TechnicDragon: Blog


Orphan Magus -- Delays again

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Despite my daily effort to reign in this beast, I have yet to make any real progress since my last post.

I originally had a general outline off the overall story, but I apparently deleted it in favor of suggested scene outlines. I should have kept the original and used it as a guide for the scene outlines but no. I was an idiot. Now I'm struggling to comprehend how everything is supposed to fit together.

All I can offer for the time being is an apology for these delays. It's not fair to you that I'm having so many problems. And, hopefully, I'll post another blog before the month is out with good news.

Thank you for your patience.

Orphan Magus begins

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Where to begin? Let's start with the compiled short stories.

I have decided to put the short stories on hiatus for the time being in favor of continuing the overall story. My reasons are twofold:

1) As anyone who has read my previous blogs may recall, I get very … "distracted" by my own sex scenes. I see this as a good and bad thing. Good because I want to create something erotic in each story, and bad because after taking care of the "distraction" I don't have the energy left to finish the scene. When I go back later, read what I've written and attempt to finish, I find myself with the same problem. It's a vicious cycle that leaves me with nothing to post.

2) Each of the shorts are becoming increasingly complex. I cannot seem to stick to the immediate details without tons of back story to explain why the scene is happening the way it is. I've only successfully gotten through two scenes so far (completed, ready to post short of deep editing) out of 29! Granted, this does not include the two scenes that were included with Rogue Magus (the scenes with Jordan and Francine).

I do apologize to those looking forward to reading the shorts. I didn't want to bog down the end of Rogue Magus with every detail of what Seth had to do to get through the Lockdown challenge. I could see readers getting lost in chapter after chapter of sex with seeming no end in sight and then suddenly Seth is back in the Warehouse and facing his half-sister. This doesn't mean I'm giving up completely on the shorts, but they won't be a part of the "Universe" series so they don't break up the continuity of the numbering of the regular stories.

Speaking of the regular stories.

I have started working on Orphan Magus. I have already sent the first SIX chapters to my editors. Once I have any corrections hammered out, I'll start posting.

Surprisingly, the issues I was having with the story - especially the details in the beginning - turned out to have an easy solution.

Also, due to the issues I described regarding the short stories (distractions), I am opting to only include sex scenes that are a part of the core plot to the story or that are significant encounters to Seth. There will be a number of scenes which will either only have minimal details or take place 'off stage.' Again, this is in an effort to allow me to focus on the story and - hopefully - increase the pace of my postings.

Thank you for reading, everyone.

What you'll soon be seeing…

Title: Orphan Magus

Description: After completing his first semester of college, Seth flies to Virginia for the reading of the final will left by his dead biological Mother. The trip turns out to be more than expected and Seth is forced to face his demons in an effort to find something he has to keep safe. With an entire town bent on forcing Seth to leave, not to mention unseen forces causing magical disturbances that Seth is being blamed for, will he accomplish his goals?

Sex Contents: Much Sex

Story Genre: Fantasy

Categories: Ma/Fa, Consensual, Magic, Heterosexual, Fiction, Tit-Fucking, Big Breasts [more categories will be added as new chapters are posted]

Collection work

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As I've previously mentioned, I am working on the collection of short stories detailing what Seth went thru to end the Lockdown. I feel this should be completed before I throw in fully with Orphan Magus (the next full story). To a degree the short stories will give some insight to each of the women who were kidnapped because several are going to show up in Orphan Magus.

On a personal note, My kids will be spending the next month with me, so I am not sure how much writing I will actually get done.


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Once again I am running into problems with my computer. No fret. All my notes on my stories are backed up. However, it could be as early as next week or as late as ... [whenever] ... by the time I get these problems resolved.

For the time being, I am still working out some details for my next planned story, Orphan Magus, on paper. I am also working on the collected short stories describing what Seth had to do when trying to end the Lockdown.

Thank you for your patience.

Orphan Magus Conception

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I've started work on the outline for my next story: Orphan Magus, however, as I mentioned previously, I want to post the collected encounters Seth had to undertake in order to free the missing women in Rogue Magus. Now that the holidays are over with, I should be able to focus on both.

I hope everyones' holidays were fun and full of cheer, and here's to hoping 2017 will be more rewarding while less demanding.




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