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A.A. Nemo: Blog


Jacob's Granddaughter Chapter 22 sent for posting

Posted at

Here is chapter 22. It's another long chapter as I try to catch you readers up on what has been happening in the lives of Jessica and the extended Brandt family and maybe a few surprises.

Thanks for reading and your support. Regards, AA

Jacob's Granddaughters Chapter 21 coming soon

Posted at

Thank you all for your patience and encouragement. The chapter should be posted sometime later today. I have a lot of excuses for the delay but let us just say life happens. Chapter 21 is 31 pages in word and about 15,000 words - it just sort of got away from me - guess I could have split it in two.

On another topic entirely Excuse my rant but... you all know of my affection for our men and women in uniform especially Uncle Sam's Misguided Children (USMC) my Alma Mater but these days I'm particularly concerned about the bunch of PC obsessed leaders of our military. Just one example - today in the Stars and Stripes is an article about the 32 page (yes 32 freakin pages) bulletin from the Commandant's Office detailing the new tatoo policy. Don't the people at Eighth and I have anything better to do than sit around writing 32 page bulletins about tatoos? WTF Over? Who gives a crap about tatoos when our men and women are being put in harms way? Marines are supposed to be killers and if they want to ink their bodies let them for crying out loud. I no longer have a dog in this fight (actually maybe I do since these men and women are out there so I can sleep safe in my bed) nor do I have a tatoo but lets get real folks I think its time for a command change at HQ USMC!!

As always thanks to Steve my editor for making this a better and more readable story. AA

Jacob's Granddaughters Chapter 19.

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I know - finally... but it's really not my fault. I'm introducing Matt Kipling the 'protector' for the Brandt extended clan. I know not another f*****g Elf but he's needed. Anyway it's another long chapter and after my editor Steve said it was a pretty lame chapter I had to do more than a few revisions. UGH. How I hate revisions!
So here it is. Probably two chapters until the conclusion - unless more Elves show up. Thanks for reading. AA

Jacob's Granddaughters Chapter 18

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Chapter 18 has been submitted for posting. Thanks again for all the encouragement and comments. AA

Jacob's Granddaughters Chapter 17

Posted at

Sorry for the delay - I went on vacation last week, but here it is.
Thanks for all the nagging er... encouragement :-)



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