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While I'm not ready to replace my phone any time soon, I'm wondering if the usb-c plug is any better than the mini USB plug?
The second question is, have we forgotten how to ask questions?
The reason I ask the second is partly because of what I've been listening to lately. I'm listening currently to the Bitcoin standard podcast. Certainly they're not the only ones that have caused me to ask have we forgotten how to ask questions. But the presentation I'm listening to certainly is pushing me further in the direction of believing that not only have we forgotten how ask questions, but is asking questions being actively being discouraged?
I've started writing something new. Whether it will show up here or not is yet to be seen.
I'm also toying with a possible endless serial for here in the mode of the jokes and giggles series by another author here.
It would be less of a blog and more of a sort of sets of observations and topics that interests me but wouldn't be a blog per se.
That word probably more defines me more than any other word. Thus I know why I don't succeed at most anything I try. Why? Because I don't believe it's possible for me. I look and honestly don't have any faith that anything I try will work. I don't set goals, what use are they to me. The universe doesn't care? Oh heck yes it does, I swear the universe has painted a bullseye on me, not for death, just for the laughter of watching pratfalls happen to me.
Heck of a solipsist, ain't I?
Once more, for the umpteenth time, I've reread lazlong's classic, Millionaire Next Door if you haven't read it, I can't recommend it highly enough. As usual the story has me thinking. I have an older, but still functional laptop. Sure I'd like to figure out how to move it to a Linux system, 'cause the version of Windows that it's running isn't supported any longer so far as I can tell.
Why am I considering trying to resurrect that machine? Limited finance, and everything in my price range, even used appears terribly shoddy. I really do want to take another run at moving to where I gain my income from proofreading. I've an idea or two, but to actualize them it's my belief that I'll require a laptop, not a tablet of any sort.
Considering my recent reading forray, I've evaluated my relationships, or lack thereof. Unfortunately that lack, is entirely my fault..... And again unfortunately I'm not apt to change that.
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