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--== ORPHAN MAGUS ==--
I have submitted updated versions of all chapters as well as a cast list, and 6 new chapters!
The cast list only includes characters who previously appeared and show up or communicate with Seth on Orphan Magus. New characters will have a small notice with description at the end of the chapter where she first appears. The updates to current chapters include these notes. When this book is complete, I'll replace the cast list and notes with one big reference list at the end of the story.
6 NEW CHAPTERS: yes, that is correct. Try not to get too excited tho. Most of it is sort of a setup to better understand Seth's perceptions of his home town and some of the individuals. It also includes the beginning of his investigation, so it's not all dry. And with the way things are flowing, I believe this is going to be a longer book than any of the previous ones. This submission ends with chapter 15, but the plot I originally came up with says I should only be at chapter 10! Oh well! So long as the chapters keep coming, right?
--== PATREON ==--
This is a reminder. I have posted an updated and revised edition of Crushed Heart on my Patreon page. For a small donation, you'll not only help me bring my kids home for Christmas, but also find out how Rachel survived! For those who read the original version I posted and subsequently removed from SOL, Rachel died in the original version. That bought me a lot of hate mail. Okay, maybe not hate, but certainly lots of complaints! So, find out for yourself, and as my Patreon, you'll be notified when I start posting chapters for the sequel, Small Deaths.
Thank you for reading and your support!
--== ORPHAN MAGUS ==--
I've submitted 2 new chapters for Orphan Magus. Enjoy!
Also, please, for those who can, I have posted a revised and updated copy of Crushed Heart over on my Patreon page. Any size donation is welcome.
Happy Holidays!
--== PATREON POST ==--
I have made my first Patreon post. The post includes a pdf copy of my book, Crushed Heart, which has been updated and revised. I know this may not be the best time of year for it, but I have to ask because I don't want to let my kids down this year. Thank you.
--== ORPHAN MAGUS ==--
New chapters are in the works. I have been revising them, and should have them ready for post by this weekend.
-= Orphan Magus =-
More chapters are in the works, but with the holidays going, finding time to finish and polish them is rare.
-= Patreon =-
I'm working on more than one book!
A few years ago, I posted as story called Crushed Heart. It was a story with super powers and no sex. I thought it was good enough for publishing, so I pulled it to do just that. In the end, I ended up going the way of self-publishing. BEFORE I pulled Crushed Heart from SOL, I had started a sequel. I drafted the first third-to-half of the story before I looked back at Crushed Heart for publishing, so the draft is incomplete, but I have an outline that completes the story. It's just a matter of writing it.
A few weeks ago, I dusted off the draft and began reading. Holy crap! It was crap! Well, the story is solid, but my writing ... eek! So, I'm re-working the draft, filling it out, making it a bit more complex. In the next week or so, I'll be posting the first chapter on Patreon.
For those who don't know, SOL is cracking down on anyone asking for d0n@t!0ns here. So, instead, I'm going to promote my Patreon account. Since I have a unique pen name, I'm using it there too.
I'll post a link when the first chapter(s) go up. Thank you for your support.
-= Thoughts Out Loud =-
One reader sent me notes regarding Patreon. He suggested I post Orphan Magus over there. I seriously considered it, but wanted to make sure I wouldn't be stepping on any toes. I took a close look at Patreon's Terms of Service. They had a few things to say about sexual content. Unfortunately, Orphan Magus will be hitting some of those restricted aspects - or cutting them too closely to try - which is why I've already started posting here instead.
I thought about an alternative version of the Sex Magus series. Basically, a version with the sex toned way down, a clean version where sex isn't required to refuel Seth's magic, but getting turned on helps him trigger his power - something far less direct. Some of you may know the Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter series written by Lauren K. Hamilton. Starting in Narcissus in Chains (book 10 of the now 25 book series), sex becomes something Anita has to have to feed the Ardeur - a form of hunger similar to the blood hunger of vampires and the flesh hunger of lycanthropes. I thought the clean version of Sex Magus would be something similar. Then again, sex has become a regular thing in the Anita Blake books, so maybe comparing my ideas of a clean version of Sex Magus with that series isn't meeting what I was thinking of.
However, if I were to make an honest effort, if sex wasn't needed to refuel Seth's Magic, and he didn't need Fonti or Stirpi, then Seth wouldn't have so many women surrounding him. In fact, it would be an entirely different series. For that matter, the first two books wouldn't even have a parallel in the clean series. So, no, there won't be a 'clean' version of Sex Magus.
-= Story Information =-
Before I post any notes or emails (which I don't seem to get anymore!) I wanted to point something out. It may seem silly to do so here, but I thought it was something readers would enjoy knowing.
Fonti is the plural form of Fonte. Fonte is Italian for source, fount, fountain, or reservoir.
Stirpi is the plural form of Stirpe. Stirpe is Italian for stock, descent, family, or offspring.
Padroni is the plural form of Padrone. Padrone is Italian for master, lord, host, owner, chief, or manager.
-= Reader Feedback =-
One reader made a request for Orphan Magus. Let me post what he said...
I am really loving this story. Is there any chance that you can do a brake down of all of Seth's Fonti and Stirpe as well as a list of the current members of his house? You don't need to do a whole bio on them just a list of pf names and their current status a the beginning of 'Orphan Magus'. Thanks and keep up the good work.
First, in response, thank you both for reading and sending the note.
Now, for the work. I looked back at the posted version of Rogue Magus, and what I found was a Cast list at the beginning, detailing the women who have previously appeared. Then, at the end of the very last chapter (42), a updated version of the cast list appears which includes many of the new women. I should have removed the cast list when I finished the story and posted the updated version as a separate file at the end. I'll have to send in corrections to make that happen. As for an updated list for Orphan Magus, I'll post it when I send in the new chapters. For the time being, here is the requested status list:
Previously appearing in Sex Magus:
<u>Jordan Krumm</u> Jordan has a double-bond with Seth, both Fonte and Stirpe.
<u>Danielle Stone</u> Seth's Fonte.
<u>Jana Perreira</u> Seth's Fonte.
<u>Sammi Ashburn</u> Seth's Fonte.
<u>Milena Veltri</u> Seth's Fonte.
<u>Erica Carmichael</u> Seth's Fonte.
<u>Leanne Carlton</u> Seth's Fonte.
<u>Vanessa Isabella</u> Seth's Fonte.
<u>Cassandra Dumont</u> Seth's Fonte.
<u>Katrina Hannes</u> Seth's Fonte.
<u>Emma Barett</u> Seth's Stirpe.
<u>Linda Morgan</u> Seth's Fonte.
<u>Dana "Augur" Bradley</u> Seth's Stirpe.
<u>Francine James</u> Seth's Stirpe.
New Characters in Rogue Magus:
<u>Greta Isenhart</u> Seth's Stirpe and Guardian Magus for House Ursae.
<u>Shondra Ambrose</u> Member of House Ursae.
<u>Sybil Normand</u> Lieutenant of House Volantis.
<u>Kascha Pillon</u> Member of House Volantis.
<u>Lizzie Mullins</u> Member of House Volantis. Friends with Chloe Van Houten.
<u>Chloe Van Houten</u> Seth's Stirpe.
<u>Lucie Hanberg</u> Lieutenant of House Tukanae.
<u>Patrica "Peach" Freberg</u> Lieutenant of House Tukanae.
<u>Antonella "Ella" Kelso</u> Seth's Stirpe.
<u>Penny Pendergraft</u> House Lady of House Tucanae.
<u>Sarah Riddell</u> Lieutentant of House Ursae.
<u>Cassi Moran</u> Lieutentant of House Ursae.
<u>"Rho" The Interactive Magical Construct</u> A Magical construct bound to Seth.
<u>Angela Whitehall</u> Seth's Stirpe.
<u>Daphne Flouren</u> Seth's Stirpe.
<u>Angelica Wright</u> Seth's Fonte.
<u>Misty Collins</u> Seth's Fonte.
<u>Duana Mirabel</u> Seth's Fonte.
<u>Holly Bodine</u> Seth's Fonte.
<u>Nicole Peterson</u> Seth's Fonte.
<u>Kelly Dayton</u> Jordan's Fonte.
<u>Rachel Braswell</u> Jordan's Fonte.
<u>Trudi Horvath</u> Angela's Fonte.
<u>Barbie Gifford</u> Unknown. Seth has not seen her since the end of the Lockdown.
<u>Wendy Fiorello</u> Daphne's Fonte.
<u>Anne Townsend</u> Angela's Fonte.
I know I've been promising this for quite some time, but the day is finally here. I submitted the first 4 chapters for Orphan Magus. I'm still working on problems with chapter 5, otherwise I would have posted more. Oddly, the problems I mentioned have nothing to do with a sex scene. One might call it a plot critical section. Therefore, until I hammer out the details I want in the chapter, I can't go any further. For the time being, I hope everyone enjoys what will soon be available.
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