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I remember seeing "Can't Buy Me Love" way back in the day. But why haven't I remembered it more fondly than I wish I do now.
The kind of girls going to this school is just unreal for a high school movie. I'm having trouble trying to remember any other movie or TV show with better-looking girl students than this movie.
If you can't remember said flick, lemme break it down for you. A geek is in love with the cheerleader captain and has been his entire life. But he yearns to become a member of the cool kids. One day in the mall, he sees an opportunity. The cheerleader ruins her mother's expensive suede outfit trying to show off for the cool kids herself. She goes to the store where her mother bought the outfit trying to get the store to give her another before her mom finds out about it. The geek offers her the cash to buy the outfit if she helps him become one of the cool kids.
Of course by Christmas, both kids screw up their lives always trying to keep up with the cool kids and both kids realize they actually love each other.
But the story particulars are cookie cutter but the girl in the school. Holy Hell! I spotted former Playboy Playmate Devin Devasquez before her time in front of Hef's lenses. And she wasn't even one of the regular girls, she was the ultra hottest of the school that everyone aspired to see nekkid and maybe even play nekkid with her willingly.
But I digress, I can't believe I could not remember this movie for the life of me. Even if it did momentarily bring about the greatest of all dance crazes, "The African Ant-Eater Ritual." A showstopper if there ever was one.
As I think about it, I believe I might have tried something as crazy as paying the captain of the cheerleaders to date me for a month or so and create a reputation worthy of the cool kids. Even if it did bite him in the ass and make him a pariah of the school.
Yes. I would have done it for the girls. Yes. Yes, I would have done it for the girls. And I'm pretty sure I ain't alone in that am I?
Oops, sorry to end it on a bad note but I just read online how the actress who played the head cheerleader Amanda Peterson passed away in 2015 of an accidental drug overdose. The anniversary of her death is just a few days away.
P.S. I also saw whereby my blog page here on SOL has been accessed over the 50,000 times. I guess people like the little thought I put up here from time to time as well. That's not really that important in the scheme of things but I thought it was damn interesting!
Hey everybody! I got a great response from my last blog post about my re-reading of "Island Mine." I directly equate that with people's love of the story, right along with my own love of that story. I know one thing for sure, I got more response from the blog posting than I did the last two chapters of "Mayhem in a Pill."
But I have had a few responses quote a blog posting about the passing of Refusenik. I have not heard about this and was wondering if it is true. If anyone really knows about Refusenik it would be him. If he has passed then okay, I can deal with that, but if he has just hit a hard patch of writer's block, then I can deal with that as well.
So what we (or more to the point I) need is for the truth to come out. Has Refusenik cast off his mortal coil or has he just decided to hang up his quill and stop writing for us?
Which is it?
(Oh yeah... same thing for Cold Creek.)
Like the title asks... The fact of how unbelievably great of a story "Island Mine" is truly.
I just finished re-reading that great work for the umpteenth time and it is just as great if not better each time I read it.
And of course, each time I read it I come up with more questions. If you want to get EXACT about it, there are a few mistakes in the story as in a typo or two as well as an errant word here or there. Not enough to stop you from reading.
"Island Mine" is the story I tell people I know to read. Not mine. But "Island Mine" is the one. Of course, I eventually get them around to mine but just like me, they like that one much more.
Does the Security AI Chief bond with Arman in Tahiti immediately, or does he wait a few days, weeks or even months before introducing himself to the man. How would Arman take the news? Would he act favorably to discovering Waylon's secret of the island?
I'd love to find out. But then again I don't want to find out. It could hurt a perfect story if all my questions are answered. So I won't ask Refusenik to answer them for me in a sequel.
Maybe just in a blog or perhaps a personal email just to me with a promise from me to never reveal the contents.
Nah. I think I'd like a sequel. Or at least a new story. Maybe that would be best. Or maybe Refusenik could figure out a way to get Cold Creek on the horn and get HIS lazy ass back to typing again!
Either way pisses me off that I can't write THAT well. And may never be able to do so. Fuck! Now I'm depressed and going to bed way too late and happy in the subtle fact that I'll be absolutely worthless tomorrow.
Tee Hee. Nighty Night, kiddos!
Okay. Here you go. Something simple.
The next chapter of Mayhem in a Pill is in the posting queue to come online. Sorry about the delay but life hits you between the eyes.
Thanks for all your messages. They ALL helped.
Please enjoy the new chapter and I'll get going on the next one.
-- Shinerdrinker
Hello there boys and girls!
Just a quick update. I have sent the next chapter of Mayhem in a Pill to the editors for them to completely gut and destroy with red slashes each one ragged and deep cuts as if serving as a stand-in for a deep, strong feeling of wanting to do the same to my bare chest. At least that's what I'm thinking whenever I look over the corrections.
I'm kidding... kind of.
So I guess to the couple dozen or so fans of Mayhem in a Pill out there, the next chapter should go up in a few days. It all depends on when my wonderful editors decide to clean a few hours off their schedule since I figure that the amount of time and work spent on this third grade - at best - level of writing.
So, I guess we have that to look forward to.
P.S. Just kidding those editors of mine are great and I know for a fact they wait at the computer patiently everyday ignoring the needs of their world around them and overcome religious fervor just for the opportunity to read my words a few days sooner than anyone else.
Yeah. I like that story better. I'll take it!
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