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Okay. I hope I have prepared myself for the probable onslaught of negativity coming but I just wanted to warn everyone that there is something here that might cause trouble.
Oh, wait, no, don't worry, not too bad but something that tends to trigger many readers of this story. It's something I thought might become a problem so I decided to ignore it and leave the writing as is. But one of my editors rightfully pointed out that a sizeable subset of readers may be annoyed by what I wholeheartedly use as a very dense description of the line of scrimmage play during a football game. Namely a large exposition on the nuances of playing football among the big uglies.
He suggested I might want to remove a large chunk of it but I decided to leave it in. It is a deep description of what happens in the ever so brief moment of the two lines set up to face off against each other and the chess match that goes on in those brief seconds.
The people who have made their minds known, feel there is too much description of football in this story. I can see their point. But what I'm also trying to describe is that football is not just beefy testosterone-filled men ramming their bodies into each other with the hopes of moving an oblong ball made of pigskin in between two giant H's. There is subtlety. There is beauty. And yes, there are violent beefy men ramming their bodies into each other. But there is a method to the madness and I am describing these things to point out that Tim is learning this as well. His strength and speed give him a leg up on everyone he plays against but he can be beaten.
Thus he is growing.
But if you still don't like all the descriptions of the football game, well I think I set it aside, especially the more thick explanations, and you should be able to skip over that part. I do that often myself while reading other stories, like when long bouts of love-making take me out of the story that has captured my imagination, but I want to continue in the story.
So enjoy the next chapter in Mayhem in a Pill and know that there is a method to the madness. And maybe, hopefully, I can unlock a few eyes to what happens during the battles on the line of scrimmage when you watch a football game.
Woo Hoo!
Last night down here deep in the heart of texas we had ourselves a wallopin' of a row of thunderstorms. These fellas had the light show cranked up to 11 last night! It's like someone is upset about something going on here in Lone Star state. No idea what that could be... but I digress.
Now, why am I writing this blog... yeah, WHY am I writing this blog?
Oh yeah, with the storm last night I got inspired so I pulled out the handy laptop after getting her fully charged, I hauled it and my fat ass out onto the backyard porch. I sat on the very pick-a-nick table I built with these two hands. (Yes, I'm very proud of being able to follow the instructions lo very years ago and didn't even have any parts left over when I finished!)
I did some writing while the thunder gods put on a show. I only flinched two or maybe three times and that puddle of yellow-tinged liquid coagulating at my feet was already there before I sat down! (That's my story and I'm sticking to it!) I was downright, inspired to write in the middle of the storm last night. It was downright exhilarating. I just hope it's not an excuse to put off writing until the next thunderstorm.
So anyway, I have sent the next chapter of Mayhem in a Pill off to the editors and the preliminary notes say someday, I'll be able to write for the National Enquirer! Personally, I'm shooting for the Weekly World News, someone has got to find out what's going on with the Bat Boy! We ain't heard hide nor hair about him for years!
So there you have it. The next chapter is with the editors and once they finish laughing and showing it off to their friends, I'll post it and give everybody else a chance to gloat.
Now it is morning the sun has come up and there is another line of storms a-brewing and the laptop still has a lot of juice left in her. I think I'll start Chapter 63!
Laters, Kiddos!
I researched a future chapter of "Mayhem in a Pill," and I realized something about myself... I'm getting older, and my choice of celebrity hotties to introduce into the universe is also getting older. It is to the point of being too far from an acceptable reality.
It is believable a high school kid might get the hots for a 25 or maybe even up to a 30-year-old if she is a Hollywood celebrity who can fill out a bathing suit or is the star of a top-rated TV show. But older than 30 (or really 25), and it just doesn't look right. So I've kept a little list of women I'd like to write into the Mayhem universe somehow, and while I was checking them, I realized a large number of them are now too old for this story.
Check this out... Irina Shayk, Pom Klementieff, Emmy Rossum, Kat Dennings, Emilia Clarke, Camilla Belle, Teresa Palmer, Deepika Padukone, Megan Fox, Alexandr Daddario, Brittany Snow, Betty Gilpin, Oona Chaplin, Jenna Coleman, Gemma Arterton, Diane Guerrero, Jameela Jamil, Leighton Meester, Amber Heard, Emily VanCamp.
Any of these girls would be great to write a few scenes about, but each one is or will be 35 years old, and I'm a bit worried. Some of these were girls I was planning on using somehow, but when I looked into it, they got older, and Mayhem is still the same age. Hell, I've even considered given Mayhem and his friends the older, more experienced women fetish.
So now I have to find more age-appropriate girls for the story, and they just look too damn young. Sorry to put this onto you guys, but I just needed to vent, and y'all are the only other ones up at this time of night.
So I guess I'll have to torture myself and continue surfing the net for young celebrity hotties I can picture our hero devouring. I didn't really want to, but I'm gonna have to dive into the deep waters of social media to find these girls.
Tee Hee. It sucks to be me, I guess.
I need to apologize to everybody because I just realized this evening how long it has been since I updated "Mayhem in a Pill."
I won't make excuses but I will explain my absence. And no it has nothing to do with my ever-expanding MILF porn collection. I've got that well under control, I thank you.
I recently fell down the rabbit hole of young adults discovering old rock from my youth and even before that. It's addictive. I'm telling you, watching a youngin' who had only listened to rap for their young lives with no idea of what kind of great music was out in the ethos just waiting for them to discover on their own. The joy of someone watching Stevie Ray Vaughn's Texas Flood, Live from El Mocambo, as he plays the guitar behind his back better than 99 percent of the others playing properly. It is fun. And it's taking a big chunk of the free time that I used to have for writing. Whew, it's exhilarating.
If you have some time take a look on Youtube at these kids discovering good music and slowly discover that the stuff they are listening to today fails in comparison to the stuff already done. It is a fun ride but it does take your free time away.
I'll get back to Mayhem since I think I've gotten most of those out of my system... what was that... oh hell, the kid just clicked on Pink Floyd's "Comfortably Numb." I think I might have promised my change in focus a bit too soon. But hey, who gives a fuck? These youngsters need to learn and I'm all about edu-ma-cation.
Holy sh!t. Talk about touching a touchy subject!
I have never gotten that kind of response from either a blog post or a chapter... ever! Fifty-three different emails about this little off-the-cuff blog post. I felt I should have just kept to myself immediately after posting but I figured "well, I never really ever got much of a response before... I doubt anyone will really respond."
Boy, was I wrong! See, the responses I normally get for a new chapter are three or maybe up to five emails saying they liked the latest chapter or thought I should have posted faster or when is the next one posting. Those are the VAST majority of emails. And I love them. They are just enough of an ego boost to keep me going.
But the other night, I won't bore y'all with details, I needed a bit more of an ego boost and found the normally empty amount of new emails just a bit disconcerting. Counter that with a score of Mayhem in a Pill sort of stagnating. Mind you, I feel like that level is exactly where it needs to be since I find myself thinking the same thing if I hadn't been writing it, I'd probably be giving it the score of between 8 or 9 myself.
My ego is nowhere near high enough to believe my story deserves a ten. I mean my name is Shinerdrinker and not Refusenik nor Cold Creek nor is it, Al Steiner.
So basically the main idea I got from those who wrote to answer my story is they believe the main factor holding my story at its very respectable 8.25 is the lack of posting schedule and that posting schedule not being at least weekly.
I totally understand this. I generally agree with this. My ego is confident enough to say if I was posting chapters at least every week, then my story deserves to reach that rare echelon of more than nine. That's my feeling anyway. Most of the people felt this way and told me so in those 53 emails.
A few people also blamed the dual timeline story setting as too complicated. Some said to do away with it. Some said to turn the timelines into separate stories and some told me to stop writing altogether because "I suck." But I'm choosing to disregard that guy since he actually misspelled suck and actually called me an, I quote, "talentless hack."
So, as an ending, a promise for the future. I'll work on speeding up the chapters but I'm not going to set myself to a set schedule since I write this for fun during my far too few spare times I can write. Besides... what about all that MILF porn, it ain't gonna download itself.
Tee hee.
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