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I was working on the next chapter of Mayhem in a Pill when I received an email from a reader asking about when the next chapter would be posted. Now that by itself is not unusual. What is unusual is I took it as an opportunity to answer their question and let them know a little bit about the next chapter.
I had written a whole couple of paragraphs just explaining the next bits of the story then I asked myself, "Hey self?"
"Yeah. Whadda ya want?"
"Why am I giving this guy more of an insight into the next chapter than anyone else?"
"I dunno. It is earlier than normal and it is a Saturday. No real reason to be awake this early. It's not like there is a series of football games to watch on TV."
"That's what I'm saying."
So I quickly went to hitting backspace and erasing the several paragraphs of explanation I had written to this regular fan who was probably bored and awake too early on a Saturday morning. So I've decided to just put out a blog post and let others know while I'm not yet ready to post the next chapter, I can safely warn everyone to go ahead and catch up on the old Tim side of the story. It's about time we get some stuff going over there.
I will tell y'all this though, there are many times since I've started posting this story that I wish I hadn't decided to write both sides of the story at the same time and put them together in the same story. It would have probably been safer for my sanity to keep them separate and just write two different stories in the same universe. But hey, what the fuck.
Like I told that other dude, my pages are about 15 pages or so and I am currently in the middle of page 6. Believe you me, this is way ahead of schedule for me!
Oh yeah! Is it bad form to openly advocate for people to vote for you in the Clitorides for "Author of the Year?" And no, I didn't nominate myself. I'm pretty far behind but it would be nice to at least show up in the running! Tee Hee.
Just wanted to let the score and a half of fans out there know the next chapter of Mayhem in a Pill has been sent to SOL and should post soon.
Sorry about the long wait between chapters but this one had a hard time coming together for some reason. But I pushed through, skipped a few evenings of MILF porn searches, and made sure this next chapter was at least respectfully close to correct phrasing of the English language.
As much as I could get away with anyhow. So enjoy, lemme know what y'all think of it and I'll get started on the next one. At least until this weekend when the Super Bowl is played. I got no player in the game, I just wanna see a good game and this one promises to at least try to entertain... much like Chapter 60 of Mayhem in a Pill.
Thanks for your support. (Bartles and Jaymes voice)
That was without a doubt my worst bout of writer's block I'd ever gone through.
It's not that I couldn't write, the problem was actually the exact opposite. I was writing all kinds of stuff but it was pretty much all turrible (insert Charles Barkley voice.)
If I'd kept all I wrote in the last couple of months, it would equal about 6-8 more chapters. But then again I didn't want to have the storyline morph into the alien invasion where they would leave the planet alone if we can win against them in a football game!
I know, you should see some of the bad stuff I wrote.
So anyway, just wanted to let everyone know I just sent the next chapter of Mayhem in a Pill to the editors. I expect to have them returned and I should be able to post this weekend or maybe early next week.
So at least there is that.
Thank you again for your support. (read with Bartles and Jaymes voice)
Welcome back to The Senator!
I for one am applauding the inevitable return of the great The Senator! I will read the new version obsessively!
Now if you could just call Cold Creek and 2020 would have been worth it!
I was just reading an interview with Ernest Cline about his new book "Ready Player Two." He had a great quote that I've found I should probably let others around here read.
Well, I got some good advice from a teacher I had in high school,
who told me that you shouldn't take criticism from anybody
that you wouldn't take advice from.
- Ernest Cline
I think it is pretty good advice and something I should probably take to heart. I never realized it before but I was already doing this subconsciously without having to be told. So when emails come in from other authors I enjoy, I will really pay attention to what they say. Hopefully, they have something really useful to say and so far, I've been extremely lucky on that path.
Okay, back to the writer's room!
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