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Don't take these as requests. There are some books I hope to get a chance to read in the next year or so... They are: Where's My Flying Car? (I'm not sure of the author, and it's hard to transfer to here when I find it) The Unified Theory of Scare Stories, Patrick Moore, Fossil Future, Alex Epstein, Apocalypse Never, Michael Schellenberger. Let me get my computer set up before you point me to places to borrow e-copies.
I've been holding off on picking up a new(er) computer until I'd made some other decisions in my life. Now, for better or worse I've decided to hold off on moving for at least a year. With that in mind I'm back to shopping at least semi-seriously for a computer.
My main concern is that it be fairly durable and relatively inexpensive, which two categories have very limited intersection.
Not me! Tonight while making my way to work I passed a couple of people walking (with traffic, no less) along the side of hwy 97 (which has no place where it's particularly 'safe' to walk along the road) while wearing dark clothes, indeed if one of them hadn't been wearing either a sports bra or something similar I might not have spotted them at all! Especially considering I was meeting traffic at the time.
Or being defeated by a banding machine... There are reasons why I have difficulty advancing in jobs, or even keeping jobs, and the fact that a banding machine is defeating me is a prime example of why. Then there's the fact that I don't have the self-discipline to be a good writer. To do that I'd have to write every day and learn to plot and finish what I start....
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