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Shinerdrinker: Blog


A Decision Has Been Made

Posted at

An earlier blog post showed a little of the back story concerning the path my first story on SOL is taking.
I had the whole story outlined and I knew where I was going to take the story but a moment of inspiration smacked me in the head.

I have decided to go where the muse is taking the story. This new path is a bit more ambitious than where I originally wanted to take the story but I did a LOT of writing today and the story flowed like butter on freshly baked bread.

See... it's still going. Tee hee.

Anyways with this explosion of inspiration I am now able to continue my posting schedule I put on myself. I know one chapter a week is not that impressive of a feat but for a classic procastinator like myself. It is a giant leap for me.

The turn will start with the next chapter posting tentatively scheduled for sometime Thursday.

As always, thanks to everyone for reading and thanks for sending comments as well.

Brainstorm Wipes Out Story ... or Not.

Posted at

I had one of those great meetings with a muse ... OK, I call BS on myself. It was one of those great times when right before you fall asleep you have a moment of clarity. I found myself taking an entirely new turn in "Mayhem in a Pill." I was able to jot down the few ideas that blossomed right before sleep over took me. In the morning, amazingly enough, the notes were readable and I actually realized where I was trying to take the story.

Now, I have several chapters written for the story already and if I go ahead and follow the new twist it means rewriting those chapters and reworking my outline. I think this new twist is worth it and I have sat down today and worked out two new chapters today already.

Now my problem is what to do about the other chapters already written. I don't have to throw out the baby with the bath water so to speak. The basic ideas already written can still be rescued and used in later chapters.


I think I need to think about this some more. My next posting could be delayed because of this but then again, I still have some time.

What do ya'll think?

Chapter Two - Electric Boogaloo

Posted at

OK, I just submitted chapter two and it is in the queue. Please let me know what you think of my story.

Yes, I do read every note sent to me. I think it is absolutely amazing when I get a positive response from an author who's work I have admired for years. The ego is well stroked.

Only bad thing I can think of all this is the way I am constantly checking out the stats and my email for feedback. It's addicting!

Thanks for reading!

Editor needed

Posted at

OK, so far the support has been nearly overwhelming and mostly very positive. For that I'm grateful but if 60% of the support comes with a caveat that I need an editor well so be it.

I'm not griping. I knew I needed an editor but I wanted to get the first chapter up and let people read it before I begged for help... yeah that's my story and I'm sticking to it.

So if anyone out there has read my first chapter and might be willing to help edit future chapters, please let me know who else you have worked with and what stuff you have already edited so we can see if we may be good for each other.

Geez, I sound like I'm looking for a date.

Thanks again for reading my little story!

First entry, first nerves

Posted at

OK, so I finally did it. I have been threatening to post my own stories for years now and I always chickened out right before sending but yesterday I went ahead and posted.

Now all day I've been nervously checking the stats and I am truly amazed and humbled at the response.

I already got the dreaded "1" vote from someone but luckily a vast majority are giving me 8's, 9's and a few 10's. But when I got a "keep up the good work" from RoustWriter, that was a great surprise and a lot of the nerves are now gone. I find myself working a little harder to try and get the next chapter ready and I expect to post later in the week.



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