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Shinerdrinker: Blog


A Christmas miracle!

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I got the chapter back from my editors even faster than I thought they could. I thank them and I'll send them their pay immediately. Fellas, make sure you wait patiently by the mailbox for check!

A Christmas miracle has occurred. I finally got new chapter of Mayhem in a Pill up and ready for the score of fans out there.

But a true miracle would be an update from Cold Creek. Either Dman 3 or maybe even Stone Inc. Personally, I'd welcome either one since they are both great stories.

But I digress. New chapter for Mayhem in a Pill will be up in the morning and I find myself working on the next chapter already and will come up much faster than the last since I no longer need to spend my days buying presents for the family. Every time I think I'm done up pops another cousin with elementary school aged kids with the need to have some kind of bauble with the Disney logo plastered all over for ungodly amounts of money.

There now I am nicely depressed and ready for the children to destroy the living room and then complain when they are asked to pick up after themselves.

So take a few minutes out of your day, read the new chapter and enjoy a little time for yourself.

Happy Holidays! Merry Christmas and all the other examples of the holiday season.

I'm going to bed, the rugrats throughout my house will all be awake soon enough.

Quick update!

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Okay, wanted to let my score of fans know that the next chapter is coming soon. I sent the next chapter to the first of my excellent editors and now we all wait for the chapter to return. Of course, when it returns we may have to notify the authorities because of all the blood shed and/or red colored mistake marks all over the chapter.

But never worry and never fear I expect to update the story before the end of the year. So some time after Xmas and before the new year.

Um. Okay. So there is my update.

Have a wonderful holiday and remember... Santa gets tired of cookies so go ahead and leave out a couple of Shiners if at all possible. Those reindeer pretty much drive themselves anyway.

P.S. Since I have the time while waiting for the editors to do their best, I guess I can go ahead and start the next chapter. Good news is I'm already a couple of pages in so I hope this chapter 24 will come around a lawt quicker than chapter 23. I'll bet you liked hearing that, didn't cha!

One can only wish...

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Just finished watching the Victoria Secret fashion Show, I watched it for the articles, and I have decided to reread a favorite chapter of a story here on SOL.

I'm going to reread Chapter 7 of Dman 3. Michael Stewart gets one up on the fashion industry but loses his most recent shot at love. I personally thought he had a future with only one of the three but then again, he constantly cried about how he did not have time for a girlfriend so of course he found three.

So tonight, I'll take a few minutes and reread a piece of a story I have bought into fully. Some could say I spend more time with that universe than the one I am creating. Believe me, that is not true.

Yes. I am late with the next chapter for Mayhem.
No. I am not giving up on it. I was almost finished when I got off on a tangent for an idea. I finished the idea for a great chapter in the future and as I usually do, I write out situations for thee characters and then shape it to fit in the story. I mean I can't wait to see how I show the aliens attacking and deciding to leave after playing one game of football. The aliens really liked "Broadway" Joe Namath and think they can be even better.

So now we enter the time of the year when in the past Cold Creek had updated his story and when the holiday time passed without an update last year, the weather matched my feelings of woe. So now I even wonder if maybe Cold Creek will go ahead and update Dman 3. But this year I am psyching myself up for the eventual downfall when we go another without an update.

Ugh. No, wait a second. Yes, I recorded the Victoria Secret Fashion Show! Woo Hoo! I'll work on Mayhem later but first...

Little bit of this, little bit of that

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Okay, first of all Happy Thanksgiving for those of us in the United States. An excuse to overindulge in too much fatty foods and then sit nearly catatonic in front of the TV watching football. This is the vacation I can get behind!

And as such I will not be able to get the next chapter out as I had hoped before the holiday. I did try but hit a little block and took two days to get out of it. So I fell behind by two days or about 4 pages or so.

Good news is I should be able to get those 4 pages finished off this weekend, perhaps even Friday or early Saturday then off the the editors. And as we all know my editors happily sit by their computers and slowly bobbing up and down while anxiously awaiting the new chapter for them to improve from the third grade drivel I normally spew on the world. And they, in turn, transform it into something resembling readable.

I then of course take what they send me and immediately throw it away. Only to post what I wrote originally. But please, don't tell them that. I'd hate to ruin the natural euphoric high they get from reading my prose before any other humans. I've heard it is quite an uplifting feeling. Not unlike the feeling one gets when fondling Kate Upton's breasts with your tongue.

So what have we learned here boys and girls... well; my writing is awesome, my sophomoric charms work on pretty much anyone, and of course, my vanity is justified.

Oops, almost forgot. Give me another week for "Mayhem" and the next chapter will come out. Since it is a holiday weekend, the family duties are finished a few days earlier than usual, so we can all as a global community unite in the joy of knowing that even though this chapter is a little delayed... the next will not be. Or may the gods take away my boyish charms, marvelously sculpted body and full head of hair.

Shit! Too late!

Hot damn that rhymes!

Posted at Updated:

Chapter 22 is in the queue.

Well sorta rhymes... I guess.

But it's true!



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