Burr (8) 1993 is the continuation of Sammy's Adventures and covers the time from June 1 to December 31, 1993. Hope you have read the other books in the series, but if not, the Prologue gives background on characters, both old and new.
Burr (9) 1994 is the continuation of the Sammy's Adventures series. Sammy works hard, plays hard, and is benevolent. It is recommended that you read the other eight installments in order to keep abrest of the many references to past events and characters from the past. I would hope that new readers will start at the beginning, however, you may also find a description of past characters in the prolougue to 1993. 1994 contains 28 chapters, and posts will be made every other day.
Sex Contents: Some Sex | Genre: Romantic Tags: Ma/Fa, Consensual, Romantic, Interracial, Black Female, White Male, First, Slow, School Downloads: 7407 | Votes: 159 | Score: 7.08 Size: 85KB | 16,419 words |
Burr (1) Sammy was headed for a life of non-achievement when something happened to change his life. This story is a look back at the years that followed, filled with hard work, growth and sexual awakening as Sammy weighs what could have been versus the actual outcome. Was it a stroke of luck that transformed his life or something bigger? Sammy likes to think of it as dominos falling, just right.
Burr (3) A new chapter in the life of Sammy K. Oldham. Now eighteen, Sammy heads off to College to meet a new cast of characters, cope with a new set of circumstances and follow each path the falling dominoes take him.
A Widows Story (3) This is the third and last book in the Widows series. There are 14 chapters and I intend to post chapters daily. If you have not read the other books, Electives and Picking up the Pieces, it would be helpful to do so for background purposes as some of the characters are carried over, but it's not absolutely necessary. Please keep in mind: I expect and enjoy feedback.
Burr (2) Dominoes takes up where Burr left off. It is assumed the reader knows past characters and the circumstances that got Sammy to this point. To Sammy, dots on the falling domino are telling, a forecast of future events. In his senior year at Cromwell Military Academy he connects the dots to his life.
A Widows Story (2) Electives is the second story in the Widows series. Timewise, it overlaps 'Picking up the pieces' by a year, and some of the same characters appear in both stories.