1: Acts of Grace by Marsh Alien Sweet story, moves right along, and mild, very mild, "willing suspension of disbelief". Not particularly "porn-ey", but I still read it in one sitting, riveted.
Thank you, Marsh Alien.
3: Ardent by Fable Arousing. Complex. Sad.
But, sometimes life is sad.
It drew me in.
4: Area 15 by Samantha K. It felt like quite a wait for this, the next Samantha Draco story. It certainly seems worth it, to me. Not particularly porn-y, but if you are a fan of the Dragon stories (and I enthusiastically am!), it is an excellent read!
5: The Arrangement by MarkStory Thoughtful buildup, and, face it, every guy's fantasy: bedding and rocking the world of some fit, sweet, adolescent girl. What guy wouldn't "rise to the occasion", at least in his mind?
6: Being a Jerk for Halloween by Lubrican Again, !Lubrican! is the reason. His stories flow and carry you along. The sex is hot. The interactions are credible.
7: Cowboys and Indians by peregrinf The character development, the evolution of sexuality, and the hotness of a young woman enjoying bondage and mild pain all appeal to my twisted side.
9: Dancing for Daddy by Lubrican As is so, so, so typical of a Lubrican story, the plot is credible (if you accept the initial premise, that is), the characters are engaging, and the narrator/protagonist reacts to events in a manner that makes, well, me, at least, say to myself, "Self, I don't know if I'd react in that way, but, considering the totality of the circumstances, I do not *KNOW* that I would not!" .
Not really "porn-y", with character exploration to boot.
And, or course, there is the underlying reason to read a Lubrican story: he is such a wonderful storyteller.
10: Forbidden Desires by Sausage Dog Engaging characters, credible dialogue, and hot scenes of romance. What's not to like?
12: A Gift for Dad by Meatbot nice, simple story, and credible reaction from the dad.
13: In Kind by LOAnnie2 While I have to confess, in the real world, the likely "repayment" would be a nice dinner and perhaps the beginning of a romantic relationship, this story is engaging, smoothly told, and paced just right: fast enough to keep my attention, leisurely enough to reveal some character development. (although, how much character development can occur in a single "romantic interlude"?)
All in all, I liked this story enough that, 3 years after I had read it, I searched it out, simply so I could read it again!
14: Rhonda and Seattle's Damp Air by Just Plain Bob interesting characterizations, willing-suspension-of-disbelief-able plot development, and character development as the story progresses. Interesting read!
15: Sam at the Con by Samantha K. Ever wonder what courage is? Sam knows, and explains it in one paragraph. Even if for no other reason, and there are MANY other reasons to read the Sam stories, read this story for this reason.
17: A Stitch In Time by Marsh Alien I am truly disappointed to say that I only recently discovered this story. On the other hand, perhaps I am partially redeemed by the fact that I have been staying up late reading it, and getting up early to resume reading it. Kinda light on the porn, really, really heavy on the "Great! Story!"
18: Summer Project by T.S. Fesseln This is the story that introduced me to Fesseln. This story showed my what BDSM porn fiction could read like. This is what I aspire to in some of my own stories.
19: Summer Training by T.S. Fesseln This story simply swept me in, and then wouldn't let me go. (Sort of like Stephanie, right?)
20: Taking My Spring Break in New England - Part One by DelawareDan I enjoyed it because it is more than "insert tab "A" into slot "B", reciprocate until satisfied" Engaging story. I can see why the author reports that it kept him up three nights! Kept me up past my own bedtime!
21: Theresa The Elder by Al Steiner Al Steiner is one of those folks who, even when they write a story that doesn't appeal to me, write it well. Very readable. My only complaint is that he is not writing hardly at all, lately. Good luck with school, Al!
22: Tumblr Daughter by Lubrican Engaging story, I can relate (strictly as a thought experiment!) to the ruminations of the male lead character, and the narrative is Hot!
23: Yule by Friar Dave Unexpectedly, this story is as much about forgiveness and remorse, as it is about sex. The author elicits reflection, and longing for the opportunity to rethink historic poor decisions.
I've re read this tale several times.