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A.A. Nemo: Blog


A Tyler Christmas (Chapter 6)

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Yes, I will shortly be posting a new and final chapter (chapter 6) to A Tyler Christmas. Enough of my readers showed up with torches and pitchforks and demanded more so I decided to write an additional chapter. I apologize for the abrupt ending thinking (incorrectly) I had covered the bases. I blame it on my editor who picked Christmas to go on vacation out of town - (some nerve) so he couldn't prod me into doing the right thing. Well he warned me that it wasn't going to be enough and one should listen to one's editor, especially when he's right! So I will post it soon and I have to say thanks Steve since this is really a better place to end my story. Sorry it took so long. Regards, AA

Tyler Christmas, Jacob's Granddaughters and Happy New Year!

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Well 2016 was the year I finally finished Jacob's Granddaughters - thank you for all your kind words. It was a 12-month labor of love. Thank you to Steve and Michelle for their editing help and blunt comments :-) that kept me and the story on track. Recently I've been re-posting chapters to help clean up the story (Thanks Brian).
Also thanks to all my readers who kept this story going and for your encouragement (and patience).
As to Tyler Christmas - well I took a lot of flak for ending it too early. Sorry, but it was supposed to be a short Christmas story. But there is a light at the end of the tunnel - It has been suggested that I continue the story arc (Thanks Chris) with updates through holidays, so stay tuned for 'A Tyler Valentine.'

I'm back at 'Amends' (gasp!) but I won't post until the story is complete. If you're curious go ahead and read the first 10 chapters but give me a week or so to get it cleaned up. There are a lot of errors... (that was before I figured out that writing a story is a team effort) Don't expect anything new for several months though.
Finally, on this New Year's Day let's give a thought and thanks to all the men and women of our Armed Forces and Veterans. They deserve your respect and thanks.
And finally, warmest wishes for a very Happy and Healthy New Year. AA

A Tyler Christmas

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A short story about a doctor (not 'The Doctor') a Marine, a family and a Gun Shop. Mix together with the help of a friend and hopefully two people will find happiness together. Six chapters.

BTW, I've been re-posting Jacob's Granddaughters with updates and rewrites and corrections.

Jacob's Granddaughters Conclusion

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Thank you to all my readers for sticking with this story for a year - yes a year!! This started to be simply a Christmas story and became a novella. I really enjoyed writing it and living through these characters and I very much enjoyed your comments as you came along for the ride. Steve, my editor deserves a special thanks (a medal?)for his fine work - it is a much better story because of his efforts.
I will be writing a Christmas story in the coming weeks but it looks to be only six chapters 3 chapters complete now - and working on #4.
I hope all of you had a wonderful Thanksgiving and I wish you joy, happiness and peace for the coming holiday season. AA

Jacob's Granddaughters Chapter 25 at last!

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Sorry for the delay - I was out of the country for a while and when I got back I discovered my Muse had stayed in Europe. Just about the time the Fall rains returned to the Pacific Northwest she came dragging back in and I was able to write. I had intended 25 to be the final chapter - well so much for that plan! I hate it when an author rushes the ending, especially of a longer story (like this one) so there will be a chapter 26. I think there still may be one or two surprises but we will see. Thanks so much for staying along for the ride on a story which was supposed to be a relatively short Christmas story that ended up encompassing an entire year of the new life of Kate Brice aka Jessica Brandt.
As always, thanks to Steve, my editor and friend who keeps me on track and makes this a better story. Also thanks to Krista who has provided inspiration and gentle reminders in somewhat equal measure. :-)
Warmest wishes, AA



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