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TechnicDragon: Blog


Problems and Progress 3

Posted at

Chapter 14 is almost complete. It's much longer than most of my chapters in the Sex Magus series, but it's worth it, IMO. :D

Good news in this area, I've fixed the issue. It was much simpler than I thought. So, now the only problem I have to worry about is the loss of internet access...

Internet Access
My internet bill was due yesterday: $142.xx. I know I can keep things going if I were to pay about $65.00. If anyone can help, it would be appreciated. Donations can be made via Paypal (

Seth is bound to have a break through. He just can't let Jordan remain hostage to a mad woman!

Thanks everyone!


Problems and Progress 2

Posted at

Yesterday, I mentioned that my computer is having problems. I believe that the processor is to blame, at least the cache is anyway. Nothing I can do about it either.

I've made progress on the next chapter though I'm not sure when I'll be able to type it up and post it. I'll continue to work on it (both the story and the computer) and post blogs on my progress via my phone.

Problems and Progress

Posted at

Back in June, I blogged about how a lighting strike took out the modem and my NIC on my computer. My ISP replaced the modem at no cost and I ordered a replacement NIC. However, the damage NIC was built into the Mainboard, not a separate card. Today, I wake up to find my computer having memory dumps. I believe more than just the NIC was damaged that day. For that matter, I had to replace the video card recently too. I happened to have one so that wasn't an issue, but this memory issue is a bigger deal. I'm not sure if its the system memory, the processor or the mainboard. For that matter it could be all three. Looking online, I find that to replace everything with equivalent components will cost well over $200.00. Yet, on ebay, I find full desktop towers with better equipment for less. I know my stuff is old, I originally put this computer together back in 2005 and have been upgrading/replacing parts as needed since then. The problems I'm having now seem to indicate that I need to replace more than one or two things. I'm open to suggestions about this.

I have two chapters ready to post and am working on a third. Considering I don't know how much longer my pc will hold up, I'll submit the two chapters now for posting. I can only hope I can get more done before I'm not able to do any work at all.

Internet Access:
The Internet bill is due again. $141.42 due by the 26th. Any donations are welcome. Paypal is the easiest way (, but I have received money orders as donations too. I appreciate all the help.

Internet Concerns con't.

Posted at

--==( Rogue Magus )==--
I have continued working on Rogue Magus, and am up to somewhere around chapter 14. However, the internet bill scare hasn't been any help. As always, I depend on the internet not only to post new chapters, but to do any research I need to put those chapters together. So, currently, I'm halting writing in an effort to gather as much data as I need for ALL of the scenes in this story. I'll keep everyone posted on my progress.

--==( Story Artwork )==--
Many of you may not know, but I have a DeviantArt account as well, using the same pseudonym, TechnicDragon. Last month, for no apparent reason, I decided that I wanted to know what some of the male characters looked like for my stories. Especially Rogue Magus, seeing as there's more male characters in it than any of my previous stories. In the past, I chose particular popular movie stars to fill in those roles. Well, some of them anyway:

Tanner: Sam Elliott (similar to Wade Garrett from Roadhouse)
Lawson: Josh Lucas (Similar to Talbot from Hulk in 2003 only without the suit n tie)

There've been a number of characters I haven't been able to imagine any actors filling the roles for, such as Michael and Neil, though I suppose it is still possible to find someone who might resemble those characters. So, I sat down and drew out a few sketches. To tell you the truth, I don't think they look all that good, but then I am my own worst critic. I'll try to scan and post those soon (barring the internet being cut off).

--==( Internet Bill )==--
I've received a few donations that have been a big help toward keeping the internet on, but I still received a late notice today. Usually, if I had paid the previous month's bill before the entire thing turned late, then I wouldn't hear anything from Verizon about it. I received more money today, after Verizon's late notice, and currently only owe $55.76.

If anyone else would like to help. Donations can be made via PayPal (

Internet Concerns

Posted at

Just so everyone knows, my internet bill is due soon (june 26), and I don't have the money to cover it, not even the minimum needed to keep it going (about $75.00). So, I'm expecting to get cut off in the next week or so after the due date. I'm not sure when I'll be able to get it back, but I will continue working on my story so it'll be ready to post when I do. Thank you for all of your support and here's to hoping this doesn't end completely.




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