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Oh no, don't worry nothing extreme.
But I have finally decided on who is my favorite secondary character in a story here on SOL. I know, you've all been waiting with bated breath for my decision.
So I'll not keep you waiting any longer. I think my favorite secondary character in any story here on SOL is... Omo.
You remember Omo, right? He is the gardening expert brought to the island by Deni Truong in Refusenik's Island Mine.
Omo is expertly described and I can perfectly visualize him whenever I read that story. When the islanders are sitting in the powerboat waiting for the launch of the first space vehicle from Freehold. He's sitting toward the back of the boat with a line in the water fishing. Or when the day of the wedding comes, he is running around trying to make everything look perfect and forcing the Truong brothers to move plantings and flowerbeds from here to there. You can see him doing it all with a huge smile on his face since he is excited by a good wedding. Or maybe more to the point he's more excited about the good celebration AFTER the wedding.
It is all just expertly told and with the absolute minimum of verbiage possible. That is a sign of excellent writing.
I'm determined to get Refusenik to acknowledge my fandom of each of his stories... or at least until Cold Creek posts another chapter.
Tee Hee.
I decided to give myself a little present after FINALLY getting Chapter 64 of Mayhem in a Pill posted after a couple of major rewrites and of course the major triage needed to repair the chapter's innards after the blood-letting via editing. But once again, the patient lived and I believe... survived and prospered.
Now on to the present... I decided to do a little reading (since the NFL season is over for me, but the NFL Draft season goes into full effect!) I re-read a wonderful little story that never finished and was left incomplete for a long time. "Friday Night Lights" is a great story, and with wonderful pacing by The Senator. The really good news of course is The Senator has recently come back to us and apparently has gotten a second wind to try and finish his wonderful tale once again. There is plenty of room for some editing but those are simple mistyping and if I complain about that amount of mistakes, well I deserved to be thoroughly flogged with a wet noodle.
So after a little sprucing, The Senator has promised to continue the story and see if young Nick Capuzzo can become a college quarterback but first, he has to traverse the pitfalls forming in front of him. Does he really want to play college football? Does he want to take his budding romance with him to college?
There are plenty of questions. He's got good friends and prospects for plenty more.
The Senator has plenty of room for more stories in this nice little universe of Michigan high school football. For a guy like me, it's always nice to read about football in the lower football states. Tee Hee.
I for one am going to enjoy the updates and new chapter soon to be coming in "Friday Night Lights." Oof, quick little story, I almost called my story that title but I decided at the last second to change the title, and "Mayhem in a Pill" was the first thing that came to mind so I went with it. Luckily, I haven't needed to change it, either.
Thanks for listening and The Senator, thanks for coming back. Now if you could just get Cold Creek on the line and back at the blinking cursor, we'd much appreciate it.
The next chapter of Mayhem in a Pill is with the editors. Y'all know the drill by now. When they finish marking it up with red ink, it looks like a deep coed who decided to get nekkid with a boy and avoid the simple rule to lock your door!
Anyway, this chapter should have been posted a couple of weeks ago but TeNderLoin pointed out a major mistake in the chapter and rightfully put my feet to the fire because of it. So I had to rewrite about half of the chapter and it only took about a week to do so. The extra week was just me surfing for the ever-important MILF porn. That shit ain't gonna save itself ya know!
But the rewrite was well worth it. I think so anyway.
You guys will be able to figure it out for yourselves when it gets posted for everyone to read hopefully sometime early in the week.
I gotta ask for your forgiveness. I could give you the old adage "Make plans and see what happens..." or something to that effect.
I have the next chapter almost ready but it will a few more days to fix. Apparently, the latest version I had was not the last one I had written. I don't understand what happened since I had saved it after closing it. (I always close everything and turn off the computer when I turn it off for the night. It's my part of being just this close to full-blown OCD.)
Anyways, I needed to try and rewrite some of the stuff I saved before going tits up. I couldn't finish it quick enough and I wasn't going to skip a holiday party featuring a lovely win by my beloved Dallas Cowboys. (I grew up in Cowboy country, sue me.) And I got home much later than I thought I would in order to finish the chapter off. Only Grammarly is saving this verbal diarrhea spewing onto my keyboard right now.
So anywho, I'll try to get this finished before the end of the week, and then I expect to be postponed for a while after that since there is some holiday coming up or something and I'm not a complete horse's ass. I don't want my editors having to worry about something they aren't getting any pay.
So, I hope to get it sooner but I'm announcing any plans since that is where this all started.
-- Shinerdrinker
Okay, so let me give y'all an update. I go the new computer and it's great. I finally got it set with all the programs I prefer.
Now for the pissed-on laptop, it was dead. The power supply was shorted but luckily, the hard drive was okay. I was able to pull off everything that I had not yet backed up before the cat went to target practice. I got it all.
I have the latest chapter of Mayhem in a Pill and I will be going over it later on tonight and then sending it out to the editors who have been waiting with bated breath for my wonderful prose to appear. Of course, they waited in front of their computers and begged off their normal life until the language defining exposition could be introduced to the masses... or at least until the masses were genuinely ready to receive such a gift. It's a tight line, for sure.
Also, I HAVE backed it all up again.
I still need to dot a few T's and cross a couple of I's but it will be sent off tonight or latest tomorrow. Then the guys do their work and we can let you find out what's next for our intrepid crew.
So if everything works out, you should have the next chapter next week. Unless the damn cat decides we aren't paying enough attention to her again. One last thing... I'm a little disappointed no one wanted the demon spawn when offered. But I won't hold that against you, I'll just know where to point her next time.
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