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I was approached by the neighborhood kids a couple of days ago. They wanted to see if I would be willing to go as a guardian (or cab driver) for them to see if the Roosevelt Rough Riders could earn themselves a playoff spot with a win over the dreaded Churchill Chargers.
The game was a great game. Long touchdown passes. Long touchdown runs. Great celebratory dances after quarterback sacks. Even an interception in the end zone to stop a long, scoring drive. But in the end, the Rough Riders can up short 24-20.
Needless to say, it really helps put me in the mindset for writing "Mayhem in a Pill." It really helps me remember what I felt when I made my way down the halls of Roosevelt many decades ago.
It was fun. I had fun. The kids had fun. But everyone would have had more fun with a win but that's life.
My spirits were greatly improved this morning when I checked and saw that just under ten days after posting chapter 39 it reached over 10,000 downloads. And not that I'm really keeping score or anything like that, but the overall score also rose from 8.11 to 8.16.
I strive to be ever so humble and I am diligently working to continue writing chapter 40 for those of you eager for another read. I know I am.
Thanks everybody.
-- Shinerdrinker
Sorry, it took a little while but I have finally figured out a proper gift for my score of fans who have brought "Mayhem in a Pill" to over 500,000 downloads.
I believe it was fate that the Dallas Cowboys had a bye week in the middle of this season at the same time as "Mayhem in a Pill" reached 500,000 downloads. It was so I would use the extra time to the advantage of everyone and get off my fat ass and do some writing!
So I went ahead and wrote chapter 39 well ahead of time. That chapter is now with the final editor. They make all my writing readable and not like the end product of a room half full of monkeys pounding keyboards.
Thanks again to everyone for reading "Mayhem in a Pill." Thanks to my editors who do an amazing job and thanks to my readers who actually can see through this mess and find the story I am trying to tell.
The next chapter will be posted as soon as the final edits come in and I can erase all the red markings.
-- Shinerdrinker
Is that correct? Nah. Don't care.
But I do care that Mayhem in a Pill earlier yesterday October 26th, hit over 500,000 downloads.
I am so grateful. I feel like I need to give my score of fans something for helping reach that huge number. I still can't believe you guys actually have fun opening and closing chapters to make sure the count goes up.
Thanks everybody. I'll think of something to get you guys but it will have to interesting. I can't just give an uninteresting gift. Let's see what happens.
-- Shinerdrinker
Lemme tell y'all a quick story about "Mayhem in a Pill."
I came up with the title when I was first loading the first chapter up onto SOL.
Let that sink in.
I had previously written about eight chapters when I decided to go ahead and start uploading what I had to SOL. The story was not yet titled but I was already eight chapters into something I thought would be near fifty. (Since then I have not decided how far the story would go. I have a general idea of calling the end of book one at the end of the freshman year.) I was actually scared. I have several stories written and I could have uploaded any of those for my first story. But I decided to go with something fresh. Something I only had a brief outline prepared when I started. I now worry about publishing something that if I get a better idea for a better story line, I won't be able to go back and fix if I publish stories as I write them.
I'm actually glad I did because since then I have gone over some of my other short stories and I don't even want to try and reedit them since they also seem somewhat dated.
I mean one of them depended highly on alpha-numeric paging. Remember the late 1990s, you had to call a toll free 800 number and tell the operator what message you wanted sent to the person you were paging. You dictate and they type then read back to make sure it was what you wanted. It was texting with a third person involved.
I digress.
I was scared to upload "Mayhem in a Pill" because well quite simply, I didn't know what to name it. So when I uploaded the first chapter, and the site asked me for the name of the story and I just froze with my fingers over the keyboard. But quickly I found myself typing "Mayhem in a Pill" into the space when SOL asked for the title. I recently found my old list of possible titles and I didn't have anything near that. I ask you other writers, would you have had the marbles to publish a story without a title. Yeah, neither would I. So "Mayhem in a Pill" was born.
Bettcha didn't know that, huh.
Anywho. The next chapter of the story features a return to the escaping prisoner story line, is with the final editor and should be getting uploaded soon.
I find it perfect timing since not only is the next chapter almost ready but my little "Untitled" story has grown into something even bigger than I could have dreamed it would become. In looking back, yeah, I should have gone ahead and tried one of my older stories and built up a following of a couple score of fans. But no, my stupid ass needed to do things the hard way.
The more approving way.
The much more satisfying way.
The almost 500,000 download way.
Thanks a bunch and the new chapter is forthcoming.
-- Shinerdrinker
I was watching "Striptease" earlier in the evening. I was actually watching something earlier but it ended then that started and I didn't want to reach for the remote. I mean it was over on the other side of the pizza box. I wasn't gonna move just to change the channel.
The movie is hot garbage but then I tend to like watching dumpster fire movies to try and put myself into the minds of the actors and people behind the cameras making this putrid waste of time.
But then Burt Reynolds came on the screen. I remembered he was the reason to watch the movie. (Oh also the absolutely funny job by the liquid metal Terminator as the criminal ex-husband. When he Burt and Demi wearing some rather impressive lingerie are all meeting each other on the boat. Original Liquid Terminator is just off to the side opiate-dancing and you can tell everyone working on the film are all watching him and waiting for someone else to yell "cut.")
This movie just sort of grows on you. And the nudity is rather plain, considering the tizzy Hollywood got into while promoting the movie.
Why did I bring this up? (Yeah why did I bring this up? Oh yeah!) The incredible scene of Burt covered head to toe in vaseline is something that should be a main reason to visit museums for years to come. That was comedy gold. Then when he puts on his suit and goes to glad hand donations, shaking hands and leaving a little bit behind with everyone. I wonder if that is actually a strong metaphor for meeting with most politicians today. (Don't worry I'm not getting political. I would not want to open up one of those cans of worms.) I put that right up there with the scene in Porky's when the girl's coach wants the principal and two men's coaches to let her inspect the boys for a discriminating mole. I also put it right along with the overdosing donkey in Bachelor Party.
I digress. Burt Reynolds, original liquid metal Terminator and Demi Moore's store bought ample bosom should all be thanked for the wonderful job they did in entertaining the world with the god-awful movie. Besides at least it wasn't trying to be a serious picture like "Showgirls." There is no way you can talk the wife down from a verbal battle after getting caught watching that disaster like you can by pointing and laughing at a viscous Burt Reynolds traipse across the screen shimmering in his cowboy boots.
You will be missed Burt. You will be missed.
Well all that got me writing this evening and I have a bunch of time this upcoming weekend to finish off the latest chapter of "Mayhem in a Pill." Just wanted to let y'all know I was still working on it. I'm not making plans to actually write though because everytime I try to do that... well you know what happens then only thing interesting is how will I get set on a different path.
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