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TechnicDragon: Blog


Update Nov 2018

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The Move

As some of you know, I've taken some time off from writing to move to Wichita Falls to be with my kids. The twins (boy/girl) are about to turn 18 <HOLY FRACK! IT'S SO HARD TO BELIEVE!> and are in their senior year of high school.

Morgan (my son) is classified Autistic, though he's very high-functioning. He enjoys Transformers, Lego, and TF2. His mother and I agree that though we want him to get more real-world skills, he should focus on finishing high school first. So, for the time being, he goes to school, and has wish lists of what he would love to collect. He has a dog named Nero, who is a weiner-dog mix (don't ask what he's mixed with, no one knows), and though Nero isn't an emotional support dog for Morgan, you wouldn't know it to see them together.

Brenna (daughter) - and her name is spelled B-R-E-N-N-A!! -- is bi-polar depressive. She's had some serious low points, but this last couple of years have been really good thanks to doctors who have found the right combination of meds for her. Yes, she has problems remember to take her meds because she feels fine, but she also understands that it's the meds that help her feel that way. Brenna has an emotional-support dog, named Lilith. Lilith is a blue(somthing) mix. Again, no one knows the other part.

My ex moved out at the beginning of the month. For the first couple of days, it was hard on the kids. After all, I was always the one they always left or dropped them off. Their mom was always there for them for the day-to-day stuff. I offered to talk, to listen, to simply sit there and let them cry on me, but Brenna focused on cleaning her bedroom and Morgan played with his transformers and legos. Both with their dogs nearby. By the middle of that week, the two of them felt better and things went back to the normal routine.

Looking for a Job

I have to admit, it's been a very long time since I hit the streets to look for a job. Of course, now, most applications and initial contacts are made online - don't have to hit any streets for that!

I made the mistake of believing those online job search sites would help. Nope. I really understood just how bad it was when one site listed a job I wanted to apply for, but the link sent me to another job search site. That site had a link for the same job, but it sent me to a third site. That site had a link, which sent me to a fourth site. The link on the fourth site led me back to the original site and link. So, I unsubscribed from those sites and looked into getting help at the local unemployment office.

Signing up at the UO was about like filling out an application for work. The information was used to build a resume, but they suggested - just as everyone else does - that I customize my resumes for the specific job I'm applying for. What I wasn't sure about was why my resume wasn't helping me. It helped me land one job after another before I became a stay-at-home parent, but suddenly no one was biting. It was like I was using old bait and the fish in the lake had gone though a change of taste. So, I signed up for a resume class at the UO.

The resume class pointed out what used to happen and the current trends were. Used to be, you gave unique descriptions of your skills, talents, and abilities. You might even list some of your relavent work history to help give prospective employers a good idea of where you applied yourself. Now, while the work history part is still applied, anything more than ten years worth is overkill. For me, I needed at least one previous job for call centers since the last ten years have been stay-at-home. As for the skills/talents/abilities part, it's now recommended you pretty much copy from the list of requirements employers give for the position you're applying for -- something that used to be a big no-no!

So, I completed the class, had a resume, cover letter, references sheet, and thank you letter, and had to customize them to the particular job I applied for. Plus, I had links to the sites they used to help do this. I felt fired up and more prepared than ever.

A friend of the family suggested a couple of companies that were hiring for call center work. Since most companies who offer tech support completely outsource that area of expertise, I had to settle for customer service for other companies. Which basically means all my knowledge it computers is for naught!

Well, I started with the call center that would allow me to work from home. I didn't even get through the application. I got to looking over the details for the job and found the system requirements. I would have to own a current gaming rig to keep up with them. And I don't. So, I filled out the online application for the local call center, plus attached an updated copy of my resume. Two days later, they called me. After a few questions, they sent me a link for an online assessement. No problem. Then I received an email for an interview, which took place this morning!

I completed the interview, filled out some documents online, and start work next week!

Getting back to Writing

Since I start working next week, and I don't know what my days/nights are going to be like just yet, I'm not going to make any promises. I want to work on continuing the Sex Magus series, especially considering how I left off in Orphan Magus. However, once again, I feel like things have gotten away from me in the story, and in this world I've never really settled on a system of magic. Everything is "too easy". All Seth has to do is focus on his intent, let the power flow, and ... anything he imagines is possible!! There are no limitations!

Maybe what I need to do is spend the next month, both getting used to my new schedule and building a storyworld that I can write in where things won't get out of my control.

I could bring back my Powerborne stories. I started a sequel to Crushed Heart, but I've never finished it. I don't know yet. I'll have to give it some time.

Anyway, I thought I would drop this in so everyone knows I'm not dead. Take care all. I'll blog again in December.

Thank you for reading,


Book 6 Planning Delay

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I got news today that will cause major delays in my planning of book 6. I have at least, come up with the name for the new book: Free Magus.

I found out earlier this evening that my ex-wife, who left me with our two children in 2003, is having surgery in the next month or so. Worse, she has so many medical issues that ... well, frankly, she didn't sound too good over the phone. After the surgery, she's going to be moving in with her Mother out in Virginia both to recover and to continue to treat her other ailments. There is even the possibility that she has one or two forms of cancer. I believe she agreed to the move (because she can be very stubborn) only so the kids won't watch her deteriorate further.

For those who don't know, she and the twins (boy/girl - they turn 18 this December) currently live in Wichita Falls, Texas. They moved there because she believed Wichita's High Schools offered the level and sophisticated curriculum the kids needed. Both of the kids are very smart - taking more after their mother than me - though both suffer from their own problems. Morgan (our son) is a high-functioning Autistic. My ex noticed certain behavior patterns when he was a toddler and used her connections as a pharmacy tech in hospitals to figure out the best things to do. I don't believe he would be as well adjusted as he is if she hadn't acted as early as she did. Brenna (our daughter) suffers from Bi-Polar Depression. She's attempted twice, but neither instance required more than some band-aides to stop the bleeding. She has an emotional-support dog, Lillith, and works at a pet clinic, bathing people's dogs. She even went so far as to move into a room at the back of the clinic so she wouldn't feel like her mother's slave for the last few months. When she found out what her mother was suffering from, though, she got scared. Now, knowing her mom is moving to Virginia and I'm going to be handling the responsibilities, she plans to move back into the apartment.

I'm moving to Wichita Falls. The twins won't be transferred to a new school - which is good for both of them scholastically, and to maintain the day-to-day for Morgan. The twins are in their Senior year of high school. I don't know what will happen after they graduate. We may move back to East Texas, or simply stay in Wichita Falls.

In the past, I have always been reluctant to do any writing when my kids were visiting. Mostly because I was spending every minute I could with them. I can only hope to get into a good routine where I'm writing again soon, but I'm not going to hold my breath. It could be a while before I'm able to post anything again simply because I don't have anything to post. Have no fears though. I do not intend to leave the series hanging in limbo as it currently is. As a matter of fact, I have plans already for at least seven more books after Free Magus. So, it will come. It may take a while, but it will come.

Thank you for reading,


Planning for Book 6 Has Already Started

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As the blog title says, planning has started, but the plot is thin. The core plot is simple and straight-forward, though the answer won't be. To be honest, I want to share the sample description I've come up with, but at the same time, I don't want to ruin the surprise either.









Oh! To Hell with it! Here's the rough description:

Seth wakes up in a magical paradise. The weather is perfect, the people are beautiful, and sex is the primary activity everyone engages in. Seth wants to go home, but with gorgeous women throwing themselves at him at every turn, Magi willing to train him in the use of Magics unimagined and forbidden by the Council, and everyone - both Magi and mundane - believes he is home, how can he find his way?

There you go. That's all I have at the moment. I only have one character planned currently, with only a vague idea on what he is like and what he really wants. I have to put together this paradise and populate it. Beyond that, I have no idea what will happen.

Maybe what I need is some help in the way of tying off any loose threads I've left thru the series. Maybe Seth will find answers to some of the questions nobody else has been able to answer so far? I could use some help on this. If anyone has a question, send it. I'll attempt to incorporate it into this story. If nothing else, your questions will remind me of ideas I've had in the past I've yet to explore.

Thank you!


Orphan Magus - Chapters 31 through Finale

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I've missed my intended deadline of Sept 1st, but rest assured, the rest of the story will be posted this weekend! That is Chapters 31 through 44 are coming. I'm currently working on chapter 44, which is the epilogue. So, hold on to yer hats, folks, it's about to get crazy!

--- Scratch that....

The new chapters have been submitted for posting!


Posted at Updated:

I want to apologize to everyone for my posting delays. I've said it several times but the remaining chapters all tie together for the ending and I would rather not spoil what is to come. I am working on chapter 41 with only two more to follow. For a long time now I've been trying to figure out a particular detail in this chapter but this morning while reading an article about cliches in fantasy and how to avoid them, I had an epiphany. All at once I've realized that it's not the detail in the chapter holding me up, instead it is the realization that I don't know what the next story will be about. I really don't. Worse, as I write this, I also realize I can't describe the different ideas for stories I could write because several would give away details that have yet to be posted in Orphan Magus. However, now that I know what my real problem is, I can move forward and finish Orphan Magus. Then I can fully focus on the real problem and maybe even ask you, my readers, which way the story should go next.

Yeah. That's the ticket!



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