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So, as the title suggests, I am often in awe of the dozen or so people who read my first story on this site. It took less than a week for the overall count to reach 10,000. Some of you must have been going and reloading the chapter for hours just to get the count up. And for that I am thankful.
So thankful in fact, I decided to put my nose to the grindstone and hammer out some pages. As a result, I am happy to announce that Chapter 42 is currently in the hands of the final editor. Once he finishes marking it up and turning the monkey scratch I call writing into something that others can read and understand. I'll post it. You know instead of talking with your friends and saying: "You remember that one time when we went out drinkin'. No the other time."
Now my writing can be enjoyed by anyone.
But I still have the urge to write so I am also announcing I have already started chapter 43. So hopefully I can get this one ready to post before the next chapter can hit 10,000 downloads.
Nope. I'm not gonna strangle myself with a deadline I might not be ablle to meet. But I can tell you I'm sure as hell gonna try!
Okay, a little good news for you.
The next chapter has been placed in the queue for posting. Will be up today.
I'll go ahead and get started on the next chapter so until then, please enjoy!
I'm a little bit out of sorts today. I did A LOT of writing over the last few nights and was able to finish the next chapter of Mayhem in a Pill earlier than I thought I would. I was a little bit stuck but then I had the wonderful idea of just skipping what I was going to do in the story and bring it back around later as needed.
The story arch will still be told but just not in this next chapter. Don't worry, it still all works out in the end. That's where I was worried but I got it all straight now. So I have the chapter with the last editor now and once he finishes repainting the page with red, I'll be able to post for the three or four of you who want to read the story.
Oh, one last thing. I will admit that the last week and a half was completely screwed with the long-awaited posting of a new chapter from Cold Creek. I was shocked and ever thankful. I opened it and immediately started reading but then I stopped after a paragraph. I told myself, "Hey Self, it's been a while since you have put yourself into this story and you got plenty of time to write your chapter later, why not go back a chapter and reread so you can enjoy it even more."
Needless to say, I had several more conversations with myself and yadda yadda yadda, I reread the entire story from the beginning and then truly enjoyed the new chapter to its fullest content. But now I find myself talking to myself, "Self, when do you think Cold Creek will post the next chapter? I dunno guy. Hopefully, he won't take too long. Say, it has been quite a while since you read Refusenik's Island Mine and the Cowboys don't play until tonight. Let's have some fun shall we?"
Yep, sounds like fun.
Okay, I need to apologize to everyone.
I was desperately trying to get the next chapter of Mayhem in a Pill ready for everyone before Christmas day. It does not look good.
So I have decided to put a pin in it where I stopped so I can go through and remove the stuff that is just not necessary. It will make the story much better in the long run and that is what really counts.
So in reality... I'm giving everybody a great Christmas present by not forcing the next subpar chapter faster just to meet an arbitrary deadline created by Sears Roebuck. JK ;-)
So I will just keep plodding away and you guys will enjoy the wait much better than me trying to force something that ain't my best.
Until then... Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays.
Oh and P.S. The next chapter should come before the end of the year. That much I can agree to.
Like the title describes, I am sooooo damned proud of myself for some quick thinking on my part.
The wife caught me looking at pictures of some young ladies in the 18 to 25-year-old range on the interwebs. Well, she, of course, took it the wrong way and started in on me but I had myself one of those eureka moments I heard so much about.
I told her the celebrity girls I was going to use in future chapters of Mayhem in a Pill were too old and not believable. When I started writing, I had girls set aside that I was going to use when the time was right. But I told her I realized the girls I had in mind were now way too old. I'm talking 30s here folks, you know the age when they should all be pushed off the cliff.
As an example, I had always wanted to use Jessica Alba, but then I realized she is now 37 years old and not likely to drop everything and try to woo our hero. Maybe, but not likely.
So that was why I spent a good half hour this afternoon looking at pictures of beautiful actresses, singers, models and now apparently YouTube celebrities. She said I needed a woman's touch in deciding who to base a character on or who to straight out use, I, of course, believe her.
(And no she is asleep and not helping me write this blog post. She'll see it in the morning but I'll probably just get a curt look. I like it when she gives me curt looks.)
Oops, I almost forgot. I have Chapter 40 of Mayhem in a Pill with the final editor and I expect to be posting it probably early next week. For those of you wondering, chapter 40 continues along the high school Tim timeline. I hope you enjoy.
Oh yeah, if anyone has any ideas for hot female celebrities might chase our hero, lemme know!
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