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Shinerdrinker: Blog


Muses are fickle thangs...

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Well, it's not like I'm releasing state secrets here am I? I know my muse is absolutely fickle and when she gets started, I don't wanna stop her. Why would anyone?

If your muse begins fellatio, why in the hell would you stop her!?!

So, last week, I GOT LUCKY!!!!

Well not like that, I got into a good rhythm and the next chapter is out a good couple of weeks earlier than normal. In fact, it is in the queue right now and should be out for all of you who no longer have to punch a clock at work on Monday morning.

Or for those of you like me who would have called in sick anyway if one of my favorite authors with an awkward posting history just put up a new chapter.

I have already told people I work with that if Cold Creek posts ANY new chapter, well, I need a day to absorb... and of course to reciprocate with my muse cause if you don't go downstairs neither will she.

-- Shinerdrinker

Time is an interesting thing.

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I do believe time is a wonderful and interesting thing. Though I do fall terribly short waxing poetic on the subject.

But time is something on my mind recently when I realized, I am coming up on my one year anniversary for posting the first chapter of "Mayhem in a Pill." Actually the latest chapter is rather late. Real life and damned quality control kept Chapter 15 from you guys.

But I do have good news. I have gotten the chapter back from my last editor and both have given monumental Herculean efforts to make sure that this story is something people would like to read and not just the ramblings of a maladjusted adult attempting to relive his misspent youth in a farsical and unrealistic way. But then again, ain't that what a lot of the stories on SOL are all about. As far as I am concerned... that's the way I likes ya'll!

So... Chapter 15 of Mayhem in a Pill is now in the queue and will probably show up early in the morning and I hope it helps several of you find yourselves late getting to work as you choose to read this latest chapter, rather than being normal responsible adults and going on about your lives.

But you know what... that's the way I likes ya'll!

Plan is in fact a 4-letter word.

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Make a plan and see it screwed up easily.

I should have posted by now but I got the chapter almost finished just a few paragraphs to finish and I put it down for a couple of days for real life reasons... mainly doctor appointments and those tend to wear me down so much I need to nap.

My napping time time is at the same time I can write.

But when I read what I had written, I was disgusted.

I don't claim to be a great writer but damn I think I can put a couple of thoughts together coherently. But after reading that draft... .

So I had to restart the chapter. Now the ideas were there but the execution should have been put to death. That's it 30 lashes with a wet noodle for yours truly.

One other problem for this weekend is it's my birthday this weekend and I really hope I have enough friends to keep me away from my laptop for the weekend. I went to the bank and got a lot of singles for visiting a local facility for single men who wish to help young ladies with their higher education by tipping them generously based on their state of undress and gyrating ability.

But I figure there might be a couple of hours this weekend when I'll be forced to do some writing since G Younger is gonna break SOL with the last chapter of Stupid Boy's - Sophomore year.

But I digress. I am trying to settle my ear drums by listening to some of what the kids these days are calling music in preparation of my yearly bacchanalia.

Usually takes a couple of days to recover... it's not the alcohol that cause trouble it's the ear drums begging me to listen to something else.

So to recap, I know I am late with the next chapter of "Mayhem" but don't worry I have not given up. In fact I am starting to think I care too much about the story because I still can't believe I killed the whole chapter.

Ugh. Sellers remorse.

Holy Crap!!!!

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Hot Damn!

I don't have a set timeline for posting new chapters but it is generally about a month between postings. At least that is what it is supposed to look like to everyone else. In fact, I set a personal limit of waiting for a chapter to reach 10,000 downloads before posting the next chapter.

But lo and behold earlier today when I checked the numbers just to see how the last chapter was doing and yes, chapter 14 is now over 10,000 downloads.

So apparently, I need to get off my lazy ass and start writing. Nothing like an ambiguous and fleeting deadline hitting you across the face to get the writing juices flowing again.

So I guess I have some work to do.

Sh-Boom Sh-Boom... Life Could Be A Dream

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A little later than I normally like but I generally try to wait until I have 10,000 downloads of the last chapter. I dunno if anyone else does that but it helps me to have a sort of deadline. I came from a journalism background and spent a few years as a writer but then they put PageMaker on the Mac IIse and I found I liked designing entire news pages much more than writing. And quite frankly... I was burned out. That is a hard bit, if your heart ain't in it!

And so I didn't write for damn near twenty years.

SOL brought it back out of me. But I still do other things like TV and keeping caught up on the latest porn starlets. (It's a lot more difficult to do than you'd think.) But I digress. Ya'll are interested in Mayhem in a Pill and so am I!

Chapter 14 is currently with my final proofer and he generally gets it back to me fairly quickly. So when I get it back, I'll post. But then again I may wait until next week since Bluedragon is promising a new posting for tomorrow and I may want to spend the weekend enjoying that rather than freaking out whether or not you guys like my little story.

Now if Cold Creek posted, y'all might not see my update for a couple of weeks!



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