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Shinerdrinker: Blog



Posted at Updated:

Try to imagine a GIF of Don Adams gesturing "Missed it by that much."

And if you can't,
rel="nofollow">try this

Missed it by about 150 or so but I think it will make it to 10,000 before tomorrow and 10,000 in eight days is still awesome.

As a reward for all of you, I shall work on the next chapter some more tonight rather than watching TV.

You're welcome and thanks!

Edit: Wrote Don Knotts but it was Don Adams. Sorry.
Thanks, skoullar!

A quick break

Posted at

Hi all.

I was taking a quick break from diligently working on the next chapter of Mayhem (wink, wink) when I decided to check the downloads of the latest chapter since it had been a few days since I last checked.

Holy schnikeys!

Six days since I posted the last chapters and it is almost at 10,000 downloads.


But my ego knocked on the door to ask "Hey yo, writing monkey, what can we do to get the count up to 10,000 before the seventh day... besides, you don't need to rest!" (Hey it is my ego and I usually don't let him talk out loud too much, sorry.)

But let's see are at about 9,400 at the time of writing this blog post. Can we reach 10,000 downloads of chapter 56 before we hit the end of the seventh day? That will come at around 8 am Monday morning.

I think we can!

(Why do I feel like a telethon host or like I'm tryin' to sell cheap kitchen appliances on late night television?)

Well anyway, I was just having a little wishful idealism. Besides, I am pretty far along in the next chapter. (I know I write that here a lot but this time I really am!)

I'll let y'all know Monday morning if we hit the goal.



Posted at Updated:


When you post nowadays, the possibility exists that your story may get caught up amid a flood of updates and thus your update gets pushed off the front page very quickly.

I choose to think of it as a result of the popularity of SOL. So many stories being regularly updated seemingly all the time.

When I posted the latest chapter of "Mayhem in a Pill," it was in a rare null zone of about an hour and a half on Monday morning with no other updating posts. So I had a little bit of time to myself upfront on SOL. I remember times, when I could update around 9, am on a Tuesday and no other new posts until almost noon, and then it would be only one or two updates until late afternoon. I used to think that was a major reason for the nice numbers I'd see whenever I update the story.

But the latest stats show that you guys like me... you really like me um, I mean my story! Yeah. My story.

The first 36 hours up and just over 7,000 downloads of the new chapter.

I said all that just to say this... thanks. And yes, the rumors are true. I did have time this weekend to write and yes, I actually did write. See... my collection of MILF porn took a big hit this weekend without me and my searches. I did that for you.

I know, I know. I'll get back to writing now.

With Breathless Anticipation

Posted at

Just a quick note...

I've sent the next chapter of Mayhem in a Pill to my excellent editors. We can give them obviously like an hour maybe even less, to get it back to me fully perfect since we all know they sit at their desks twiddling their thumbs waiting in breathless anticipation for me to get off my fat ass and write something.

But I digress.

I realized I have been writing about the young Tim a little too much, even before I was in the hospital. I had almost completely forgotten my plans for older Tim and his friends. So I needed to remind myself.

If you were like me and needed to get a reminder of just what the hell was in mind, go ahead and reread chapters 47 and 50 to remember what was going on with that side of the story. But then again all the really cool people will just go ahead and reread the whole thing from the beginning.

I really need to be careful about balancing the storylines.

Like I told my editor I have time today and this weekend so I'm planning on doing some writing for the next chapter ahead of schedule. But then again you know what is said about making plans...

Woo Hoo!

Posted at

Hey there kids, can you believe it? I can barely believe it myself. But the rumors are true. "Mayhem in a Pill" has a new chapter being posted. Chapter 55 of Mayhem in a Pill was long overdue after I got hit with a health scare.

But thanks to a wonderful surgeon who hit juuuusssst the right spot and fixed me up pretty damn well. It took a good month after the surgery for the swelling on the spinal column to reduce enough that the damaged nerves relaxed and I got feeling and strength in both arms and hands again. I'm still not 100% but I'd say I'm at about 95%. And I think that is amazing.

This was my third surgery on my spine. There is a possibility that within the next decade or so, I might need to have another. Spinal Stenosis sucks the sweat off a deadman's balls that's for damn sure!

Two surgeries on the lumbar area of the spine and a nice 6 to an 8-inch scar on my lower spine from my tailbone and up. Now I have a 4 to 5-inch scar going from the base of my head down my neck and onto the back. The next surgery will probably need to connect the fuckers. But that is in the future and I'm gonna fight that for as long as possible.

But for now kiddos, you get another chapter and I get to start the next one.

(Quick Hint: I do believe it has been damn near a year since we've seen what has been happening to future ("fat") Tim and their friends. So I'm thinking chapter 56 will focus there and depending on what happens, maybe chapter 57 as well.)



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