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To both of my fans out there in the interwebs, I have placed Chapter 19 of Mayhem in a Pill into the submission queue. Almost exactly one month since the last chapter. Again apologies for my laziness but I do this for fun and when the muse strikes. No strike that. I could probably write faster but like I said... lazy.
Chapter 19 comes up this morning for you to enjoy and believe it or not Chapter 20 is already with the editors! No. I'm not kidding.
I wrote Chapter 20 first but then had an epi.. epif... uh, I had a good idea how to humanize the varsity coaches a bit and from the response from the editors. I done good.
So please enjoy Chapter 19 and in about a week or so, I'll post Chapter 20. Gotta wait a little while to get the downloads nice and rounded off, just the way I likes' em.
And please remember to let me know what you think of the story. It's the best way for instant feedback and also let's me know what you guys are thinking... as scary as that sounds.
Oh, almost forgot, there is some bad language. Some words actually hurt to type but remembering what it was like on the fields back when we had to avoid the dinosaurs to actually play football, that language was used often and I got into my fair share of scuffles over the use of some of that language. But enough about me, go enjoy the chapter. Hell maybe we ALL will get even luckier and Cold Creek will post an update... or maybe we can just hope for a blog.
-- Shinerdrinker
I have been writing up a storm in the last couple of weeks and I am purposely giving the inspiration at the the beginning of a new football season!
The first week of high school football started up this weekend. So I am using it as a muse to make me write. So I will have the next chapter of Mayhem in a Pill going to the editors this weekend and the chapter right after that probably a week later.
Reason it worked out this way is because while writing the next chapter I got going on another idea and after a couple of hours, I realized it would work very well with the overall story line and also perfectly right before the first game for Tim and the last loss for the varsity.
So once I decided to put it in where it naturally flowed with the overall story, I saw I needed to add more to make a full chapter. But the next chapter is 95% written. So it will only take a couple of days of work then it too can go to the editors. All I need to do after that is dot the T's and cross the I's.
So in an unusual timing quirk, Mayhem in a Pill will be updated with new chapters within a week of each other instead of the normal month or so lag time. The lag time is mainly due to my own laziness.
But inspiration from real football, helps put me in that mindset of following this boy on his journey to becoming a high school football star. But don't worry about "Future Tim" he is also finding new a new turn in his life.
Okay, that's enough. I gotta get back to writing the actual story so I can send it on to the editors and posted for both of my fans.
Thank you again for your support.
So this evening when I signed on to SOL to see how the latest Chapter of Mayhem in a Pill was doing since it posted this morning, I had a bit of a surprise.
And what a pleasant surprise it was indeed when I see I now have full access to SOL as a full member including being able to read 100 different stories in a day. Along with the new ability to download them for myself for reading offline. While I knew I was getting close to the magic number, it still kind of snuck up on me.
While how much you post is a part of it, I also know that the score is also a big part of the formula that decides when an author reaches the preset number to earn monthly access for free. Fortunately, I was able to afford to purchase a monthly account, I felt I would appreciate it much more if I worked for it. A nice reward for doing something I enjoy doing anyway.
I really do appreciate your hard work Lazeez in giving people like me the chance to EARN a membership. And don't worry, I'm not stopping here. Mayhem in a Pill has a way to go still and I plan on letting everyone read along and find out how it ends.
Thanks to everyone who has written a note to me. Whether a found mistake or with their own theories of how the story will end, I appreciate every single email.
Thank you very much. And as a reward, rather than paying full attention to the wrestling show tonight like I normally do, I will work on the next chapter... with the wrestling on mute. Come on, I'm not completely crazy!
Hello everyone.
I finally got Chapter 18 written and my editors turned my emoji-dominant writings and turned it into something legible. My eternal thanks to those two.
With Chapter 18, we revisit the future and see what is happening to our intrepid traveler. Some of you are highly vocal in your dislike of the chapters involving the future Tim but don't fret, their is rhyme to the reason and hopefully you will enjoy what happens. I know I did when I wrote it in my outline.
I have Chapter 18 in the queue and should be posting this morning. I was going to wait and see how many stories update to hopefully be a stand out offering and force many new readers into this world.
I'm actually getting some great feedback and it is definitely improving the story. There will be somethings suggested by readers that find themselves in the story and those of you who suggested them will know when they see them.
I'm not crediting any of ya, though. Tee Hee.
Chapter 19 might be delayed a few days since I will be purchasing a new laptop this week and so the time I would be writing will be spent transferring files and setting the new machine up the way I want it setup. I haven't had a new laptop in about 5 years so this will be a treat for me.
Again thanks for your patience and please enjoy this new chapter and rest assured I am already working on Chapter 19 but not until tomorrow or actually later today. Good grief, is it that late! Okay, I need sleep and so do all of you.
Was watching the NBA Draft last night and during a commercial did some channel flipping and happened to see the NHL Draft was occurring tonight. So I watched just a few minutes of it tonight since I'm not really much of a fan.
Of course, real life often makes me think of stuff from SOL. So here I am in my living room watching these young men getting ready to enter the tough world of professional hockey. All I can do is think about how would Mike Stewart be tearing apart the NHL.
Color me a fan, Cold Creek. Where is the next chapter of Dman?
Yes. Maybe it's time to try writing about basketball. Nah. I think I'll finish writing about "Mayhem" first. With occasional pauses for the new chapters by great writers. Especially Cold Creek.
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