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I was working on the next chapter of Mayhem in a Pill when I noticed something about the story. I noticed the overall score has not changed much in the last year.
Now don't misunderstand me, I am thankful for every one of the votes my little story has received but I guess you can blame my vanity. My vanity was wondering, "How do I get the score to rise?" I know, I'm supposed to take the high road and not worry about childish things like the arbitrary score of a piece of fiction. But, well knock me over like a dandelion, I worry about it.
I was just wondering if there was a way to get more upvotes to possibly affect the overall score. Now that I've asked the question, I'm a little bit worried about what hornet's nest I may or may not have overturned.
Ugh. Now I'm really worried.
If this causes any problems, then please just forget I asked and just keep happily giving Mayhem several ten votes.
Tee hee.
Well, y'all asked for it! Okay, I have submitted Chapter 61 of Mayhem in a Pill, and should be posted very soon.
Enjoy. And yes, I am already working on the next chapter.
Tee hee.
Hello all.
Sorry about the lack of new chapters for Mayhem in a Pill. I've been getting slammed by real-life so no time for writing. No worries, nothing serious, just time-consuming.
So I just wanted to give y'all a little bit of a heads up about the next chapter of Mayhem in a Pill. I know I've been threatening to update for a while but I can happily tell everyone the next chapter is with the editors so give them about a week or so and then I'll post it for everyone.
Oh yeah, I just remembered, this next chapter is set in the older version of Tim so you might want to remind yourselves of what is going on with Tim and George over on chapter 56. Just to get a taste of that portion of the Mayhem universe.
Okay, that'll do it. New Mayhem chapter coming up probably either this weekend or early next week.
Thanks for sticking with me. I'll try to keep the next chapter coming a little more regularly but you know what they say about making plans.
I have a bit of a confession to make. I haven't been working on Mayhem as much as you might have been thinking I was working on it. Don't get me wrong, I did a little bit of writing and trimming every day, just not the normal amount. But then again, knowing what a large segment of the story revolves around, you could probably guess what I was doing with my time.
And no it was not MILF porn. There is always room for MILF porn. It's not a hobby but a state of mind.
I am big-time into the NFL Draft and have been since ESPN began airing it way back when. I watch the pre-shows, the main shows, the post shows and then go online and check for expert opinions on what I just watched. This year started something new, I followed along with people online and reacting with each pick. I have spent the last three months or so planning and helping a friend of a friend run his online stream about the NFL Draft and monitor his chat feed to keep it civil. Believe me, these people can be vicious when they think they are helping their team select their next players. It was also a lot of fun.
Yes, I watched countless hours of film and interviews with each of the players.
I am one of those people who enjoy having information on a prospect from a small school that the national media might not know that much about. And this year it helped with the Cowboys' last draft pick on Friday night. He was a young man out of Oregon State that most draftniks had ranked as a seventh-round draft pick at the highest. While I didn't have him ranked that low, I didn't think he would be picked that high either. To me, there is nothing more fun than sitting in a small room with several of your closest friends each laser-focused on each nugget of information we come across for a potential selection to join OUR team!
It's almost as bad as following which high school kid is deciding where to play college football. And yes, I follow that as well. Where else am I going to know if this guy will be a fit for the cover three defense predicated on strong tight pass coverage or should he go-to team that utilizes a more zone-oriented defense.
So that is my confession. I haven't been spending that much time on Mayhem in a Pill, because I've been spending the majority of my time prepping for the NFL Draft. So I shall continue anew with Mayhem beginning this upcoming week.
Besides... our first production meeting to start looking into the 2022 NFL Draft isn't until next weekend!
P.S. To those readers who don't like the amount of information, I put into the description of the football games, just imagine how much I've cut out!
Sorry about being absent for a while. Unfortunately, the next chapter is still not ready for posting. It has fallen victim to the dreaded (not yet good enough) feelings each time I read the chapter.
But I've been assured the different versions I have spewed out were all fine but for some reason, I just didn't like it.
I have found it amazing that I haven't shot it all and said "screw it, let's forget about older Tim and get back to his high school shenanigans." But amazingly, I'm sticking with the next chapter to be a look at what is going on with old Tim.
But I am keeping my promise to keep the next chapter a look at what the future Tim is living through. the pieces are there for something really fun, I just have to get it fleshed out correctly. I decided to post a quick update for everybody.
I am working on the next chapter... it's just a difficult hill to climb. But it deserves the best and so far, it ain't there. Close. But not yet.
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