA



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