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Shinerdrinker: Blog


Good News... maybe?

Posted at

Hey kiddos.

I just sent the next chapter of Mayhem in a Pill to the queue and it should be appearing for your hungry eyes any time now.

Enjoy. Don't forget to let me know what you think of the new chapter and also what you think of the story as a whole.

I do enjoy getting messages from the few readers who like my story and trust me I am working hard to get these chapters out for your to read.

Once again thanks.

-- Shinerdrinker

What can I blame for not writing... now?

Posted at Updated:

Ha! I thought I'd get you guys with that one. There is no need to act like I have harrowing circumstances as to why I have not posted the next chapter of Mayhem.

So long story short... I'm basically lazy but this time I have just sent the last chapter for a final read through.

Until it goes through all editors I will proudly proclaim that my writing is only slightly better than monkeys hitting the keyboard. Those fuckers can't spell for shit.

Okay, so what does this rambling mean? The next chapter of Mayhem in a Pill is to be posted soon. As soon as the editor finishes and can finally see the end of the road though the rancid manure I call prose.

See ya soon!

P.S. If you wanna go back to figure out what in the hell is going on then go on back to Chapter 32. It was the last chapter dealing with the prison escape' and his new friends. (Don't worry I had to do the same friggin' thing to remind myself!)

The Bitch is back!

Posted at

Most believe the fleeting whims of their muse a bitch. Oh, not I dear sir, not I.

I believe the bitch is the dreaded lack of ideas. I used to believe the bitch was the dreaded writer's block, where mainly you continue writing but your personal editor in your own noodle tells you everything you are typing is complete shite! And yes, I spellt it shite! Perhaps a new word is needed... shyte. Yes! Shyte will do fine.

I'm not getting bad ideas, I'm getting no freaking ideas!!!!!

Ugh. Now I'm depressed. Okay, I need a new plan of attack. What about self mutilation with soggy noodles. Why the hell am I fixated on noodles. Ugh.


Well not to worry everybody. I will find a way to throw the bitch out of my mind and preferably out of my neighborhood. No MILF porn can solve this problem... it is time to venture down the YouTube rabbit hole. That's always fun. Start watching Dallas Cowboys training camp reports and highlights from practice and end up arguing with wannabe critics about why the first season of Iron Fist was not as bad as they believed.

Whew. At least now I know what to do. I might not get anymore writing done tonight; but, at least I have put on my robe and I am getting ready to pick the bitch up and drop kick her into the back yard where she belongs!!

The next chapter is coming. And it is coming... whenever the hell it is ready because trust me people, you don't wanna see it before it is ready.


Um. Wow. I'm humbled.

Posted at

Like the title says, I'm humbled. Because today the count for my little story went for over 450,000 downloads but also over 3,000 votes.

That means that not only are people reading the story but they are liking it since the score has stayed in the relatively higher score since the last chapter was added. I know I shouldn't pay attention to that number but hey, sue me. I'll try not to cry about it too often though.

I thank you. Seriously. Thank you.

Makes me wanna skip searching for MILF porn and actually do some writing.

Whew! That was close! I damn near closed the browser and opened the OpenOffice writer. Jeez, that was close.

Well, I do have the MILF site bookmarked. I can always go back to it. Yep. 450,000 and 3,000 votes. You guys deserve a treat. No MILF porn tonight, instead tonight I will work on the next chapter.

You're welcome.

A Funny Thing Happened...

Posted at

A funny thing happened to me while I was reading the news off the front page of Yahoo. (Don't worry I had to check some of my free Yahoo mail. I don't use Yahoo as a primary source for the news.)

I saw a headline for a story. It read:

NHL Rumors: John Tavares Expected To Sign With One Of These Three Teams.

I don't care about hockey, but it did remind me that our boy Cold Creek has not given us another glimpse to the world of the DMan.

Mike Stewart for all we know should have been front and center this summer as a free agent for the NHL. Since he was also drafted in the same draft as Mr. Tavares.

But no. We have to live with the entire backstory and all the poon he had and let slip through his fingers. But hey... I think I found something to do this weekend and remind myself of the fantabulous life of a college hockey, fashion modeling, international man of mystery that in all rights will probably end with Mike waking himself up from his daydream of an entirely different life while standing in the rain over the grave of his father and mother who was interred six months previously.

Ugh. I hope I'm wrong and if I'm not then I apologize to the readers of this blog as well as the fans of Cold Creek's DMan series.



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