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Ten days to reach 10,000 downloads of the latest chapter of Mayhem in a Pill. That is amazing.
Also, the overall story has just crossed the 850,000 mark for total downloads. That is awe-inspiring!
When I posted the first chapters, I wasn't sure if ANYONE would read the story. But you did, so I continued. And I will continue.
Thanks again for following my journey on this first story on SOL.
(Yes, I did confirm there will be more stories coming from Shinerdrinker!)
Just a quick note for my legions of fans out there.
Chapter 59 of Mayhem in a Pill is currently with the editors and once it is turned into something quasi-readable, I'll go ahead and post for all of you.
So figure early next week if everything goes according to plan.
Someone wrote to me believing they had figured out who I used as a frame of reference for some of my characters. I'm pretty sure most writers do this, but I'll tell all of you like I told him/her. I don't just use them as a reference, I actually have the picture up on my iPad while typing on my computer. I used to have it opened on the computer but I hated going through tabs. And amazingly, he figured it out! Knock me over with a feather, either I am a really good writer and did a wonderful job describing this beauty or this him/her is just as equal of a pervert than I am. I'm thinkin' a little bit of column A, and a little bit of column B.
But I digress. In fact, it set up a nice little idea in my warped mind.
Who do you guys think I used as the celebrity base of the women in Mayhem in a Pill?
It was a contest I didn't know I was sponsoring. But it seems like a good idea.
So I'll ask all y'all (that's a Texas phrase for sure), who do you think I used as a picture for the women in this story?
I did it for all the women in the story. Some, I think, you should be able to figure out quickly. But of course, I don't expect most of you to figure any of them out. But then again, maybe you're just a perverted as I claim to be.
As for the prize, no physical prize. I don't have $500 sitting around to give out.
But I'll totally immortalize your SOL name into my story as somebody who asks a question in an email or something. I'll find a place fitting of your name. I mean seriously, some of your names are out there!
So email who you think is who here in SOL and if I get any winners, I'll let you know.
Why am I doing this? I'm procrastinating on the next chapter, of course!
Okay... and... go!
P.S. Use the email function in the site, not the messaging system! You don't want anyone to figure out the real woman using your ideas, do ya? So shoot me emails and let's have fun! And I'll do this for as many characters as you guys can get right!
Just a lil' update.
Chapter 58 of Mayhem in a Pill is with the final editors. So if you want to get ready for it, go ahead and reread chapter 57 just to immerse yourself in the waters of Lake Minnetonka. (Sorry bout that, I've been listening to a lot of Prince lately. No real reason, just because you should. It's good for ya!)
Or maybe even read more of it. You know for purification purposes.
Alright, the moment has come.
Chapter 57 of Mayhem in a Pill has been submitted for posting. A little later than I thought it would be posted. But that was totally the author's fault because of a last-second change of character, that caused a major rewrite for about 40% of the entire freakin' chapter!
But it is finished and I really believe it worked out better than the original chapter I was going to send to my editors. That one was almost boring when I read it myself!
So read. Enjoy. Try not to be bored.
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