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TechnicDragon: Blog


Orphan Magus Conception

Posted at

I've started work on the outline for my next story: Orphan Magus, however, as I mentioned previously, I want to post the collected encounters Seth had to undertake in order to free the missing women in Rogue Magus. Now that the holidays are over with, I should be able to focus on both.

I hope everyones' holidays were fun and full of cheer, and here's to hoping 2017 will be more rewarding while less demanding.


Ebooks Available

Posted at

Just in time for Black Friday, not to mention the Holidays, the Sex Magus series is now available as epub on Simply do a search for any of the titles (New Magus, Child Magus, Sibling Magus, or Rogus Magus) and the site will automatically list the other three all associated by author.

For those who know about my art site on, the covers I posted over there were not the ones I finally decided to go with. You can view the covers on without having to purchse anything though you will have to confirm your age. All four books have been categorized as Fiction - Erotica, which is appropriate given the content, but the covers are clean.

Once again, thank you everyone both for your patience and support.


Rogue Magus Finally Almost Here

Posted at

Cuurently, chapters 28 thru 38 are being reviewed by my editors. Yet, those are not the end. I am still working on the final chapters. At the moment, it looks like I have 6 chapters to go. Of course, I thought I only had twelve to go after my last post, but this time I'm sure of the number.

I hope everyone has a good weekend.

Rogue Magus 23 thru 27

Posted at

I have just submitted new chapters for Rogue Magus to be posted. Additional chapters are in various stages (being drafted, edited, corrected, or converted). As each group of chapters is ready, I'll submit them.

I also want to announce that I am working on a set of short stories. They have to do with the world of Sex Magus, but only for a select group of characters. I'll release more news on this as I continue working on and posting chapters for Rogue Magus.


Working on Rogue Magus 2

Posted at

I've had additional help volunteer for editing chapters for Rogue Magus and I'm currently waiting to find out what one of my primary editors has to say. He's been more verbose in the past, so I'm anxious to read his thoughts.

In the mean, time I was working on yet more new chapters and had to reference back to Sibling Magus for context. The problem was, I couldn't find what I was looking for in my chapter outline. So, I took a couple of days and re-read the entire story.

This did several things for me:
* Allowed me to update the chapter outline so it's more like a refence sheet now.
* Allowed me to make minor corrections throughout the entire book as well as make minor additions to help with consistency.
* Helped me to find the chapter I was looking for when I started.
* And pointed out several flaws in Rogue Magus.

Yeah, I thought that last point might grab your attention. I know it grabbed mine. So, I went over all of the chapters I've posted for Rogue Magus too. Many of the points I made for Sibling also became points for Rogue. Most importantly, I went through and corrected the errors I became aware of (not to mention, the additional notes I made for myself concerning those errors and why the same things didn't occur in Sibling).

Suffice to say, I've already submitted all of the updated chapters for posting.

I'll leave it up to you to see if anyone can spot the error I made -- if any of you feel rambunctious enough to try. :)




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