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TechnicDragon: Blog


Update May 2020

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So, who else is already sick of this so-called Pandemic?

Politics and Media (stupidity) aside, I wanted to drop a note to
let everyone know that I'm okay. I don't even know anyone, who knows anyone, who knows anyone who has Covid-19. However, my lack of content has been for other reasons entirely.

Sometime earlier this year, the apartment complex I lived at was bought out. The new company wanted to update our system of rent-payment and other issues, possibly due to the 'pandemic', or just to be more in touch with modern tech. Who knows? Anyway, they set all the residents up with electronic payment as opposed to turning in money orders. Only, my listings for rent and water (controlled by the complex - everything else I had to set up for myself) were wrong. Well, the rent was wrong. The water bill was ridiculous. So, I contacted the manager to find out why the rent listing was wrong and she said that they couldn't find my renewal from last October.

I will freely admit, I'm not the most organized person, but this was news to me. I had been paying rent every since the renewal upped my rent amount (due to other buyouts of the property and those companies wanting more money rather than doing anything for the residents - different story). She said I would have to come in and fill out rental applications again. Well, we did that (my son and I), and they said we didn't qualify for any of the discounts my ex-wife received, plus since it was just my son and I, we would have to move into a smaller unit. I was okay with the move, until I found out that the rent for one of those units was $599/month.

Now, I know that in some places, that would be considered a low price for a 2-bed, 1-bath apartment. But, when your only income is a single job at $10.71/hour, and you're dishing out about $115/paycheck for child support arrears, $599 is more than a single paycheck.

So, after some back-n-forth over our options at that complex, I decided we had to find somewhere else to move. The only complication was the fact that the city I lived in was under Shelter-in-place orders. Other apartments and residences weren't allowed to accept new tenants.

Oh, but wait, the story gets better … :P

The following Friday morning, I went to work as normal. I had even arrived a bit early. After dropping off my lunch in the break room fridge, I was on my way to my desk when one of the floor supervisors asked me to put myself into "company meeting" so we could talk. I shrugged, and went to do so. When I returned, she led me out to an office in the reception area. We passed plenty of empty offices on the way.

Details aside, she had escorted me out. I was being fired. Not laid off, as the call center provided an essential function and I needed to work. She told me the issue would be reviewed by HR and I would receive a call on Monday or Tuesday the following week and I was on unpaid leave until then.

As a result, I have spent the last two weeks both looking for a place for me and my son to live as well as a new job, all while under this stupid ordinance. I've had problems finding jobs in the past, but not when the unemployment rate was so high and no one wanted to hire due to the 'pandemic'.

Fortunately, some friends allowed us to move in with them until I can get back on my feet and find ourselves a place to live. I also feel lucky that they enjoy having internet access as much as I do because it looks like the only real money that I'll be able to earn for the time being is through my writing.

So, I apologize for not posting anything new over the last few weeks. That is about to change.

Free Magus Ch 04

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Free Magus Chapter 4 is now available.

And for the patient, I will soon be posting the first chapter here on SOL!

Free Magus Ch 03

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Chapter three is posted. I won't say where. Check my other blogs to find out! :D

Free Magus Ch 03 In Progress

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Started working on chapter 3 today. I was afraid of what I could possible add to the story that would help keep things interesting, but I'm quickly learning that even the bad guys are interesting characters.

Here's an opportunity for you, my readers, to get involved, even in small ways.

I could use ideas for magical items or effects to use in this story. While most magical items or effects in this world may have something to do with seduction or sex, not all has to. I prefer items with straight-forward enchantments, though different enchantments could end up getting mixed together in the vault.

Free Magus Ch 02

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Free Magus Ch 02 has been posted on my Patreon page. All my patreons get automatic access. That's right, I'm not charging for every chapter. Become a patreon. Get early access to the chapters. Find out what's happening to Seth and his girls.



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