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A.A. Nemo: Blog


Weird Times

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Most writers are creatures of habit - probably more so than others. I thought during these days of the Wu Flu that I could just hole up and write. Well we all know about the best laid plans...
I'm a solitary person whose daily schedule starts with an early morning activity like swimming laps in the pool at the Y, or a brisk 3+ mile walk or perhaps a bike ride. I use these times to ruminate about my stories.
Mrs. Nemo, a retired attorney, is a very social person whose day is filled with group activities, gym, volunteering, organizing the local food bank, church choir, lunches/dinners out, theatre, inviting friends over so she can use her culinary skills (married to a guy who would be happy to have a ham sandwich and a beer every night) - you get the picture.

Her office is at one end of the house and mine at the other.

So during these weird times there is no swimming at the Y (thankfully Herr Governor Inslee has allowed my shooting club to reopen so I'm back to target and Trap shooting 2X per week)
Where was I" Oh yeah - so now I'm Mrs. Nemo's social world. Early morning walks are noon walks and we are doing lots of stuff 'together.' (watching K-dramas on Netflix, anyone?) So the chapters have not been pouring out.
I'm readjusting, but the sudden life as a couple again is a bit jarring. It ain't easy.
I know she feels the same way.
There's a story making the rounds about a conversation between two women bitching about their husbands during the stay at home time... When one gets particularly vitriolic one woman asks the other, 'Are you considering divorce? The other replies, divorce no, murder yes! 😊
I'll be real happy when things get back to normal (as will she I'm sure) and I have the house to myself...
So chapter 13 is ready for posting and coming soon.
I'm six pages into chapter 14 and I'm adjusting to writing on the 'new' schedule.
Regards, Nemo

Sorry for the delay on Chapter 11

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I apologise for the delay on chapter 11 of A Lodi Christmas. I took a couple of weeks in sunny Spain (Seville) to get away from the awful wet and dreary weather in the Pacific Northwest. I can see why so many people visit there in the winter (especially you Brits who share this dreary weather). It was warm, the food fantastic, as is the wine, the women are beautiful, the people are friendly and it is cheap compared to many places in western Europe. Of course I got back just in time for the Coronavirus apocalypse in western Washington. I'm rereading my John Ringo Zombie apocalypse books and using them as survival manuals for when the hordes from Seattle descend on my wet little city in search of toilet paper and hand sanitizer! Wish me luck... Nemo

A Lodi Christmas

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Chapter 3 coming soon. Thank you to all my readers who have been very supportive this past year. I'm glad I'm back to writing.
Warmest wishes to all for a very happy, healthy, and successful New Year as we usher in the 20's again!

A Lodi Christmas Chapter 2 is posted

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Merry Christmas everyone! Chapter 2 is now posted. I hope your Christmas is filled with joy, love, and peace. AA

Merry Christmas! And not dead yet! :-)

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I apologize for being absent for so long - I have valid excuses but won't bore you with them.
Anyway, I'm beginning 'A Lodi Christmas,' which begins with Christmas 2018, three years after 'Jacob's Granddaughters,' and two years after 'A Tyler Christmas.' Please read both of them before diving in, since this story has characters from both, plus some new characters.
I did write several chapters in 2018 but then life got in the way plus my editors (thanks Steve and Michelle) deemed much of the story 'boring.' That meant some major revisions.
So here we go.
Thanks so much readers for your support and gentle prodding. Warmest wishes for a very Merry Christmas and for a Happy and Healthy New Year. AA



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