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I just noticed while looking at the latest stats for Mayhem in a Pill, chapter 49 now officially has more downloads than chapter 48.
To me, I guess that means people really liked that last chapter and have reread it to keep their minds in the story. Either that or you people like thinking about Riley Reid.
Just kidding. Oh yeah, still waiting on the editors for chapter 50 I guess that means I really screwed up the English language with this one. Woo Hoo! Hurray me!
Tee Hee.
Hi Ho!
Just wanted to let everyone know that Chapter 50 of Mayhem in a Pill is currently with the editors and being artfully carved and molded into something that conceivably could be considered a few thoughts put together using the English language for normal enjoyment. Whether you readers would consider it enjoyable is totally on your heads. I think it's okay, and for the money is a great deal.
Once the editors are finished and I go through thoroughly flogging myself with a whip for every simple mistake they needed to point out, then I'll submit for posting and of course, get started on the next chapter.
So let's recap, chapter 50 with the editors and once they are done, I'll post. Sorry about the wait but it seems every time I announce I have time in my life to work a little more on this side project, then life tends to drop tons of detritus all over my head.
Thank you again for your support.
-- Shinerdrinker
A quick update from the Shinerdrinker.
Real-life really screw with what you want to do in life. I had everything prepped for faster uploads of chapters but well you know.
Have faith though my score of fans out there. I am working on the next chapters. And yes, I meant for the plurals. I'll leave you with that.
When will the next chapter post?
I dunno. But I have not given up on "Mayhem in a Pill."
I do have some time this week in and out between stuff but I WILL work on it this week.
I'm guessing the average age of the readers and especially the authors/editors are closer to retirement than beginning careers. I'm in the middle of it as I'm still of the ripe young age of 45.
I'm figuring most people don't realize that I'm probably young for the authors on this site. There is nothing wrong with that.
I bring it up because the last chapter of my first story on SOL Chapter 49: Onyx featured a house transferred into a Strip Club/Bordello. One of the characters in the story even pointed out the story from one young man's father had the club sounding like the orgy scene from Stanley Kubrick's final movie "Eyes Wide Shut."
But I was also reminded today by an old college friend I'm lucky enough to still have to want to talk to me still after all these years. He just read the latest chapter this weekend since he claims to have some type of life involving a so-called career and family to look after. I don't believe him, but hell his wife seems to back up his story. Anyway, he sent me a link reminding me about a music video from right after our college days.
I clicked the link and damn if he wasn't absolutely right. I was even going to use a famous sports celebrity as a guest at Onyx to get Tim and his friends into the action... so to speak.
Anyhow, it is a rap song. A figure some of you might not like that noise and I completely understand. So don't worry about clicking the link, we won't call you square or anything like that. I find myself agreeing with many of you about these new rappers. Not a one could keep up with rappers from my youth. Not many of these new groups have anything important to say about anything but what they spend their money on and where they go to party. Nothing wrong with that, but I preferred it when the songs had a point other than vanity.
But I digress... try the link if you like.
If this link won't work, copy and paste into another tab on your browser. That should be the cleaner version at least but the cutout words and pauses kinda screw up the song. But make sure your significant other doesn't see it or you might have to come up with an excuse. And if you're like me, those things can't be wasted on something like this.
Okay, the counter just showed Chapter 48 going onto 10,000 downloads (actually 10,001) just happened.
I have Chapter 49 ready and edited.
Was gonna wait until this weekend but I can't help it. I still got two weeks until its time for the next to be posted. And I will get it done by then.
It's in the posting queue and will appear shortly.
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