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TechnicDragon: Blog


Back from the Brink

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I know it's been a while since my last update - almost a month - but I only just got my computer up and running again. Turns out the sound card went bad and kept it from booting at all. I had to go through and pull parts one at a time till it would boot. Not fun.

Currently, I'm working on typing up the chapters I've hand written. I'm not sure when I'll start posting, but obviously getting the book done in a month didn't happen.

My internet bill due date has come and gone. Anyone who would like to donate to help out can do so through paypal ( If enough in donations come in, I might even be able to get a cheap sound card too.

Thank you everyone.

Rogue Magus - Writing Oct 7

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--==( Rogue Magus )==--
I've been frustrated with chapter 3 for a couple of days now, but I couldn't put my finger on it. Today I went and re-read the last chapter of Sibling Magus and finally figured out why I've been frustrated. I've had the details wrong. So, I'm going to have to almost completely re-write chapter 3. This sucks too, because I was supposed to have the draft finished last Tuesday! Talking about way behind schedule.


Rogue Magus - Writing Oct 1

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--==( Rogue Magus )==--
So badly I want to say that my first day was successful, but it wasn't. I planned out three chapters for today. I got about a chapter and a half done.

For some reason, I didn't get to be last night until almost 2 am. I don't know what made me stay up so late. I wasn't gaming or watching porn, so I didn't have a good reason. This morning I got up and got Dustin on the bus to school. After that, I was supposed to be free to write until my sister left for work, but no. Carter, the 2yo, woke up and was running around like a mini-cyclone getting into everything until his mom woke up. But, she woke up at ten, had to get ready for work and leave at eleven. Which meant it was just me an the boy until she got home from work. So, I sat down to watch cartoons with him and by noon, we had both conked out on the couch. I woke up long enough to move us to my bed and we slept till two. Then I worked on chapter one via pen & paper throughout the afternoon until his mom go home. she appeared and then disappeared into her room, where the boys aren't allowed to go. I worked on the chapter some more at my computer right up until I found out that I was being dragged out of the house by friends to go to a karaoke contest. I went, but took my pen and paper with me. I got more work on the story done at the contest than I had all day long!

So, current standing? Chapter one rough draft is complete. Chapter two rough draft is half done.

I don't have to worry about watching my nephews until tomorrow evening. Hopefully I'll get more done. Hopefully.

--==( Internet Access )==--
The bill has been caught up completely. Thank you to all donors! I'll be emailing the rough drafts out as soon the one for chapter three is finished. Hopefully tomorrow afternoon or evening. Thank you again!


Rogue Magus - Writing Starts Tomorrow

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--==( Sex Magus 4: Rogue Magus )==--
Starting tomorrow, I begin writing book 4, Rogue Magus! I know national writing month is November, but that month gets crazy around Thanksgiving around here. During October, the kids don't have any days off and Halloween isn't an issue here --- we live too far out from town for anyone to come by trick-or-treating. Plus, October has 31 days vs November's 30. So, one more day to get any last minute writing in.

Here's my current plan...

Oct 1: Write three chapters. Don't edit, don't fuss, just crank em out.
Oct 2: Look through ch 1-3 for errors (a fairly quick task). Make any changes, and send em to editors. Then write two more chapters.

The rest of the month looks a lot like Oct 2: edit previous days new chapters, send em to editors for further proofing, and crank out more chapters. By the end of the month, I should have the whole book finished, or nearly so. The only delays should be any changes needed for clearing up difficult-to-understand passages. <shrugs> It happens.

I'll post again tomorrow night to let everyone know how my first day went.

--==( Internet Access )==--
I realize I hadn't posted anything over the last month, but I still need internet access to be able to not only post, but communicate with my editors this month. The current bill is $71.94 and is past due. It will roll over into the next bill but the last thing I need this month is for the internet to get cut off suddenly. Any donations would be appreciated. Donate through paypal ( Donators will receive rough draft of the first three chapters (after I've written them, of course). I'm really looking forward to this writing challenge and even my family is curious as to whether I can pull it off or not. Something they don't usually worry about.

New Fall Season

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Fall is on us once again. For me, this means TV shows that I love to watch starting new seasons, seasonal changes that affect my allergies, and this year it means attempting to write an entire book in 30 days.

TV Shows

I have a whole list of shows that I enjoy, and have so for several years. I'm also looking forward to a few new shows that seem to promise exciting new views on long-standing stories. Gotham, The Flash, and Constantine. I've never been a real DC fan, but seeing Gotham from the point of view of Gordan in his early years seems rather refreshing. There have been so many new superhero creations over the years that I've gotten lost in the confusion. This, however, looks like a good premice. I have kept up with Arrow on The CW, and enjoyed the crossover story regarding Barry Allen (The Flash). I'm very much looking forward to seeing how they handle the world's fastest man in action. And then there's Constantine. Like most people (I'm sure), I saw the movie, but never read the comics. I wonder how they'll handle the series.

Season allergies

I have allergies. Mostly pollen - and a lot of them. A couple of weeks ago, I ended up going to the hospital for breathing problems. I've had increasing asthma issues over the last year and a half. This was way worse though. From my description of my problems, the doctor tested me for pneumonia. I didn't have it, but he treated me for it anyway. I ended up with a prescription for antibiotics and a steroid too, not to mention two inhalers that I simply couldn't afford (one of em cost almost $300.00 -- and that was the generic). I got the pills and took em. Now, I'm not only feeling a thousand times better, but I haven't had an asthma attack since I left the hospital. Furthermore, the steroids have shrunk my nasal polyps to nothing and I can smell again! It's amazing how much better food tastes when you can smell it. Unfortunately, the meds set us back in the household. And then yesterday, my Mom ended up going to the hospital only to find out that she had some kind of ... well a digestive virus that caused her a lot of pain. So, any extra money we had this month is more than gone.

New Book

Writing a book in 30 days is normally something slated for November. I don't know why. There are a number of other months in the year that have 30 days and are less hectic (April, June). I'm not going to promise that the book will be posted as I finish writing each chapter. In fact, I already know that I'll have to write up more than one chapter a day to keep up with the outline I've fashioned. What I will do though, is post blogs to keep everyone apprised of my progress. At this point, all I can say is that there will be more sex than the last book, more action than any of my books, and more characters than I have ever handled. I don't see this as a bad thing either. Seth's world is expanding, and suddenly, he's actively out in it.


Currently, I am going over details regarding specific scenes I have planned for this book. Unfortunately, my situation stipulates I do this via the internet. And there in lies my current dilemma: the internet bill is due. I owe $72.94 by the 26th. If anyone would like to donate to help, feel free to do so via paypal ( Between doctor visits and perscriptions this month, any money I had is long gone.



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