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Well we are coming up on the end of the year and of course just like many others I have become thoughtful of what I have accomplished this year.
While yes, life continued and luckily not many problems reared the ugly head. But on a personal note, I actually consider taking the chance to show others some of what I have been writing by posting here on SOL a very positive achievement. The feedback from you readers has been amazing and has made the overall experience, well... amazing.
If anyone else out there is thinking of trying their hands at posting, I say try it and leave yourself open to the whole experience. I had one bad experience but once I pointed out their mistake, he apologized and subsequently volunteered to revote a few times to correct his mistake. Since then he has been a good muse to bounce ideas off of.
Well enough good thoughts... Chapter 13 of Mayhem in a Pill is in the queue.
Enjoy and have a great end of the year celebrations whichever you decide to enjoy.
Okay, here in the U.S. the turkey and ham have all been eaten, appreciated and if you are like me properly offered up to the porcelain gods this morning as a part of my daily ablutions.
But since being a multitasker, during said ablutions I had a few moments to think about what else I might be thankful for and I have a small list that might pique the interests of my readers from SOL.
I'm thankful for the wonderful feeling on Friday we feel when worrying all week about the upcoming holiday with friends, family and other sorts that can obviously cause stress comes to an end. But not too worry, we need to do it again in a month.
Well also we realize that yes, it is Friday so we get another installment of Arlene and Jeff. Thank you RoustWriter. Didn't even really hit until that moment on the toilet that yes a new chapter should be out today and he did not disappoint.
I'm thankful to well myself since I have finally finished the next chapter of "Mayhem in a Pill" and that is currently going through final lookovers and when I get it back I will post so realistically Sunday or maybe Monday.
And since I am almost finished, I am thankful for one more thing... since Xmas holidays are coming up in less than a month, the possibility of a new chapter of Dman3 from Cold Creek is becoming more probable. I have no evidence to make it true. I can only wish since the last update was around Xmas time last year then MAYBE we can get another chapter.
I think this weekend will see me reading about college hockey in Michigan as well as being a fashion model and of course what is it like to meet the Queen of England.
But don't worry when the chapter comes, I'll take a few moments and post it. Keep your eyes open!
Until next time!
Apparently several readers of my story really don't like me telling the story of what is happening to the original Tim Murphy after he returned to his future hoping to have improved his status in life. The amount of emails and the drop in score has really confused me.
I mean sure there were a few who wrote wondering about the sudden change from a kid getting ready for high school into a fat man being held in a secret prison. Once explained, it was understood about the jump.
Maybe the delay chapters coming out make it difficult to keep track of the story but I am confident if you follow the story then the changes make sense. But it is still disheartening to see the scores drop and the hate mail come barreling into me or rather over me.
But I figure that no response is worse than a negative response.
I guess I'm acting kind of childish.
So to the haters I say...
I was reminded by my editor TeNderLoin, "Remember, "quality over quantity"! Speed is unimportant. As long as you turn out good chapters, the readers' mild complaints can be ignored."
He is right.
When I started this story it was not going to be read by anyone but me, but as I showed in an earlier post, I was coerced into posting and I am very happy with the outcome. I was actually frightened, "Would anyone like what I write? Would anyone actually read my story? Would anyone actually care enough about the world I was creating that they would share their thoughts and concerns with me about the story be they good or utterly stupid.
Basically, would readers treat my story like I treat other stories here on SOL. Would they worry when a new chapter hasn't been posted and anxiously wait for the new chapter like I do with several other stories? Boy was I surprised by the support I received as well as the notes from other authors I highly respect taking the time the write me small notes of encouragement and to have some of those same writers call themselves fan of my work. It is a bit overwhelming but I genuinely love it.
But I am learning to just go ahead and write. I initially wanted to post every week but the size of my chapters was going to make that only possible if I wrote at least 3 or 4 hours everyday. That ain't possible, I mean I need to watch some TV and then there are other stories on SOL I want to keep reading and in many cases re-reading.
The support and the after nine chapters my first of a few bad critiques, all make me want to continue. So here is my pledge, I will continue with this story and find out what happens to everyone in this little world I have created.
I am already seeing possibilities for other stories I might be able to branch out into but I digress.
If you keep reading and letting me know what you think, then I'll keep writing. Whaddaya say?
Oh by the way... chapter 11 of Mayhem in a Pill is in the queue. Enjoy. And as always let me know what you think!
Hello out there fans (both of you)! Just a quick update, I haven't been writing much this month not for lack of muse or for lack of time but actually lack of wantto. What is "wantto" you may ask?
Well it is what I call the large beast perched upon my back - my laziness. Normally a shake it off for a weekend and I can get into writing but I just haven't wanted to do any shaking so a couple of days ago I realize we are just hitting October and I see I have not updated "Mayhem" in just a bout a month. Then I realize I haven't even started the next chapter.
I got some "wantto" down at the corner store, watched some high school football on TV to get into the rhythm and today I got a bunch of work done on the story so I'm about 60 percent through the chapter.
On a side note, I realized that jury duty is a great time to get some writing done. Especially when you don't get called until the third role call just after lunch and then when we lined up to enter the courtroom to begin voir dire. A settlement is reached and we are excused.
Rather than going back to work, I played hooky and went back to the cafeteria got a cold drink and kept writing. But another couple of hours and I went home. As far as everybody knows I had a terribly stressful day waiting to help this judicial system work its magic but actually I got a big chunk of the next chapter ready.
Long story short... too late! The next chapter should be posted either this weekend or early part of next week.
Okay, back to grind.
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