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When doing things, and managing to do the same task wrong a dozen different ways, it is easy for depression to set in.
It didn't help that I met with an old friend today who is being strongly affected by Parkinson's disease, and if I'm right early symptoms of Alzheimer's as well...
Then I can't seem to get simple shit right? Time to turn out the lights? I hope not, but will I wait too long and not be able to know I ought to turn out the lights?
Can anyone parse the legal agreement for Uber back to English for me? Most of what I've read so far seems to be an agreement to be bound by arbitration, rather than to take them to court if I have a disagreement with them, but the going is somewhat dense...
Anyway, the reason I'm asking is that I'm thinking very hard about possibly doing Ubereats to help my income situation. I drive a beater of a car, but that would certainly help the situation, if I could raise income that way that is.
(c) 2019 Tori Jones
To begin with, this is a true story and it starts about the 28th of May 2019. Now some know that this author has been seeking far and wide for employment, and so with that in mind, keep a couple of thoughts at the front of your thought processes while reading the author's tale of woe.
There isn't (just in case you got this far without paying any attention to anything else) any overt, covert, or otherwise sex in this story. In real life, the author is pretty much a homebody, who never sees anyone apart from work.
With all of the above said, disclaimers made, etc, etc… Let me get back to my tale. When I heard (and maybe that is the real starting point) that a certain company about 100 miles from me was going to hire for at least the summer several people I set off on Tuesday morning to see what I could see with regard to that job. But before I started out, I had to pick up fuel… So being a bright bear, I stopped at a local no brand stop-and-rob to pick up fuel… Bad mistake I guess, though I wasn't robbed at gunpoint…. Small mercies do happen at times. Anyway, long story short, I start my car shortly after pumping fuel aboard and head down the road, only to have the engine start to spit and sputter… quick witted analysis on my part, what has recently changed? I pumped onboard fuel… Aha moment! There must be water in my fuel… (I haven't absolutely confirmed that diagnosis, though I've tried a couple of things to make the water vacate if possible, and still have some coughing and spitting from my engine… (there are several places here with grand-fathered UGST [under ground storage tanks] three of which I seem to have hit lately and the rain has had the area pretty close to flooding…) Anyway, I'm surviving that, though I'm trying to figure out how I might be able to get to and from work if I need to take car to mechanic… It is still under implied warranty (mechanic I bought it from, said bring it back if I had trouble and he'd make it right…) so that is somewhat taken care of from a dollars and cents perspective, but not a transportation perspective as far as I'm concerned, after all I need to be places EARLY (at least according to the bus schedule) and far away from where buses run any way…. So I'm still working that one out… May have to break down and dig out all my pennies and other small change (sans quarters [for the laundry don't ya know?]) and see if I have enough to get my bicycle ride able…
But really all of the above still doesn't address the mouth full of yuck… So again back to my wandering tale of woe. I've been working various places and riding in the crew crummy for various crews, and even (in some cases) changing up from one crummy to another when the crew is large enough to warrant more than one ragged, dragged truck on the job… so, everyone (as in the crummy driver) is supposed to load on at least a little bottled water, since it is HOTTER THAN THE OUTER CIRCLES OF HADES HERE IN THE SUMMER!!!
Well needless to say, I and my partner in running a string trimmer got in a crummy and started around a new loop of road. It wasn't the one we started with, and I didn't take my lunch box with me… (I bet you all know where this might be headed) Now I'm generally at least as bright as the average bear… and I know that water is generally on me… But we'd been working about a half hour, maybe more, playing mountain goat in cuts and fills along the road knocking down the grass and brush (which requires up to a chain saw, but usually can be done with a blade trimmer) and sweating our tails off… I started searching the crummy for abandoned bottles of water… and lo there seemed to be one hidden among the detritus in the bed of the crummy…
Being rather dry, I pulled the cap off that bottle and took a swig… Some fool had put gasoline in a water bottle… I poured out what was left… Hey don't leave a fucking trap for your fellow worker, even if the rat bastards have left a trap for the unwary. You sprang it, make sure it stays sprung.
And so for the last day or so I've been dealing with getting gasoline out of my system… And thus the moral of the story: FUEL AND WATER DO NOT MIX!!!!!!!
Oh, what about the socialists and communists?
There are two varieties of each locally… Socialists I don't like to deal with but can avoid generally are ants… They are somewhat miserable and very territorial… But I can move out of their AO and not have too much problem except occasionally having to pull my shirt off and beat the bitches out of it…
The other variety has two legs and leaves a mess behind, because it isn't their job to pick up after themselves. A lot of them also smell of burned rope… Or Marijuana if you like, in large quantities. This type is relatively harmless, unless they have begun to think they ought to join the government of the state…
Communists on the other hand, if you can spot them before you enter their areas are to be avoided at all costs… There are two types of them too. The first has a set of wings and heaven fore-fend that you somehow step on their nest if they are ground dwelling bitches… For they will attack you en mass and you'll be lucky to survive the encounter if you aren't close enough to the lake to jump in and stay submerged for minutes at a time! These are the hornets that live around where I work a lot. Luckily for me, I have always managed to spot them coming up from their nests like an evil smoke demarcating the dwelling of an evil jinni.
The other type of communist is the state bureaucrat… some are true believers and some are not, and on first glance you don't know which you're dealing with. So treat them all with utmost caution!
And thus ends the postscript to my tale of woe.
Open Office is wonderful, until... you try to do something odd with it. I was trying today, without much success, to create a business card. I went out and spent (including tax) about $26 on resume paper and blank business cards... The second being the larger expense!! Really $20 (19.95) for 300 business cards!? GWOLLLEEEEE I can nearly have them custom printed at that rate! But I want to be able to experiment with several ideas, including printing on both sides.... for my cards, and limit my exposure to about 10 or 20 cards at a time. That is if I can ever get open office to give me an actual business card template and populate it with the info I want... I may have to see if someplace has a bare bones copy of windows word, since I don't intend to put in any logos or other artwork (at least to start) on my card. Well, enough griping here, back to trying to get the program to do what it says it will do, which is print 10 cards on 8.5*11 paper before I move to the actual business cards.
I hacked away at my resumé in order to get it down to a single page, and I've got a bit of a pdf that is supposed to teach superior resumé strategies to read sometime soon, so I guess I'd best get back to the ol' grind stone!
So html is quite frustrating to me just now. However I'm beginning to recognize things... :) I've done the introductory lessons a couple of times and still manage to misplace opening or closing angled brackets that seem to define the tags. I hope I'll get so that they aren't quite as frustrating, and when something fails, that I'll know what to start to look for.
Actually I am beginning to do that, though the variety of mistakes I can make is a bit boggling at the moment! Still maybe I will learn enough to start seeing results.
I downloaded notepad++ and have an idea or two (maybe) of turning this (or something similar) into a blog elsewhere and trying to run with it for sake of earning an income.
My first thought was to use the title Up From Poverty as my blog title. Let me know what you think.
On another note, though they are going somewhat slowly, I have a couple of ideas for my favorite whipping boy, so look out for more Adventures of Cocksockett. Expect that Calvin will become more rounded as things proceed and that he and probably Gina at least will no longer be cardboard cutouts (barely two dimensional at best) at least that seems to be where I'm headed... Can I do it in less than a thousand word bits!?
As always your comments on any and all I've written and shared are craved.... Yes authors have several addictions, one of which is feedback from fans!
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