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Okay, I locked myself in the house for the weekend and sat in front of the computer trying to rework the story into the new vision I forged.
I think I almost have it. I am also going to take the council of several writers I truly respect who said once I made it known that the story changed. They counciled me to wait until not only outlining the new story but getting several chapters into the future if not even finishing the story before posting again.
Don't worry... I can almost hear the collective inhale of excitement... I'm not going that far. But this weekend let me get far in the story so locking myself to the computer was a very good thing for my readers.
New chapters are coming but I will wait until I can reach a few more chapters into the future and also make sure I can keep up with posting and writing. Or I can turn into Cold Creek and post once or at the most twice a year.
No. I will post much more often then that since I am addicted to the feedback.
But until then...
Six months.
Six months before I started writing and posting, nothing out of the ordinary happens. Then stuff out of the ordinary happens and it has kept me from writing. Normally not a big whoop but in this case, I'm also suffering from writer's block since I decided to change my story in mid-stream and I already had up to 25 chapters written following the original outline.
Sparks of inspiration are both things of beauty and objects of disgust. While the idea was beautiful, it destroyed what I had already created and now I have painted myself into a corner. The spark of inspiration can engulf the story in an eerily beautiful blue flame and can create something wonderful to watch in the night sky. But then again if you're not careful, the story gets burned into nothing... if you're not careful.
I have a plan but this is when real life rears it's ugly mug. I have already basically shredded the finished chapters and have created a series of... well... scenes. So know I have to re-edit the story using these scenes and writing new transitions for the high school Tim and for the future Tim.
The tapestry should form a wonderful mosaic when complete... or it will turn into something that obviously fell from the sky and hit every branch of the ugly tree on the way to the ground.
I'm betting on the former.
I have not given up on "Mayhem in a Pill". So please don't give up on it yet.
"Never give up. Never surrender."
- Jason Nesmith, Galaxy Quest
Hello all!
I finally have the back chapters all up to date and clipped and polished by TeNderLoin. Hopefully, I will be able to get the next chapter to him for edits and then put it up for my hungry masses of readers eager for more of my story.
Believe me, I'm eager to serve it up for ya'll as well.
A little patience everyone, a huge chunk of what has stalled the story is now out of the way. Only thing stopping us now is getting me to actually write the next chapters.
So let's summarize ... all back chapters at optimum levels, next chapter going nicely and TeNderLoin is anxiously waiting to get the chapters out and for everyone else to read them!
Next chapter later this week!
Okay, the next chapter in "Mayhem" is in the queue. Sorry about the tardiness but real life gets in the way sometimes.
In the last week there have been substantial upgrades to my story. I have a new editor who joins my editing team of me, myself and I.
I will be updating the old chapters once my new editor get them back to me. I sent this new chapter without his editing so this latest chapter will be updated in the near future. The key is to make sure the best version of my story will be posted and available for people to read.
Oh, I almost forgot. Who is my new editor...
Hopefully I'll get everything caught up with a nice spit and polish. Let me know what ya'll think of the latest chapter.
OK, the NFL Draft is over and I now officially take one week before I begin getting prepped for 2016 NFL Draft. Okay, that was a lie. I already looked at the top prospects coming out for next year's draft.
The key to fixing a problem is acknowledging you have a problem. I of course do not have a problem.
Also my San Antonio Spurs lost Game 7 to the Los Angeles Clippers. I am still very upset about the buzzer going of prematurely and thus showing the eventual winning team EXACTLY what the Spurs were going to run for a final basket. Of course, miraculously, the Clipper defense found itself in the exact correct spot to stop any shot for the tie to send the game into overtime.
But I'm not complaining.
So, now again I have time to continue writing my story. I have fallen behind in my posting schedule and that has me upset but I originally wanted to post on Fridays or maybe even Saturdays, thinking that could possibly drive up views. Apparently everyone waits until Thursday or Friday and even Saturday. So an update gets lost in the deluge of normally great stories.
Long story short... I think I'm changing to Wednesday morning or afternoon. I still haven't made up my mind but I would like to read some thoughts on the subject from my adoring public.
Let me know if you think it is a good or bad idea to change my updates from Thursday to Wednesday... maybe a different day would be best. I dunno but a change is imminent and improvements are coming down the road.
Lemme know what y'all think.
Stay tuned.
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