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No, the title doesn't mean I'm moving from SOL. It means my house and part of my land is about to be purchased by the state for a new bypass. We're in the process of looking for a new place here in town, but we won't know how much we'll have to spend until the state contacts us and makes an offer. From our understanding they'll start this month. We simply don't know when they'll get to us. As it stands, I have 4 new complete chapters for Orphan Magus ready to go, but I want to finish the 5th chapter that goes with them before I post. So, no fear. I am still writing, but I may be delayed more than usual due to the move.
I'm not sure this will make much sense to anyone else, only because it doesn't make sense to me. The problem is I've received a number of notes and emails over a long period of time calling Seth stupid. Each time I receive such a note, I reply asking for details. So far, none have been forthcoming. So, here, now, I put it to you, my faithful readers: is Seth stupid? Am I stupid? By what definition? I know online dictionaries say stupid is the lack of intelligence or common sense, but I have always run with the definition of knowing the right answer but ignoring it. So, please, let me know what you really think of the character. Are his actions stupid? What about his conclusions? Or is there something in his life that some of you believe to be stupid? I really would like to know.
Thank you for reading,
--==< ORPHAN MAGUS >==--
Happy New Year everyone! Once again, we are looking at new stories, new characters, and new possibilities. Unfortunately, it also means I didn't finish Orphan Magus soon enough to make this year's Golden Clit awards. Darn!
Now, that being said, I have submitted 8 new chapters for Orphan Magus. Seth's problems continue to build up, but some good things come about as well. I don't want to spoil things, so I'll leave that thought there.
--==< PATREON >==--
As some of you know, I did not make my goal for December. I was a mess when I called my kids to tell them the bad news (that I didn't have the money to pick them up). I am blessed, however, to have two wonderful children who understand the concept of not having enough money. My daughter was disappointed but understood. She said they didn't have to come down EVERY Christmas and did her best to cheer me up because I was more torn up over the situation than she was. Then I talked to my son, who didn't seem disappointed at all. In fact, he came back with "We've got Spring Break in March, and then a whole summer coming up!"
In an effort to get ready for those times, I'm starting work on Small Deaths, the sequel to Crushed Heart. I'm not going to post it as a complete story, but make regular multi-chapter posts. My first set of chapters should go up by the end of this weekend. I know some of you have suggested I take a look at the posts other authors make, so I have an idea of what they're doing that's working for them. I have. Unfortunately, what works for one author may not work for another. The one detail that bothered me was the fact that a single post by some of these authors hit as many as 32,000 words! That was a single chapter! My chapters tend to float between 2,000 and 5,000 words each. So, unless I'm ready to post about 6-16 chapters each week, I won't be able to keep up. Not to mention, that would deeply cut into my writing time for Orphan Magus. I will figure it out, but I want to continue to write these stories like books, with specific goals or adventures in mind. I've enjoyed stories that just go on and on, like a soap opera, but without an end, I lose interest and I don't want that to happen to the stories I'm writing.
Thank you for reading!
A few days ago I noticed a slight pain in one of my ... missing teeth. I suppose I should go further back to explain.
I had one tooth removed about 10 years ago due to a cavity that reached the root. It would cost me several hundred dollars after insurance to perform the root canal needed to save the tooth -- or $27 to yank it. I went with option 2.
Time continues and a tooth on the other side gives me problems. Oddly, part of it broke off and no more pain! That continued until nothing but the roots remained. The same happened again for a tooth right behind the one I had pulled.
Speed back up to a few days ago. The last missing slot hurts. Not so much as to keep me up at night, but in an annoying way. Then the swelling started and the pain increased. So, finally, yesterday, I went to the ER. They gave me antibiotics and something for pain.
The trouble comes down to the need to have a dentist take a look and more than likely have to do minor surgery to pull the roots!
Now I'm not opposed to the surgery. The problem is I don't have any dental insurance. The cost is going to astronomical!
Why did I share this week of woe with everyone? Because I wanted you to know why my sudden new burst of writing has suddenly lost its momentum. I'm currently working on chapter 25. Now, between the tooth problem plus the start of the Christmas break for my two nephews, I'm not going to find much quiet time to write. If anything, I'll finish 25, go back thru all the new chapters for errors or missed details, and try to have them posted (along with new corrections for previous chapters) before New Year.
Thank you for reading.
Happy Holidays!
I got a message from a reader today with a question I'm sure others have been curious about:
Hi, I think I have read most if not all of your stories. The last several stories have all left me with a big question: What gives with the bust measurements? I was taught a long time ago that they went from AA to B to C then D then DD your measurements seam way out of wake when placed with the rest of the lady in question's other sizes. Please explain.
Well, first, everyone has probably already figured out, I'm a breast man, boob-obsessed. I like them big. I'm not so completely boob-obsessed that I don't pay attention to the rest of a woman's body, but when I'm out in town, a large, full, bouncing set of boobs will make my head spin.
Now that I've said that, on with the technical talk. When looking for the measurements for the models who I base the women in my stories on, I found a site with a database of several thousand models, actresses, pornstars, and amateurs (all of which I'll simply refer to as models from here on) who have been added to the site by who-knows-how-many members. Since the site includes models from all over the world, the measurements would be primarily in Metric and Imperial. No, I haven't found a model yet who was measured in any other system. Anyway. The site listed stats and even converted many of those stats to display both inches and centimeters, or feet and meters, or pounds and kilograms. I decided to cut it all down to inches/feet/pounds. However, the measurement of Cup sizes varied all over the place. There is no standard to scaling Cup Size. Every country, hell, every company that makes braziers have their own formula for determining how big each Cup Size is. I decided, once again, to simplify this across the board.
Most companies/countries agree that you use two (maybe three) measurements to get an accurate Cup Size. For the most part it goes like this:
1. Measure around the woman's ribs, just under her breasts. I call this measurment the Bra Size. To me, this is the size of the strap that makes up the base of every bra. When you see a measurement of 36D, this is the 36 inches that goes around her torso, just under her breasts.
2. Measure around the woman's torso, across the fullest part of her breasts. This is what I call the Bust size. It goes with her measurements, such as 42-24-36. I know when someone thinks measurements, they think 36-24-36 is that wonderful hourglass. And according to my system that would mean she is flat chested! Let me explain...
3. This is the part where every company, every country varies. Most agree that you take the difference between the Bust Size and the Bra Size (my terms) and then look at their custom charts to determine Cup Size. The reader mentioned AA. Many companies use AA for 1/2 an inch or less in difference between the Bust and Bra Sizes. Some use AAA for a Zero difference, meaning her nipples are probably bigger than her boobs. The reader mentioned B as the next size. Well, to me, that's skipping a letter, but several companies do start with B, and others, similar to my system use A as a 1 inch difference. Then there's C, D, DD, maybe even DDD, and finally E. I've seen charts that, starting at D, used a single letter and then double letter for each incriment of measurement. Some used Single letters for whole numbers and Double letters for half numbers, such as 3"=D, 3.5"=DD, 4"=E, 4.5"=EE, etc. Some use the same lettering system for each whole number (3=D, 4=DD, 5=E, 6=EE, etc.). I decided to keep all of this as simple as possible. In my system, flat, or Zero difference between Bust and Bra sizes is AA. Then I go up one inch at a time, useing one letter at a time. So, 1=A, 2=B, 3=C, 4=D, 5=E, 6=F, ... 10=J, etc.
I hope this answers the question of where I come up with Cup Sizes for my girls. Just keep in mind, this is all a fantasy. I may use real-life models to represent the women in my stories, but I have never actually stated those models ARE those characters.
If anyone has a question, feel free to ask. I'll be here all week!
It would seem I've left myself an open target! Honestly folks. I have seen bigger women I would be happy to get to know in every way, and I have dated a number of women who weren't as big as I preferred but that didn't stop me from being very happy while we together!
One note I received left me a little confused...
If you have to babble about boobs you've lost the plot. A B C, none of that says a thing about a woman's beauty or sensuality. Seriously, have ever seen a wonderfully attractive women and gone, "Wow, a big C!" Didn't think so.
I realize that boobs aren't the be-all, end-all attributes of beauty. Just like I know boobs aren't actually sexual organs, tho they are a sign of good fertility. That wasn't the point of the blog. Hell, a picture may say a thousand words on the subject, but it's the personality of the woman in that body that can add millions more -- or make you run for the hills no matter how good she looks!
Back to the topic of the blog (boob measurements) another reader offered this...
Just as an FYI. In general, the 'double letters' are used to describe boobs that are _wider_. So, a DD isn't really an E cup. They're wider boobs, but they don't stick out any further than a D. It's an exercise in volume. It's too bad that we can't get ANSI to come up with a set of real standards.
If we were to really measure breasts, both to come up with properly fitting garments and to really understand a woman's size in that area (for guys like me) then it would have to be a measurement of volume. Measure around them in three dimensions (height, width, and projection), measure the area around where they attach to he chest, and determine their shape. Once you know all of that then you would have a true understanding of their size. Well, that's how I would do it. I doubt most women would want to go thru so much manhandling just to find the right bra size. But then, I don't know how many women have told me how much more comfortable their bra is when they are measured and fitted by the same company. Simply because 36D will be measured differently from one company to the next.
One more thing. I got several notes all asking the same question. What database do I use? That would be ...
Thank you for reading!
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