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Shinerdrinker: Blog


Good news people!

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Okay, I'll get right to it!

Chapter 53 of Mayhem in a Pill has been added to the queue. It should not take long to post and I'll bet it's probably already up.

(Opens a new tab.) Well, not yet.

But soon, minions. Remember to let me know what you think of the new chapter and the new twists involving the alien robots from the future attacking to stop the environmentalists from trying to save the world thus ruining their plans of subleasing the planet for wide-scale strip-mining of dilithium crystals.

Or maybe that's supposed to be for the next chapter, please forgive me there are a lot of chapters.

Tee Hee.

A little ditty...

Posted at

Just thought I'd let my fans out there know that the next chapter of "Mayhem in a Pill" is currently being edited and once I get the final edit and approved I will post it.

I dunno, when that will be but the final edits, are usually on the weekend and this ain't the weekend. So I suspect either sometime on Sunday afternoon or evening or I'll wait and post sometime Monday after the overnight posts. Again, I don't like getting caught in with the wash of posts so I'll be a little patient.

Quick question. I've hit a wall with the "future" Tim portion of the story. I know where I want to go with it, but to jump from where it is now to there is probably too much of a leap. I can either skip it and continue with the "young" Tim timeline or I can take the time to figure it out and proceed from there. It is an artificial deadline of when to switch timelines so, in theory, I can do it whenever. But I do know there are a few fans who prefer that storyline to the football-centric universe "young" Tim is currently involved.

I'd like either a few ideas or maybe a suggestion or two of how to deal with this quandary I find myself.


In reality, I could just continue with the "young" Tim storyline and keep the "Future" Tim off to the side until I figure it out.

Yep. That's what I'll do. Go ahead and forget everything else I just wrote.

Except for the bit about that the latest chapter is with the editors, that shits still true.

Thank you.

A Little Bit of Good News

Posted at Updated:

Well, I guess you can call it good news. I hit a bit of a writing track. My fellow writers all know the feeling of sitting in front of the computer's blank screen and the cursor blinks on and off at you... mockingly.

But then there are the few times when you never notice the cursor blinking since it's too damn busy trying to catch up to the cacophony of tapping keys on the keyboard.

I've been getting a bunch of the latter most recently.

So I'll be posting Chapter 52 of Mayhem in a Pill sometime today. I don't want to do it right now (half past midnight) since it might get lost in the pack of posted chapters from overnight.

So, just because I like some of you guys, I'll actually get my fat ass outta bed sometime in the morning and post it after the initial rush of posts have already gone through.

And oh yeah, I almost forgot to tell you. The cursor hasn't had much time to blink even after I finished Chapter 52. Chapter 53 has gotten one hell of a boost from this rare moment of grammar diarrhea.

It really is interesting to see page after page of blank screens get quickly filled. It's even fun when the computer freezes, I need to reboot and the words keep a-coming. I prefer to think of these damned crashes as a sign of weakness on the part of the computer, it just can't keep up with my words and their beautiful symmetry.

So I think I'll ride this bitch until she bucks me off, but right now, my grip is strong and I'm feeling mighty limber!

A Little Bit Depressed...

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A got a little bit depressed today to some news I read on the interwebs.

Oh, don't worry, it's nothing bad or anything like that. But a moment if you would. Have you ever run across something in real life and it immediately reminds you of something from a story you read here on SOL or anywhere else on the web?

The first time it happened to me was watching highlights from a college football game day a few years back. One of the highlights of the show was a game featuring Towson Football. Now I consider myself fairly knowledgeable about football across the country and I had never heard of that particular school and team before then except for rlfj's magnum opus "A Fresh Start." It made me giggle to myself.

Earlier this afternoon, I ran into another version of this. Princess Beatrice of York has announced her engagement. Now I wish the princess well and a happy long marriage, but I could not stop myself from slouching a little in my chair. The first thing I wondered about was will Mike Stewart make it to the wedding? Yes, my first reaction was to remember the incredible collection of stories but Cold Creek's Defenseman series. Especially "Dman2."

I also do the same when I watch other sports highlights featuring other hockey players with whom Mike has interacted.

So this evening I wax poetic about the incredible worlds created by the many wonderful authors here on SOL.

I thank the authors. I thank Lazeez. And I thank my friend who originally sent me an email with a link to a story, he thought I might like to read. Dude, I did like it and I have a few more links for you in return.


Just Pourin' Myself a Bit O' Da Bubbly

Posted at

Yes, that is a quasi-wrestling reference. No idea why I'm using it to title this blog post but hey, that's life.

You know what else is pretty cool. The fact that the next chapter of Mayhem in a Pill has been sent to the editors for the first rounds of red ink.

When will the next chapter be posted, probably gonna take about a week? Maybe less, maybe more.

But at least my score and a half of fans out there now know to keep their eyes opened for the next exciting adventure of "Mayhem in a Pill!"

Oh well, I guess I'll get started on chapter 52. Or maybe I'll just watch TV or take a nap. Yep, could go for either one of those.



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