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Reltney McFee: Blog


Trust or Tryst Final Chapter submitted.

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I have just submitted chapter 6, the final chapter, for posting. I hope I cleaned up loose ends.

Thank you to all the folks who commented, and thanks to everybody who read, and voted. (Of course, if you thought one-or more-of my stories might be worthy of a Clitoride nomination, that would be very nice, as well!)

Chapter 5 Submitted for Posting!

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Thank you to all the folks who took the time to leave kind comments. I'm pleased you've enjoyed the story, and hope this and the following, last, chapters similarly entertain you.

Edited Chapter 4 submitted

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Thanks to EspressoBolus for the question regarding why the second medic crew would approach a patrol car. First, what would indicate the protagonist was more injured than the wife? (nothing). Second, what would tip them off that anybody in the patrol car might need them? (nothing). I fixed it, I think, and submitted an edited chapter four.

Thank you, Mr. Bolus!

Trust or Tryst: another chapter

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I have just submitted Chapter 4 of "Trust of Tryst". Considerably more action. I hope readers (...all three of us!) enjoy it. Thank you for reading, and a special thanks to those who commented.

The Spirit of Christmas

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Ho, ho, ho! Meerrrryyyy Christmas! Due to the gentle encouragement of several readers, I have posted another chapter. (those who were whining and chastising, well, you get to benefit from those of your colleagues, who were measured and encouraging in their manner. Ho, Ho, HO!)

To be fair, this one does not really have any smut within. It moves things along, plot-wise, a bit, and sets things up for Chapter 4. In Chapter 4, there is excitement, and some sex (not much). This story winds up being around 5 chapters, all told (so to speak...), and I see it concluding in 2 weeks. That is, chapter 4 the end of this week, and Chapter 5 the end of next week.

So, thank you all for reading, and Merry Christmas to you all.



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